Aktuelles zum Interdisziplinären Lehrangebot
The current call for applications for the ‘Student Bauhaus.modules’ funding fund for the summer semester 2025 has begun and ends on 20 December 2024.
You can find the documents for the call for applicationshere.
You can submit your applicationhere.
Help with the application
Information and explanations on all questions relating to the application can be found in the FAQs under ‘Application’.
Online information event for interested applicants
The next online information event on applying for the ‘Student Bauhaus.Module’ funding fund for the summer semester 2025 will take place on 13 November 2025 at 3.00 pm. All interested applicants are cordially invited to find out more about the Bauhaus.modules, the requirements and funding opportunities and to ask their questions.
Link to the room:
Anmeldung »Geöffnete Lehrveranstaltungen« für das Wintersemester 2024/25
Die Anmeldung von »Geöffneten Lehrveranstaltungen« für das Wintersemester 2024/25 ist nicht mehr möglich. Für das Sommersemester 2025 können »Akademische Bauhaus.Module« zwischen dem 6. Januar und 14. Februar 2025 angemeldet werden.
Registration for "Academic Bauhaus.modules" for the winter semester 2024/25
Registration for "Academic Bauhaus.modules" for the winter semester 2024/25 is no longer possible. For the summer semester 2025, "Academic Bauhaus.modules" can be registered between 6 January and 14 February 2025.
In Search of a Pattern That Connects - Gastvortrag von Tomer Baruch
Animals and Synthesizers
MONTAG | 17.01.22 | 11 UHR
In Search of a Pattern That Connects - Gastvortrag von Marie Davidova
The Real Life CoDesign Laboratory
MONTAG | 13.12.21 | 11 UHR
In Search of a Pattern That Connects - Gastvortrag von Jon Goodbun
Aesthetics, the Sacred, and re-defining the possibilities of planning
MONTAG | 15.11.21 | 11 UHR
In Search of a Pattern That Connects - Gastvortrag von Ben Sweeting
Design and the Roots of Ecological Crisis
MONTAG | 08.11.21 | 11 UHR
campus.eroberung - # PODIUMSDISKUSSION
(Nicht) Bauen für unter 1,5 Grad?*
MITTWOCH | 12.05.21 | 19 UHR
Die Welt für alle lesbar gestalten!
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Digital Exhibition - The Struggle is Part of the Story
Ab dem 30.07.2020 ist die digitale Ausstellung der Bauhaus.Module-Lehrveranstaltung "The Struggle is Part of the Story" online!
Die Ausstellung…
University Address
Street Address
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8
99423 Weimar
Postal Address
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
99421 Weimar
You can find further information on the web page of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.