The book "The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications" explores the merging relationship between physical and virtual spaces in planning and urban design. Technological advances such as smart sensors, interactive screens, locative media and evolving computation software have impacted the ways in which people experience, explore, interact with and create these complex spaces.This book draws together a broad range of interdisciplinary researchers in areas such as architecture, urban design, spatial planning, geoinformation science, computer science and psychology to introduce the theories, models, opportunities and uncertainties involved in the interplay between virtual and physical spaces. Using a wide range of international contributors, from the UK, USA, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Japan, it provides a framework for assessing how digital technology alters data collection, analysis and our perception of physical space.
Dr. phil. Saskia Kuliga is a researcher and environmental psychologist at the chair of information science in architecture (InfAR) at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. She contributed Chapter 5 "From Real to Virtual and Back - A multi-method approach for investigating the impact of urban morphology on human spatial experiences". This chapter describes her recent research, which is conducted together with Martin Bielik, Sven Schneider, Dirk Donath, and Reinhard König at InfAR; in collaboration with Danielle Griego, Varun Ohja, and Gerhard Schmitt from ETH Zürich. Within her Bauhaus PostDoc Scholarship 2017, Saskia Kuliga investigates how virtual reality simulation can support and supplement user-centred architectural planning and the early evaluation of human-environment interactions.
The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications
Edited by Claudia Yamu, Alenka Poplin, Oswald Devisch, Gert De Roo
with a contribution by Dr. Saskia Kuliga
288 pages
Routledge, 2018
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