Congratulations on being chosen for a ERASMUS KA171 scholarship by your home university!
On the following pages you will find everything that you need to know for receiving your grant.
After you have been selected for a KA171 by your home university, you need to submit an ERASMUS application. Please follow the instructions in the "Checklist for KA171 students" (see below).
The receipt of a KA171 scholarship requires the timely submission of several documents before your arrival, during your stay and before you leave Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. With the help of this checklist, you have all information in one place. In addition, please mind the "Checklist for exchange students".
In the Checklist for Incoming Students you will find all the important information you need to know to prepare, complete and finish your studies abroad at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Here you will find further information on all mandatory documents mentioned in the KA171 checklist.
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