Klasse Dahlem: Unmonumental Moments, 2022
Type: Exhibition Degree Programme: Fine Art (Dipl.) Professorship: Sculpture, Object, Installation Advisor: Prof. Björn Dahlem, Florian Schmidt, Michaela Mai

The exhibition “Unmonumental Moments” at the Jenaer Kunstverein shows the perspective of young artists to an increasingly fragmented world and perception. The artistic snapshots, which manifest themselves as site-specific installations, extended paintings and (wall) drawings, resonate with the overriding question of the significance of the non-monumental, the ephemeral and temporality. The current works by students of the Kunstwelt Klub at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar formulate an approach to a whole in their processual nature and through their incompleteness, from which a space of experience emerges inside the gallery.

Participants: Lilly Marie Braatz, Coretta Klaue, Lea Bredenbals, Felix Deiters, Rio Usui, Till Röttjer, Fabian Reetz

Further Information: jenaer-kunstverein.de/unmonumental-moments

Fine Art
Sculpture – Object – Installation
Prof. Björn Dahlem
Florian Schmidt
Michaela Mai
Klasse Dahlem
Lilly Marie Braatz
Coretta Klaue
Lea Bredenbals
Felix Deiters
Rio Usui
Till Röttjer
Fabian Reetz