Das Bauhaus-Institut lädt sehr herzlich zum Bauhaus-ARGUMENTE Weihnachtskonzert am Donnerstag, den 11. Dezember, 19:30 Uhr ins Bauhaus Atelier ein. Die finnische Künstlerin Tea Mäkipää und der griechische Künstler Zafos Xagoraris werden Sound-Performances und Klanginstallationen präsentieren.
Anschließend sind alle zur kleinen Weihnachtsfeier eingeladen.
Tea Mäkipää is a Finnish artist known for her installations, architectural works, photo landscapes and videos. She earned her B.F.A. from the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki and her M.F.A. from the Royal College of Art, London. Recent installations include: the Berlinische Galerie, Germany; Halle 14, Leipzig, Germany; VTT Technical Research Center of the State of Finland, Espoo; the Künstlervereinigung MAERZ, Linz, Austria; and Stiftung Ludwig Forum, Aachen, Germany. Her works are in the collections of the Helsinki City Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki; the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany; and the Sammlung Federkiel, Leipzig, Germany.
In her current work she reflects on the question how to be a good human being in the 21st century? Education and media help us find information of origins and consequences of our actions as members of various communities we belong to, but also about what we eat, how we live, how we travel and entertain ourselves. Family traditions and cultural backgrounds lead us to view and absorb this information to create our own personalized worldview and to act accordingly. In her photographs, videos and often large-scale installations in public spaces and galleries, Tea Mäkipää explores these demarcations from various viewpoints, sometimes that of an animal, sometimes as a city-dweller, or a traveller.
In this concert performance Tea Mäkipää will react to the space of the event, the Bauhaus-Atelier which was built in 1886 for the painter Albert Heinrich Brendel, professor and later director of the Weimar Saxon-Grand Ducal Art School, who used the workshop to study and paint animals.
Zafos Xagoraris is a Greek artist working with public installations, obstructing devices and sound amplification systems. He is professor at the Athens School of Fine arts where he trained before studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In his doctoral research at the Department of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens he investigated the astounding technical constructions invented by Heron of Alexandria. Zafos Xagoraris has widely exhibited his work in international exhibitions such as: Sotto quale Cielo?, Museo Riso, Palermo, 2011, ETICO_F, Termini Imerese, 2010, Manifesta 7, 2008, 1st Bienal Fin del Mundo, 2007, 1st Thessaloniki Biennale, 2007 and the 27th Sao Paulo Bienal, 2006. In 2004 he was one of the curators of the Greek Pavilion of the Venice Architecture Biennale and curator at the 2nd Athens Biennial in 2009. His works have been published under the title The Arrow and the Eye, Athens, Patakis Publishers, 2002, Three Bells, Athens (Athens National Museum of Contemporary Art ), 2003 and, Silencers and Amplifiers, Milan, Postmedia Books, 2009.
In this concert Zafos Xagoraris will present a sound installation that works with the sound archive of recordings produced by the Berlin professor Wilhelm Doegen (1877-1967) who during World War I visited Prisoner of War camps to collect samples of languages, dialects and traditional music. Zafos Xagoraris will work with sounds collected in a Greek prisoner of war camp in Görlitz in 1917.
Weitere Informationen: https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/architektur-und-urbanistik/institute/bauhaus-institut/bauhaus-argumente/weihnachtskonzert-11122014/
Des Weiteren gibt es eine Facebook-Veranstaltung: https://www.facebook.com/events/468451373292840/
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