⌂ | lecturer network
This visualisation shows the Bauhaus-Universität lecturers and their shared courses in the current semester.
This visualisation shows the network of course trainers at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
The more courses are led by one person, the bigger is that person's node in the network.
If a course is led by several people, these people are connected with edges in the network.
The closer two people are to each other, the more courses they manage together.
Short tips on how to interpret the diagram:
- The diagram can be zoomed into by turning the mouse wheel or a finger pinch. And the current view can be moved by holding and pressing the mouse button.
- A specific teacher can be selected via the search field. The teacher is coloured red in the network and all persons who are not connected to the teacher are greyed out.
- If no specific teacher is selected in the search field, hovering over a person will display the person's name and highlight all persons associated with that person.
- By selecting a person, a link is displayed in the headline that leads to the listing of all events of this person.
- Disjoint Force-Directed Graph by Mike Bostock: https://observablehq.com/@d3/disjoint-force-directed-graph
- Vizualisation Course: https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/medien/professuren/medieninformatik/vr/teaching/ss-2021/course-visualization/