nova space: POWER HOUSE Episode 01 – where do we grow from here, 2023
Type: Exhibition Curator: Katharina Wendler

‘EPISODE 01 – where do we grow from here’ is the first chapter of the exhibition POWER HOUSE, with which nova space, the university gallery of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, is a guest at the Schiller-Museum on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the first-ever Bauhaus exhibition.

The starting point for this inaugural presentation is to briefly pause and reflect on the questions of where we stand and where we want to go. Never before have there been more people on our planet than now. Resources have never been more contested, space scarcer, environmental changes more palpable than in the present. Growth and development are ubiquitous terms, but where and how do they become visible?

The exhibition features works by five students of Bauhaus-Universität, four alumni, and three international artists who are already established. None of them provide final answers to these big questions, but open up individual perspectives on the topic of growth with their works and take a look at different aspects of it.

Participants: Mirsini Artakianou, Detel Aurand, Margret Blöndal, Felix Deiters, Anna Miklavcic, Ioannis Oriwol, Leon Purtscher, Till Röttjer, Masami Saito, Martha Steinmetz, Rio Usui, Khashayar Zandyavari

Photos: Jannis Uffrecht


Fine Art
nova space
Katharina Wendler
Leon Purtscher
Ioannis Oriwol
Anna Miklavcic
Felix Deiters
Margret Blöndal
Detel Aurand
Mirsini Artakianou
Till Röttjer
Masami Saito
Martha Steinmetz
Rio Usui
Khashayar Zandyavari