
2023 Alumni event at the Summaery at Bauhaus-University

On Saturday, July 15, 2023 former IUDD students organized the first large IUDD Alumni Event along with the university's annual exhibition "summaery23"at the Bauhaus University. After the long phase of Corona restrictions the years before this was finally 'the' opportunity to do such an event in presence during lovely summertime and amidst great impulses of student's works exhibited from all faculties!

  • The event started with the annual meeting of our alumni association AFEU e.V. discussing possibilities to interlink the group of alumni from before and after 2018. During the plenary meeting, Participants were given a presentation on the association's previous activities, guidelines, goals and tasks from the outset and ideas for the future were collected. 
    Three graduates presented their current fields of work in 30-minute presentations. They work for international companies in the field of urban planning and urban development. I the discussion they also explained their personal partway before and after their IUDD studies. 
    Following the alumni presentations, current IUDD students took over the active part. They had just had completed the study project in the second semester of the master’s programme and presented their results from the study project "Resilient interventions in Seestadt Aspern, Vienna" at the green:house- and another part of the students explained their strategies for
    "Integrated Urbanism - Adaptive Planning Strategies for Rural-Urban Transformation in Ethiopia" at the Computer-Cube.
    On this hot summer-day, next to enjoying  cold ice-cream from the Bauhaus-Atelier, we discussed urban issues, got to know the fields other Alumnis are working in, challenges & opportunities one is facing while searching for a new job but mainly were delighted to see old and new faces who are interested to keep in touch with the IUDD-Community! All in all the event brought together 23 alumni including also some current students. We are already looking into the activities for the next years to come.