Master Thesis
The Master Thesis is the final part of the study programme. All the acquired knowledge and practiced skills will be used in a final project. The examples of theses shown on this page stem mostly from the Chair "Informatik in der Architektur und Urbanistik". However, the part of "completed theses" creates a complete picture of the possible disciplines and topics of master's theses.
Urban building energy modeling
Master Thesis by Martin Oravec
Study Programme Integrated Urban Development & Design
In this Master Thesis Martin Oravec uses energy analysis tools to evaluate the energy performance of different competition entries for the Ecovillage in Hannover.
Urban Building Energy Modeling - Martin Oravec (IUDD Master Thesis, 2020)
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The combination of new energy efficiency building standards and new technologies ultimately shape the building environment into a more sustainable one. However, after summarizing the current problems and partial solutions to the negative environmental impact of the building & construction sector it is clear that more has to be done to mitigate the already ongoing climate crisis.
This thesis examines an emerging method for sustainable urban planning applicable in the earlier stages of the urban design process called UBEM - urban energy building modelling. The method consist of simulating energy demand of urban design proposals and with the help of other sustainable performance simulations it will be applied of the ongoing urban planning competition Ecovillage Hannover. The goal is to identify which of the enrolled seven urban design proposals at most fulfils the criteria of a sustainable urban design. From the various assessed criteria - heating energy consumption, solar power and rainwater harvest, thermal and daylight comforts the efficiency of the heating consumption proves to be the largest CO2 contributor, hence the most important criterion of sustainability.
Your Masters thesis represents your final step towards completing your scientific education. It is meant to exhibit the candidates ability to engage with an issue of the urban realm independently - within three months and by way of scientific methods (see § 9 Abs. 6 Examinations Regulations). Key information on the execution of the Masters thesis are compiled in the below guidelines. There are two regular deadlines when you can apply to write your thesis. Please consider that to develop a topic and thesis proposal and to ask suitable examiners/ supervisors of your thesis needs enough time before the registration deadlines.
Master Thesis Application - Deadlines for summer and winter semester
Based on §6 and §17 of the Examination Regulations students have to submit the Thesis Application Form to the IUDD Examination Office (print or email) by the following deadlines at latest before starting to write the master thesis:
April 10 - for writing the thesis during summer semester
October 10 - for writing the thesis during winter semester
By submitting the Thesis Application Form students apply for a certain subject and supervisors (examiners) of the thesis - based on a thesis proposal (abstract) and are officially registered for that process. Application and registration for the Master Thesis writing phase is either in the summer semester or winter semester. Please check forms and regulations below one month before the deadline as they are part of your preparation to the thesis. After submitting the application form to the examination office, students will be formally registered for thesis writing by May 1 (summer semester) or November 1 (winter semester) from which the formal writing phase of 12 weeks is starting.
Instructions, forms and regulations (downloads)
1. Find more details in the Thesis Application Form (download here)
2. The requested Performance Control Sheet which has been handed over to students at the beginning of their studies if also available digital here.
3. Find more information as a step-by-step description of the Masters Thesis Procedures here.
4. IUDD Examination Regulations
Submission of master thesis
One printed version of the thesis has to be submitted to the IUDD secretary Ms. Annett Wagner. The additional prints serve the examiners/supervisors (and an additional one for yourself). In case a supervisor abstains from a printed version and asks to only get a digital one, please inform and forward the IUDD secretary through a written statement (Email) of the supervisor.
1. For the final print and digital version of the thesis you are required to include and sign the Statutory Declaration (compulsory for the Master´s Thesis Report).
2. Example for the Master´s Thesis Cover Page.
3. Exceptional thesis defense (oral examination): In case you second supervisor is not able to attend your final thesis defense you can suggest and hand in the Application form to suggest a third Supervisor at the IUDD examination office.
IUDD Examination Office
Prüfungsamt Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik
Ms. Katrin Sonnet (katrin.sonnet @
IUDD Secretary
Ms. Annett Wagner
(annett.wagner [at]
If you move during or after your studies at Bauhaus-university Weimar, please tell your new address to the IUDD secretary, Ms. Wagner.
SuSe 2024
Mariia Baeva
Impact of Asylum Seeker Accommodation Centrality on Social Integration: A Study in the Netherlands
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König
Maria Victoria Behler M.Sc.
Emma Louise Norrington
An assessment of existing rock climbing locations in Sydney and their locality impacts: Risks of closure.
Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider
David Benjamin Beckert
The effect of urban morphological patterns on the amount and purity of household plastic packaging and other waste in a case study of the City of Weimar in Thuringia/Germany.
Prof. Eckard Kraft
Dr. Martin Bielik
Egor Gaydukov
Mapping Activity
Movement Patterns and Public Space Utilization
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König
Dr. Martin Bielik
Gissell Sanchez Galindo
Urban Public Spaces and the Role of Visibility and Accessibility
Exploring Sitting Patterns in Berlin´s Pocket Parks
Prof. Dr. Reinhard König
Dr. Sven Schneider
Anja Hanschmann
A Futre for Lost Places:
Current approaches on how to manage abandoned places in a rural context using the example of Thuringia.
Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Huning
Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt
Ilias Kulbarisov
Optimizing Location of Hospitals in Ethiopia Based on Their Transport Accessibility
Prof. Dr. Reinhard König
Dr. Martin Bielik
Farzaneh Semati
Measuring Visual Urban Eperience
A computational quantitative exploration of visual experiences in urban public spaces
Prof. Dr. Reinhard König
Dr. Sven Schneider
WiSe 2023/24
Schreya Singh
Redefining mobility
An ethnographic study of women´s experiences of daily travel in Kathmanduu
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Vollmer)
Natalia Gushchina
Queer Community in Public spaces: perception of safety
Case study Weimar, Germany
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Dr. Nicole Baron)
Franziska Verena Paul
Computational evaluation of urban ventilation strategies of street network layouts
An analysis by comparing the methods of CFD simulations and AI prediction
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Jakob Moritz Becker M.Sc.)
Iffat Mahmuda Khan
Disappearing Memories with Disappearing Lands (A Affordable Flood-Resilient Home: Integrating Recycled, Reused and Local Materials for Resilience in Bangladesh)
(First Supervisor: Prof. Johannes Kuehn, Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kraft)
Agustin Azar
[ Atlas Microcentro ]
An initial exploration on repurposing vacant office buildings for residential use within Buenos Aires business district.
(First Supervisor: Prof. José Mario Gutierrez Marquez, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Aycil Yilmaz
Preserving of Istanbul´s Water Buffalos
A Study on the Destructive Aspects of Urban Development Policies And The Histrical Transformation of Buffalo Culture
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Daniela Zupan, Second Supervisor: Dr. Gül Tucaltan)
Mariia Baeva
Impact of Asylum Seeker Accommodation Centrality on Social Integration: A Study in the Netherlands
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Maria Victoria Behler M.Sc.)
David Benjamin Beckert
The effect of urban morphological patterns on the amount and purity of household plastic packaging and other waste in a case study of the City of Weimar in Thuringia/Germany.
(First Supervisor: Prof. Eckard Kraft, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Egor Gaydukov
Mapping Activity
Movement Patterns and Public Space Utilization
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Emma Louise Norrington
An assessment of existing rock climbing locations in Sydney and their locality impacts: Risks of closure.
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider)
SuSe 2023
Bahar Melisa Yildiran
Cyclability Indes to Determine Bike-Friendliness of Weimar´s Urban Environment
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Julius Uhlmann)
Anastassiia Sinkova
Improving soundscape quality of a public space using urban design tools
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Olaf Kammler)
Amrei Gutmann
Moving freely
(Understanding multiply marginalized Women*’s movement patterns in Weimar, Germany, for a just sustainable transport transformation)
(First Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Schwinghammer)
Omar Naamani
Transforming Streetscapes
Reshaping Beirut´s Streets by Adapting International and European Urban Mobility Policies
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Dr. Martin Bielik)
Nursultan Tynchtykbekuulu
Improving Post-Soviet Informal Settlements
Public Space Development to Improve Urban Quality of Life, the case of Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
(First Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Karl Eckert M.Sc.)
Kerrin Ilse Dibbern
Managing the Shift from Suburb to City.
An analysis of typology change strategy for single-familiy houses in the northern metropole region of Hamburg.
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Karl Eckert M.Sc.)
Luyang Zhang
Automatic Residential Floor Plan Layout Prediction Based on Graph Neural Networks
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Daria Bibartceva
Enhancing Rainwater collection and filtration design through computational methods: a Case Study in Ueckerstraße, Hamburg, Germany
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Iuliia Ostintesva)
Irem Calisir
Revealing Accessibility Disparities Among Universtiy Students in Weimar: A Spatial Analysis of Social Infrastructure Access in the Context of Social Exclusion and Social Capital
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Ali Alkhansa
Generative Vernacular
A Conceptual Framework for Contemporary Urban Planning Informed by the Urban Morphology oft he Arab-Islamic City
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Ping-yi Hung
Decoding Urban Masterplan
Use Machine learning as Urban Block Design Case Provider
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider)
Laura Glock
How resilient were mobility measures funded by the Urban Development Support Funding in the past?
Resiliency Evaluation of German Urban Development Support Funding on the example of mobility measures implemented in Regensburg
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Karl Eckert M.Sc.)
Kamila Abbiazova
Creation of business dirstrict a spart of urban redevelopment strategy:
A case study of Kop van Zuid, Rijnhaven and Katendrecht in Rotterdam
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Henriette Charlotte Goldbeck
Multifunctional ROOFSCAPE
Compariaon of Two Cases
How are Hamburg and Amsterdam using policy instruments to promote multifunctional roofscapes to transform urban space in sustainable and resilient ways, and where are the differences in their approaches
(First Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Karl Eckert M.Sc.)
WiSe 2022/23
Renata Shaikhutdinova
Influence of Wind and Urban Geometry on Urban Comfort
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Jakob Moritz Becker M.Sc.)
Asli Süberker
Pedestrians Route Choice Behaviour in Ethnically Diverse Neighborhoods
(First Supervisor: Vetr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Lakshit Chawla
Dense & Green:
Interaction of densification and open spaces to improve the socio-environmental quality in the neighbourhood
Case: Infill Development in Weimar-Nord
(First Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Kart Eckert M.Sc.)
Ghulam Sakhi Saba
Affordable Housing
Market and Location Analysis in Kabul
(First Supervisor: Jun.Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Vojtech Horak
Multi-faceted nature or contemporary urban riversides
A case study of Hradec Králové
(First Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Emilia Harle
The Role of the Urban Environment as an Ecosystem Factor for Community-based Social Enterprises in Johannesburg
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Huning, Second Supervisor: Dr. Nicole Baron)
SuSe 2022
Marieliz Morales Vega
Everyday-infrastructures and services:
strategies towards dynamic and adaptive transition areas - a case study of Stavanger, Norway
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Plank-Wiedenbeck, Second Supervisor: Luise Kraaz M.Sc.)
Sarah Li Xenia Büsing
Public Space in the 21th Century
An examination of public space design and planning in aspern Die Seestadt Wiens
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor Karl Eckert M.Sc.)
Mariana Kuwabara
Of Earth and Sun
Integrating energy planning into urban design from the beginning
Case Study: Im Merketale II, Weimar, Germany
Fernando Emilio Orellana Wong
Fear, Violence and Gates:
The Gated Community Phenomenon in Guatemala City
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
WiSe 2021/22
Julian Hoffmann
Katalysatoren und Hemmnisse initiativgetragener Leerstandsentwicklung in ländlichen Räumen Thüringens
Eine qualitive Datenerhebung zur Ableitung vin Handlungsempfehlungen für den Aufbau eines Initiativenberatungsangebotes am Zentrum für Beteiligungskultur Thüringen
(First Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Anton Brokow-Loga M.Sc.)
Alicia Evangelina Sánchez Fonseca
What makes public space unsafe for women in Mexico City?
(First Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Dr. Paula Soto Villagrán)
Ahalya Vedaparayana Gandikota
Social realm of Indian streets:
Understanding 'Informality' for designing streets as social public spaces with respond to the local context; case: Bengaluru, India
(First Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Maximilian Rünker, M.A.)
Jean Carlos Ocampo Cantillo
Regioanl PLanning Fragmentation Rural poverty and spatial inequalities in Magdalena, Colombia
(First Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Dr. Julia Gamberini)
Ramón Luis Vivanco Ordonez
Merketal II - Mobility Assessment
Assessment for sustainable urban mobility, for potential neighbourhood development
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Maya Hörner
A Distributive Re-Naturing Approach to Improve the Urban Ecosystem and Contribute to Environmental Justice in Santiago de Chile
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider. Second Supervisor: M. Eng. Pia Müller)
SuSe 2021
Eva Beham
Starke Dörfer
Beteiligungskultur in ländlichen Gemeinden als Baustein für sozialen Zusammenhalt
(First Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, Second Supervisor: Michael Schwind M.Sc.)
Minseo Kim
Conversion method to the traditional market as a public space in South Korea: Resurgence of the social role of the traditional market as a community space
(First Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Shimin Huang M.Sc.)
Thuy Nguyen Thi
Bike transport as a driver for Agritourism
A computational approach on finding optimum routes for Cycle-tourist network design, case study of Hanoi Metropolitan area
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Bardo Salgado Henriquez
Energy assessment of urban development scenarios for Merketal II
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor Dr.-Ing. Martin Bielik)
Mohammad Bodrul Amin
Evaluating the Sitting Behavior on Public Spaces
Study case: Berlin, Germany
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Marting Bielik)
Gabrielly De Souza Lima
Creativity affordances of University Campus Open Spaces
The relationship between creative behavior and urban features, Case Study Bauhaus University Weimar
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Shimin Huang M.Sc.)
Dario Corral Lopez
Food Oasis
The possibilities of urban agriculture in Hermosillo, Sonora
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
WiSe 2020/21
Natalia Kopeikina
Analysis of the levell of social inclusion and spatial justice in the area of Tempelhof Feld, Berlin
(Fist Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Second Supervisor: Anton Brokow-Loga M.Sc.)
Truc Anh Nguyen
The Optimal Solar Gain of Urban Forms Based on the case study of Südstadt Mark-Twain-Village, Heidelberg
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider)
Yuqi Wang
Rainwater Harvesting in Urban Block Evaluate the effectiveness of low impact development for "Blankenburger Süden"
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Andreas Aicher M.Sc.)
Maryam Paknafs
Potential Assessment of the City Center of Weimar for Bicycle Parking Sites in the Form of a Bicycle Parking Garage
(First Supervisor: Prof. Plank Wiedenbeck, Second Supervisor: Maximilian Rünker M.A.)
Diellza Elshani
Measuring Sustainability: An integrated computational framework to operationalize and interpret the performance of teh urban form using generative design methods
Case study: Hernals, Vienna
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider)
My Linh Nguyen Lam
Space In-between Cultural Public Buildings: Spatial Configuration & Social Use Case studies: Kulturforum and Museumsinsel in Berlin
(First Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Shimin Huang M.Sc.)
Anna Gribatskaia
Mixed Use as a Strategy for an Urban Work-Live Balance
Work-Live Units in Berlin
(First Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Müller)
Magnus Heilmann
The Nutrient-Cycle-Based City
The Spatial Implications of Promoting a Circular Nutrient Flow in Agriculture in Emerging Ethiopia
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Anastasija Dukic
Urban Strategy for Better Live Quality of Modernist Housing Blocks
Case Study of New Belgrade, Serbia
(First Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: MLA ing. Joyce van den Berg)
Artem Gilmanov
Balancing Urban Density & Quality
Exploration of the relationship between density, sky exposure, housing block typology, and envelope concepts
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider)
Ekaterina Vititneva
Form follows energy: Energy driven urban design in the tropical climar, case study - Punggol Digital District, Singapose
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider)
SuSe 2020
Michaela Mösing
Recreational Patterns in Urban Environments
A Framework to develop accessible public and green spaces in inner-City neighbourhoods in German regional centres, Case study Würzburg
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.A.)
Benjamin Rothmeier
Pedestrian-focused Urban Planning:
Case study Schwarzenbruck
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.A.)
Subhashree Nath
Slum Upgrading Schemes for Better Liveability: Case of Pune, India
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sigrun Kabisch)
Julien Bitar
Converting underused mobility infrastructure to Vibrant spaces if social cohesion and security:
Placing street markets in Beirut City
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Luisa Correa de Oliveira
Edible Modernism: Algorithm-based spatial Exploration of Urban Agriculture in Brasilia.
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Martin Oravec
Urban building energy modeling: A sustainability & energy study analyzing design proposals of the Ecovillage Hannover competition
(First Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Reinhard König, Second Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider)
Martina Benetollo
Case based reasoning as a tool for planning in rapidly growing cities
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dr. phil. Bernhard Stratmann)
Aishwarya Avinash Chila
The Social Realm of Public Transit Stations Analyzing public transit stations with respect ti waiting experience and emotions triggered by environmental features
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Bahar Amiri
Conservation of Beijing's urban industrial sites by stimulation societal demands
(First Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Second Supervisor: Shimin Huang M.Sc.)
Anja Sophie Constien
The market potential of the wastewater recovery case study COMPRO and how to raise the acceptance og COMPRO in HavenStad
(First Supervisor: Prof. Jörg Londong, Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
WiSe 2019/20
Harneet Kaur
Transit Oriented Development - An Approach to Neighborhood Mobility
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Zweitbetreuer: Christian Scheler M.Sc.)
Silke Weise
Evaluation of Urban-rural Development Dependencies to Improve European Funded Policy Instruments
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra, Zweitbetreuer: Karl Eckert, M. Sc.)
Maroua Krout
Awramba - Approaching Visions for a Self-Organized Community
(Erstbetreuer: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, Zweitbetreuer: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.A.)
Ting-Yu Hsu
After Brexit:
Accessibility-based Investigation of the effect on land use of border in Ireland
(Erstbetreuer: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, Zweitbetreuer: Anna Rose)
Tanja Potezica
High-rises for housing
The Integration of high-rise Buildings into the housing landscapes of Amsterdam
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schönig, Zweitbetreuer: Dr. Lisa Vollmer)
Nils Fabian Voerste
Evidence-based lighting design for urban Environments: Natural and artificial lighting impacts on people´s experiences of public space
(Erstbetreuer: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, Zweitbetreuer: Dr. Christian Hanke)
Siim Kuusik
Urban Symbiosis: The dynamics between a building plinth and life on the street
(1st Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, 2nd Supervisor: Stephan Sliepenbeek, M.A.)
Anthea Swart
Development of a Research-based Framework for the Implementation of a Bicycle Network in Addis Ababa
(1st Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.A., 3rd Supervisor: Julius Uhlmann)
Aurelija Matuleviciute
Public Spaces in Ethiopia
(1st Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, 2nd Supervisor: Brigitte Zamzow M.A.)
Alejandra Urrutia Pinto
Typologies & Patial Patterns of Belief
The role of sacred spaces in urban development and the Integration of the Ethiopian society
(1st Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, 2nd Supervisor: Wossen Woldekidan, M.Sc.)
Philip Schäffler
Strategies for waterfront protection through inclusion of climate resilience concepts and 'Placemaking'-based design for Lower Manhattan
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Andrej Sluka
Accessibility Analysis Tool - Computational approach to measuring accessibility within cities and simulating the impact of changes, demonstrated on Bratislava
(1st Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, 2nd Supervisor: Ing. arch. Martin Bielik)
SuSe 2019
Constantin Friedrich Konzák
Aneignung und Wohnbedürfnisse - Vorstudie für eine nutzerorientierte Wohnraumplanung
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig)
Bastiaan Woudenberg
Ethiopian Rural Open Markets - a spatial economic Portrait
(1st Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Sven Schneider, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Marina Evstifeeva
Water Management for the Sustainable Agriculture:
An Integrated Planning Strategy for Emerging Cities in Ethiopia
(1st Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Sven Schneider, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Maria Dorothea Mönig
Wohnstandortentscheidungen von Familien im ländlichen Thüringen:
Eine Fallstudie in Steinbach im Wartburgkreis
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Vollmer)
Lina Halaseh
The Impact of The New Decentralization Framework of Governance on Local Urban Development in Jordan
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Vollmer)
Serjoscha Düring
Between plan and reality: Tracing the development Dynamics of the Lanzhou New Area
- a Computational Approach
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, 2nd Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider)
Vaishali Aggarwal
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, 2nd Supervisor: Martin Pauli)
Ceren Başkazancı
Open Spaces of Kuzguncuk´s Gecekondu Settlement
The role of open spaces in social interaction of Gecekondu residents
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck, 2nd Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Hassan Elmouelhi)
Axel Solares
A multidimensional Analysis of the 314 Memorial New´s Divine, Vasco de Quiroga, and Terminal San Lázaro stations of the Metrobús Line 5
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe Plank-Wiedenbeck, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Julius Uhlmann)
Maria Victoria Behler
The role of the city in an era of migration. Do urban qualities affect levels of social cohesion?
Study case: forced migrants in Weimar, Germany
(1st Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Jackie Herrera
Public participation as a tool for urban renewal in a Shanghai lilong neighbourhood
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Prof. Bing LIU)
Tiffany Ly
The gentrification of inner-city ethnic enclaves: A case study of Chinatown, Toronto
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Prof. Yuqing Tang)
Husain Vaghjipurwala
Analysis of Housing Supply
Economic and spatial dimensions of supply in the case of Mumbai
(1st Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, 2nd Supervisor: Prof. Hsieh Chun Ming)
Johan Fredrik Nilsson
The Shrinking Question. Re-purposing Vacancy - A case study of Gera
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Schönig, 2nd Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Vollmer)
Johanna Sophie Richter
(Selbst-)ermächtigte Zivilgesellschaft? Eine Untersuchung über den Stadtentwicklungsprozess von "Geras Neue Mitte" anhand der Governance-Perspektive
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Schönig, 2nd Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Vollmer)
Carla Kienz
Performative Co-Production of Urban Space: A reflection on Participatary Practieces at the floating university Berlin
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Prof. Markus Bader)
WiSe 2018/19
Joanna Fabiszewska
Evaluating the publicness of privately and publicly-owned public spaces in Warsaw, Poland.A multidimensional comparison of Europejski Square and Wolnego Slowa Square using the Star Model Approach and incorporating Space Syntax Methodology.
(1st Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Uta Merkle)
Acacia Renee Weeks
Are Queer Districts No Longer Necessary? A case study of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Brigitte Zamzow, M.A.)
Marcell Hajdu
Building Illiberal Budapest
Large-scale urban development Projects bound to the Notion of
heritage, outside the formal urban development strategies of Budapest
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra, 2nd Supervisor: Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi)
Alexandra Kashina
The Death and Rebirth of Socialist Public Spaces
The case of Alexanderplatz, Berlin
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Prof. ZHU Wei, 3rd Examiner: Anton Brokow-Loga)
Rasmus Schwan
The Interconnection of Urban Green Spaces: A case study of Erfurt, the Hosting City of the National Gardening Exhibition 2021
(1st Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrun Langner, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Bleda Öztek
A Green Intervention:
Emerging Community Gardens of Istanbul
(1st Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrun Langner, 2nd Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Daniela Spiegel)
Livia Lahdo
Urban Acupuncture
Pinpricks Transforming Urban Space
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi)
Zilin Chen
Multi-Generation Community Design for Informal Community Care on Active Aging in China
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Brigitte Zamzow M.A.)
Ashita Kochumattathil
Looking Purposeful:
The construct of the Indian public space and its constrictions on the women using it
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Dr. Zhu Jieming,
3rd Supervisor: Franziska Werner M.A.)
Yazeed Zoumot
Towards more participatory planning measures in urban development of Amman:
Learning from the example of Quartiersmanagement in Berlin
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Arvid Krüger)
Jose Mauricio Velazco Londoño
Physical Conditions and Place Identity
The role of urban physical conditions in the construction of place identity across the historical
evolution of careful urban renewal in Kreuzberg, Berlin
(1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Max Welch Guerra, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Arvid Krüger,
3rd Supervisor: Dr. Julia Gamberini)
Laura Shllaku
Climate Change and Future Resilient Cities:
Understanding urban sprawl phenomenon in Flanders and ist relation to climate change
adaption process
(1st Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, 2nd Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
SuSe 2018
Carmen Pflug
Shocking Regions
On the Impact of Shocks on Regional Development
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schönig, Zweitbetreuer: Lisa Vollmer M.A.)
Diego Amores
Encouragement of self-organized and community housing to promote sense of community in Quito
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schönig, Zweitbetreuer: Dipl.-Soz. M.A. Carsten Praum)
Sander van Velden
Coping with Shrinkage in Thuringia
Schools for Schrinking Areas
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schönig, Zweitbetreuer: Dipl.-Ing. Arvid Krüger)
Shimin Huang
Shopping mall in China: A pure consumption machine or a social life Generator?
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig, Zweitbetreuer: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
WiSe 2017/18
Ashwin Vellore Srinivasan
Revival of Vrishabhavathi River, in Bangalore
How an open sewage canal running through India´s fastest growing city be turned into an ecological urban riverscape?
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Thorsten Erl)
Helena Louisa Pooch
Built 'Utopias' or 'Dystopias'?
The conflict between imagined and realized new town developments in China.
Discussing the case of the themed town Tianducheng in the peripheral area of Hangzhou.
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Prof. LI Qing)
Sobhan Saadat
Core Resurrection of City of Shiraz A View on European case studies to encounter current erosion of the historic district of Shiraz, Iran(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Bernd Nentwig; Zweitbetreuer: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Nikita Verma
Urban Strategies for Hill Towns of Indian Himalayas
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Gabriele Meyer)
Juliane Stubner
Kooperation und Vernetzung in selbstbestimmten ambulant betreuten Wohngemeinschaften für Menschen mit Demenz
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Gabriele Meyer)
Christian Rost
„Von der Industrie- zur Wissensarchitektur?“ Potentiale kultur- und kreativ-wirtschaftlicher Nachnutzung brachgefallener Industriebauten im Landkreis Zwickau
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Barbara Schönig; Zweitbetreuer: Dr. Robert Nadler)
Frederic N. Schneider
Bike-Sharing as Tool for more Transport-Equity in Cities
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Bernd Nentwig; Zweitbetreuer: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Dilan Ayca Erkisi
Learning from Chorweiler!?
Eine Analyse zu Sinn und Wirkung eines ambitionierten Bürgerbeteiligungsprozesses in Köln-Chorweiler
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Barbara Schönig; Zweitbetreuer: Dipl.-Ing. Arvid Krüger)
Aglaja Bitzinger
The Hamburger Oberhafen: A Creative Quarter shaped by Debates
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Lisa Vollmer, M.A.)
Nicole Marra Nunes
Activation of Public Spaces Through Bottom-up Strategies
The Case of Largo da Batata, São Paulo
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi)
Klára Mitlenerová
Proud to be Bijlmer - Living in a stigmatized neughbourhood, Case study: The Housing Estate Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam, Netherlands
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: DRS MURB A.N.J.M. Toine van Goethem)
Mario Ulrich Wolf
Abwasserentsorgung als ein integriertes Gesamtkonzept -
Handlungsempfehlungen zur Implementierung eines NASS im ländlichen Raum am Beispiel von Rohrbach
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Jörg Londong; Zweitbetreuer: Kirsten Maier, M.Sc.)
Paul Gaucherand de Rochas D´Aiglun
Triggering pro-environmental behaviours of Chinese middle-class through values and motives -
Study case of a Shanghainese compound
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Yang XIAO)
Dr. Andreas Jüttemann
Berlin (West) – Eine unwirtliche Stadt?
Stadtautobahnen und Großsiedlungen in der Kritik (1954 - 1982)
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Hans-Liudger Dienel)
SuSe 2017
Birute Kulviciute
Cycling initiatives and their role in sustainable mobility planning: The case of Vilnius
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Taher Abdel-Hamid
The Cine-Spatial Representation of Informal Urbanism in Egyptian Films
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. LI Qing)
Princesse Samba Makondele
Urban Linkages to compact Diverse Urbanistic Configuration in Sub-saharan Cities
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Tehya Wood
Network Capital: Legibility, Permeability, and Social Capital in Guangzhou´s Villages-in-the-City
(1. Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Sven Schneider, 2. Supervisor: Dr. HSIEH Chunming)
Korbinian Kroiß
Bring back the life! The role of caretaker entities in the revitalization of rural town centers
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Mag. Arch. Roland Gruber)
Laura Ziegler
Wem gefällt was in der Stadt? Eine Typisierung von Präferenzen an das urbane Lebensumfeld in der stadtsoziologischen Lebensstilforschung
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Dr. Oliver Frey)
Max Alexander Irmer
Wem gefällt was in der Stadt? Eine Typisierung von Präferenzen an das urbane Lebensumfeld in der stadtsoziologischen Lebensstilforschung
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Dr. Oliver Frey)
Ahmad Kadry Assala
Whose city? New urban orders for better democratic public spaces in Egypt
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Haase)
Björn Oliver Bloss
Urban densification in cities for People
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. WU Zhiqiang)
Youssef Askar
Postwar urban Identity: Towards a Healthy Recovery in Homs
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. GAN Jing)
Lisa Czerwonka
Identität im Wandel? Die Entwicklung altindustriell geprägter Regionen vor dem Hintergrund der Energiewende am Beispiel der Lausitz
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Franziska Werner, M.A.)
Frauke Rippin
Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft im ländlichen Raum - Eine Untersuchung zu den Chancen und Herausforderungen der Branche am Beispiel Thüringens
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt; Zweitbetreuer: Dr. Anja Erdmann)
Hannes Waldenburger
Sport entwickelt Stadt
Potentiale und Grenzen von Integrierter Sport-entwicklungsplanung in Städten mittlerer Größe
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Barbara Schönig; Zweitbetreuer: Dipl.-Ing. Arvid Krüger)
Désirée Schmidt
Wohnen im Kleingarten. Eine Wohnform für wachsende deutsche Großstädte?
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Barbara Schönig; Zweitbetreuer: PhD Justin Kadi)
Nigora Ishandzhanova
Quantifying Urban Attractiveness. Correlation between User-Generated Content and Spatial Acessibility of Hamburg
(1. Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Sven Schneider, 2. Supervisor: M. Arch. Abdulmalik Abdulmawla.)
Giorgia Di Giorgi
Waterfront regeneration and social Revitalization: The Savona Case Study
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Lisa Vollmer, M.A.)
Radwa El-Bayad
The Impact of the Italian urbanism policy on the socio spatial structure of Tripoli City as a colonial capital in 1911 - 1943
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi)
Fahriye Gürsoy
A sense of place?
Rethinking urban renewal practices of neighborhoods through Transformation into creative and livable milieurs in diverse socio-spatial pattern: comparative cases of Kreuzberg SO36 and SW 61.
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Nicole Baron)
Olesya Yefimov
Smart City and E-participation: Two Concepts Under One Urban Umbrella
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Philipp Rohde
Urbane Gebiete - Eine neue Gebietskategrorie als Instrument politischer Stadtkonstruktion
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Nikolai Roskamm)
Joachim Vogt
A method of urban change
Neighborhood Revitalization through Public Markets
About strategies of participatory revitalization processes
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Anna Steigemann)
Christina Englmann
Selbstorganisierte Stadtentwicklung
Nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung öffentlicher Räume in der Regensburger Altstadt
(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Frank Eckardt, Zweitbetreuer: Anna Marie Steigemann)
Dongyi Kong
Analyse einer dörflichen Kulturlandschaft - am Beispiel des Dorfes Peitian im Südosten von China(Erstbetreuer: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Hans-Heinrich Meyer)
WiSe 2016/17
Raiza Constanca Costa de Macedo
The entrepreneurial approach of urban revitalisation in the case of Porto Maravilha, Rio de Janeiro
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Sarah Medina Weiler
Addressing Adaptabele Public Faculties for Metropolitan Fringe Communities - The Case of Shanghai
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt 2. Supervisor: Prof. Yang GUIQING)
Yuliana Abisheva
Community Housing
The study of social and spatial factors that contributes to the community house Formation and development based on the case studies of Sargfabrik community (Vienna, Austria)
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Belinda Rukschcio)
Ali Reza Naqvi
Rational Morphosis of Delhi - The Quest for a Smart City C
A Reflective Study based on Transportation and Mobility components considering Barcelona as a model
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Sönke Schmacker
Urban Hacking als Ausdruck eines alternativen Raumverständnisses
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Franziska Werner)
Jinia Sharmeen
Research on incorporating Universal Accessibility in Heritage Sites - A Policy Supporting framework for Dhaka City
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. HUANG YI)
Muhammad Fadhil Fachriansyah
The Role of Related Stakeholders´ Engagement on Urban Resettlement Process - Case Study: Kampung Pulo, Jakarta, Indonesia
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. GENG Huizhi)
Lara Kraudy Xochitl Jose
Integration of Urban Structures through public Space. Case Study: Regeneration of Managua´s Lake Waterfront
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Qing LI)
Mary Carmen Rojas Womutt
Socio-economic Stagnation and its Urban Transformation in Venezuela - Case Study: Caracas
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Franziska Werner, M.A.)
James Neil Stewart
Assessment of Waterfront Development - Case study: The Development of Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, Thailand
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Lan Wang)
Ananya Ramesh
Dynamics of Urban Sprawl: A View of the Citizens
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Li ZHANG)
Julian Lobo Prince
Residential use patterns in the historical Center of Bogotá D.C., 1995 - 2015: An inclusive housing model in urban renewal and re-densification of the city downtown
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi)
Tang Zihong
Experimental Chinese Urbanism: Urban design Practice in Shenzhen
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Bui Xuan Duong
Hanoi Urban Metabolism as Bridge between Urban Planning Practice and Urban Reality
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Hoai Phuong Tran
Hanoi Urban Metabolism as Bridge between Urban Planning Practice and Urban Reality
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Anna Khodyreva
Urban Development in the Built City: Effects of UrbanIndustrial Ssites Reuse
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Antonia Herten)
Cansu Kilciler
Political Symbolism of Urban Place: Istanbul Taksim Square
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Ronny Schüler, M. A.)
Erika Zambrano
Proposal of Sustainable Interventions on Settlements with Environmental Degradation in Vulnerable Urban Marginal Areas
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi)
Svenja-Nadine Müller
Regeneration Strategies of the Shrinking Water Town Xinchang, Shanghai
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Li QING)
Yan Gao
Rebuilding History - DaMing Palace National Heritage Park in Xian as an Example
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Liza Wing Man KAM)
Burcin Baykurt
New map-based Data Visualizations: Is it the Time to Expect more from them?
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Ing. Arch. Martin Bielik)
Aleksandra Kudriashova
Memory, Memorials and Urban space
(1. Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Sigrun Langner, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Daniela Spiegel)
Mohammad Javad Raisi
The interrelationship between social Base and physical Fabric of a historic City to archieve sustainability
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Stefanie Bremer)
Sabrina Schlomski
non-profit Kreativität im Stadtraum
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Arvid Krüger)
Jan-Erik Raupach
Neue Chancen des Miteinanders. Nachbarschaftsentwicklungen durch raumbildende temporäre Interventionen - eine Standortanalyse in Weimar
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Pierre Kramann Muscalus)
Jakob Kratzsch
Zukunftschecks für schrumpfende Dörfer: Diskussion eines Planungsinstruments am Beispiel des Leitfadens zur Bestimmung der Zukunftsfähigkeit ländlicher Siedlungsstrukturen der Stiftung Schloss Ettersburg
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Ulla Schauber)
Raphael Domin
Fußverkehrsförderung Strategie für das Programm der internationalen Bauausstellung Thüringen
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gather)
Johannes Thierbach
Quartiersentwicklung in Kreuzberg - Stadtplanung im Konflikt mit Gentrifizierung
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Anna Maria Steigemann)
Marissa Elena Groß
Aneignungsarchitektur - Leistbarkeit und Identifikation durch Selbstbau
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Jessica Christoph)
Lena Hocke
Aktuelle Relevanz von Masterplänen am Beispiel von Köln
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Soz. MA Carsten Praum)
SuSe 2016
Theerada Rongrat
Assessment of Waterfront Development - Case study: The Development of Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, Thailand
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt; 2. Supervisor: Prof. TANG Yuqing)
Pradeep Adhikari
Revitalizing Public Spaces in the Traditional Water Town of Shanghai: Case of Traditional Town Xinchang
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig; 2. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Li HOU)
Abi Hemya Jaya Suriya Kaliamoorthy
Ensuring Quality Living in the Deprived neighborhood: A Case Study from Ruhr-Region, Germany
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt; 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Schauz)
WiSe 2015/16
Seymur Mammadrza
Post-Socialist Transformation:
Effects of oil-led growth on urban planning of Post-Socialist Baku
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Sebastian Schipper)
Raphael Aeberhard
Die Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur im gesellschaftlichen
und politischen Diskurs des 21. Jahrhunderts
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. SUpervisor: Jun.-Prof. Sigrun Langner)
Mazen Alazazmeh
Social Effects of Megaprojects in Amman
the case of Al-Abdali Urban Regeneration Project
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Sebastian Schipper)
Iana Samakaeva
Reimagining the In-Between Land
An Exercise in Strategic Planning for the Kazan Agglomeration Area
( 1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Ir. Kees Christiaanse)
Joshua Raff
Urbanization by University?
A Case Study of Shanghai´s New Towns
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Eng. Assoc. Prof. ZHANG Li)
Joulannar Wannous
Culture of Informality
Case Study of Informal Settlements in Damascus City during the
Syrian Current Conflict
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Conrad Philipp)
Ashwin Anikesh
Rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits - Finding Durable Solution
(identity Crisis, return, local reintegration and settlement)
for the Internal Displaced Persons of Kashmir
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Shaoffong)
Tofeek Sulieman
The importance of Voluntary initiative and Clubs
in the Integration Process of Refugees in German Cities
Casy Study: Dortmund
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Franziska Werner)
Carla Rafaela Ebel
Urban Planning and Socio-Natural Hazards:
Improving Urban Measures to Prevent and Deal with Disasters
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Nathalie Jean-Baptiste)
Abdelrahman Hegazy
The Impact of Airport Business Developments on the City (-Region)
Case Study: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Schlaack)
Bibhup Prasad Telenga
Regenerating the Core of the Indian City - Case Study in Guwahati
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Iana Korolova
How is the City subdivided?
Kyiv as a case study
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig; 2. Supervisor: Arvid Krüger)
Aleksandra Blazhevska
The Effect of the Regional Railway System:
The Transformation of the Urban Space in the City of Lund
(1. Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Steffen de Rudder; 2. Supervisor: Arvid Krüger)
Ion Alexandru Retegan
The North European Tourist Resort in the 21st Century
( 1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig; 2. Supervisor: Dr. Daniela Spiegel)
Priyambada Das
Rethinking Informal Urbanism in Kolkata
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig; 2. Supervisor: M. Arch. Holger Gladys)
Iman Hegazy
Beyond the Religious Denotation
A study on the development of Al-Qaed Ibrahim's socio-urban denotative meaning
In the Post-Revolution Context
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt; 2. Supervisor: Philippe Schmidt)
Ksenia Nikolaeva
The Role of View Corridors in the Waterfront Design
( Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Sigrun Langner)
(Zweitgutachter: Prof. Wang Lan)
Gogu, Gerti
Perception of Changes in Steubenstraße Weimar, 2014-2015
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Kolyada (Kreusch), Serafima
The Hidden Path - Passable Yards of Saint Petersburg as Multifacet Urban Phenomenon
(Erstgutacher: Vertr.-Prof. de Rudder)
Anavatti Satyamurthy, Vaishali
Identity of the Pedestrians in Bengalaru, India Street Design Analysis Case of Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bengalaru, India
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Torres Morales, Gabriela
Informal Settlements in a Changing Climate - Identification of Context Centered Adaption and Mitigation Actions in Mexico City
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Stolle, Jan Dierk
Berücksichtigung stadtentwicklungspolitischer Ziele bei der Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen - Ankommen und Wohnperpektiven von Flüchtlingen aus Sicht der Stadtentwicklung. Entwicklung quartiersspezifischer Handlungsansätze am Beispiel Bremens
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Jimenez Gutierrez, Ana Sofia
Towards a strategic Plan for transit-oriented Development for the City of Merida
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Pllank-Wiedenbeck)
Krönert, Lukas
Defensive Urbanism in Mexico-City how closed Neighbourhoods and Architectures of Fear are Influencing the Urban Realm - A Spatial Analysis in the District Coyoacan
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Markova, Monika
Handmade Leipzig, the potential of alternative consumption to redefine authenticity in Leipzig West
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
SuSe 2015
Kupfer, René
Innerstädtische Hochschulstandorte und Stadtentwicklung, eine Untersuchung der Planung innerstädtischer Hochschulstandorte im Kontext wissensbasierter Stadtentwicklung an den Fallbeispielen Jena und Marburg
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Schönig)
Rummel, Lutz
Klang/Macht/Raum Auditive Agenda
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Keine, Adrian
Innerstädtische Fahrradpotenziale ehemalige Bahntrassen am Beispiel der Stadt Leipzig
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Rudolf)
Mirza Asif, Ali
A Study of Family Houses and the Identification of Urban Growth of Weimar: Projection of potential areas for family houses
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Maghsoudi, Zahra
Persian Garden, a Collective Memory to Memorize, a Continuous Narrative to be Continued
(Erstgutachter: Dr. Adél Gyimóthy)
Kaulen, Charlotte
Tourism in Scene-ry
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Heilmann, Andrea
European cross-border cities - A theoretical observation of transnational urban spaces
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Kaufmann, Daniela
Urbane Dynamiken ... Fallbeispiel Esso-Hauser in Hamburg
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Singer, Angelika
Der Pariser Platz - Politischer Raum und Kulisse
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Schlichting, Markus
Stadtumbau im Kontext der schrumpfenden peripheren Kleinstadt Akteure und Entwicklungsstrategien im Umgang mit Schrumpfung, Austerität und dem demografischen Wandel
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Schönig)
Biere, Tristan
Tracing Spatial Practices in Contemporary Shanghai - In dialogue with Henri Lefebvre Approaching >the urban< and >urbanism<
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Fenzlein, Henry
Leipzigs Stadthäuser - Porträt einer Zwischenlösung
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Schönig)
Dorsch, Clarissa
Die Alliierten Wohnsiedlungen in Berlin - Ein Siedlungsführer
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Meier)
WiSe 2014/15
Gwendolyn Anouk Shirin Galedary
Coworking in Hamburg – A Complementary Concept for HafenCity Oberhafen?
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Silja Loik
Empowering Rural Actors: The EU LEADER Approach in Estonia
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Schönig)
Peralvo Lupera, Andrés Esteban
A Selfmade City? Contribution of Bottom-up Projects to Urban Development.
Case Study Seville, Spain
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Deipenbrock, Elisabeth
Periphery & Core
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Neumann, Isabel
Starting from the makers –
a stakeholder perspective on interaction Environments
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Balcioglu, Idil
An Exploratory Study on Sidewalks in Turkey –
Appropriation of Space on Tunali Hilmi Street
(Erstgutachter: Vertr. Prof. de Rudder)
Faheem, Farhaan Afsar
Lost identities –
The Impact of Western Urban Planning practices in Saudi Arabia
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Lohr, Patrick
The Power of Demography: Demise of Rurality?
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Obaid, Mustafa Sahib
Behind the Blast Wall – Walls of Post-occupation Baghdad
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Howayek, Chaghaf
No Place Like a Refugee Camp – An Urban Approach to Refugee Camps –
A Case study of Al Zaatari Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Kaban, Duygu
Executive Control in Public Spaces.
Gezi park as Case Study
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Singh, Rajat Ray
Ganj to Suburbs. Urban sprawls of Lucknow, Nord India
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Garcia, Daniel Lisandro Garcia
Inherent Social Values inside Informal Urban Settlements –
Symbiosis between Dweller´s Culture and the Built Environment in
Shanghai´s Lilong
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Zorlu, Togce
Impact of Symbolic urban Design Elements in the Creation of
mulit-cultural Public Spaces
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Han, Xiaolin
Classical Chinese Gardens in Germany:
Translocation, Adaptation and Integration
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Yacoub, Dani
Missed Opportunities: Using the ‘Quality of Life concept’
for urban revitalization, as exemplified by Nuremberg Southeast
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Mukovozova, Alexandra
Media Functions of Urban Public Space –
Historical Development and current state on the case of Moscow, Russia
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Hitsuta, Momo
Shopping Landscape: Emergence of commercially oriented Public Space
under the Railway Business Model in the Case of Shibuya and Futako Tamagawa
(Erstgutachter: Vertr.-Prof. de Rudder)
Kirchberger, Nicole
Narratives as Instruments of Urban Development Politics:
the Case of Amsterdam
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Agostini, Gaia
Urban Poverty and its impact of Urban Communities, New Spatial Trends in Shanghai and Social Implications in Housing
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
SuSe 2014
Khan, Mehade Hassan
Analysis of a functionally dense area in order to develop design Guidelines
(Erstgutachter: PD Dr. Kegler)
Tijani, Bukola K.
Socio-spatial peripheralisation patterns in the urban growth
of the city Abuja F.C.T., Nigeria
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Symonenko, Anna
Regenerating Central Kyiv. Planning Strategies and Challenges
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Afroze, Sohana
Analyzing the pattern of urban growth in terms of Climatic changes
Case-Study – Dhaka, Bangladesh
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Schönig)
Lange, Beatrice Carola
Cultivating a Better City.
Prospects for community-based urban farming in Central Shanghai
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Rivera González, Jennifer
Urban Manufacturing Influence on Land Price:
San Francisco and New York City
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Sadeghi, Naser
Improvement of urban Ventilation by considering and editing main
and effective Elements in Urban Design
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Ling, Xizi
Misconception of Chinese Ecological Civilization Development
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Sadeghi, Zeynab
Accesible urban Space for the Disabled and Elderly
A comparative Study of Berlin (Neukölln) and Tehran (Narmak)
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Schönig)
WiSe 2013/14
Naranjo, Juan E.
(De)coding public space: Evidence from experiments in Medellin, Colombia
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Mutlu, Elis
Urban Restructuring and Patterns of Housing Development in the Netherlands.
Case study: Hoogvliet
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Didem Ilvan, Dilan
Reading and Defining Spatial Interactions of Urban Space in Besiktas, Istanbul
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Eckert, Karl Henry
European Territorial Cohesion in Thuringia:
Towards Integrated Spatial Planning
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Noman, Elza
Challenges to the old city Sana´a
(Erstgutachter: PD Dr. Kegler)
Mehdipour, Armin
Sustainable Urban Regeneration through Brownfield Development;
Reviving Mehrabad Airport by Exploration into the German Experience
(Erstgutachter: PD Dr. Kegler)
Mitte, Katja
Urban Place or Urban Stage?
The urban qualities of strategic temporary use.
The case study of #MarketStreet in Bradford
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Mukhina, Tatiana
Moscow microrayons: problems, tendencies and perspectives.
(On the case of Biryulevo-Zapadnoe)
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Cubides, Sonia
The Brand as an urban revitalization Instrument ‘City-IKEA’ store
in Altona, Hamburg
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Hofmann, Stefan
Stadtentwicklung mit Zwischennutzungen am Beispiel der Wagenhallen
in Stuttgart
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Rampeltshammer, Christiane
Shanghai´s Ghost Districts.
Influences of New Town Planning on the Local Real Estate Market
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
SuSe 2013
Stepanova, Natalia
Urban cycling in modern Russian cities:
A Chance for development and the role of bicycle advocacy: The case of Yaroslavl
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Scholz, Corinna
Revitaisierung und Erhalt historischer, stadtbild-prägender Bausubstanz.
Eine Chance für Klein- und Mittelstädte in Deutschland
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Daskalova Hirt, Diliana
The Spaces of Sofia: From Community to Commerce
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Gräfin Stillfried, Marina Caldera
UNESCO Wold Heritage Cities in the EU: Accessible for everyone?
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Cid Escalante, Oscar Manuel
Public Participation in Urban Planning.
The case of Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Singh, Sravan
Impacts of High-Speed Trains Urban (re)Development
Study in Berlin, Hamburg and Shanghai
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
WiSe 2012/13
Wagner, Christian
Spatial distributions and city-wide organizational patterns.
Modeling creative industries as framework
(Erstgutachter: Dr. Kegler)
De Paep, Miechel
Integrated management for spatial projects.
The project mode as urban development strategy in Flanders and Germany
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Byun, Kyu Suk
Urban Neighborhood Block.
The prototype of urban site and program
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Balacco, Nicols Antonio
Airports in the 21st Century.
Analyzing typologies, growth and Airport / Region coexistence
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Mejia del Valle, Juan Carlos
Looking for Innovative Planning Approaches in the Basel Tri-national Area:
Large Scale Development Projects and the IBA
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Sarlak Gözde,
In the search of public space.
Exploration of the Hisory and the Making of Taksim Square, Istanbul in the
Perspective of Contemporary urban planning
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Köpper, Julia
Instant Urbanism.
Über die Bedeutung künstlerischer Interventionen als Planungswerkzeug im Stadtraum
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Weber, Sebastian
Reading the urban park.
Built environment as a tool for cultural understanding by the example of
Luxun Park Shanghai and Volkspark Friedrichshain Berlin
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Gutiérrez Magaña, Karla
Global Networks and City Innovation.
Knowledge and expertise exchange platforms to forster innovation in urban planning:
The case o f Amsterdam
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Seitzer, Florian Michael
Integrated Urban Development.
Model character for China?!
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Ranga, Katalin Franciska
Typical projects of urban redevelopment (urban conversion) in Shanghai
in the context of global urbanism
(Erstgutachter: Dr. Kegler)
Müller, Julia
Die Stadt als Archiv.
Das Gegenspiel von Erhalt und Transformation
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Meier)
Ecker, Katrin
Kultur im E-Werk Weimar
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Lowitz, Christoph
Euthanasia for German Micropolis.
Problems of Infrastructure and Viability in Shriking Areas
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Tuchscheerer, Tina
Grüne Inseln in der Stadt.
Eine Untersuchung zur Rolle der neuen Gärten am Beispiel
von gemeinschaftlichen Gärten in Leipzig
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
SuSe 2012
Sharifi Sadeghi, Lika
Planning for Socially Resilient Cities in a Multicultural Context
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Stahl, Edita geb. Kirtiklyte
City for all: Public places development in middle Germany
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
YOU, Sojung
Plan for green urban infrastructure by climate change.
Cosideration of green infrastructure of Seol through rethinking Cheonggye stream
(Erstgutachter: Dr. Kegler)
WiSe 2011/12
Schwambach, Karin Fernanda
Mega-events and urban transformation in Rio de Janeiro
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Nitschke, Jennifer
Halle calling – Raum und Wahrnehmung.
Eine erfahrungswissenschaftliche Annäherung
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Katthagen, Volker
Halle calling – Raum und Wahrnehmung.
Eine erfahrungswissenschaftliche Annäherung
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
König, Tania
Gated Communities in Dubai: NECESSITY OR CHOICE?
Researching the extent of people´s decisions to move to a Gated Community
and their perception of it using the Heterotopian Theory.
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Hötzl, Brigitte Susanne
Decoding urban space in Jerusalem
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Zwinkmann, Juliane Carolin
Neue Lebensweisen im Weimarer Land.
Eine empirische Studie
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Alegria-Ortiz, Napoleon
The Gelmeroda Project: Towards Cultural Equity and Pluralism
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Jäger, Svenja Milena
Branded blocks – a discourse on neighborhood branding in
urban Rehabilitation
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Goharizadeh, Vista
Revitalizing shrinking neighbourhoods through low-threshold
restoration and interim uses - case study of Leipzig West
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Tran, Do Hong Lam
Viet villages - a sense of place.
Case of Nhan Chinh
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Agarwal, Reenal S.
Water and Greens as place making elements
An emphasis on Shanghai, China
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Saseedharan, Sudhir
Water and Greens as place making elements
An emphasis on Shanghai, China
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Kitsos, Vassileios
Reconsidering peripheries under a changing urban condition.
The case of Riga
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Nydia, Erisa Weri
Indonesian Public Space Analysis.
An Empirical Study of Alun-Alun Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Magruder, William Howard
Cultural institutions in the urban periphery: (upstate) New York´s Dia:
Beacon and Fisher Center for the Performing Arts
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
SuSe 2011
Krupna, Mathias
Urbanity in small and medium sized cities and towns.
Conceptualizing Urbanity as Freedom
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Viderman, Tihomir
Multi-level governance arrangements in soft planning.
Case study IBA Saxony - Anhalt
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Yeung, Fung Yee
Urban Heritage and Project Development on a Fast Track.
A Case Study of Urban Revitalization Initiatives in Foshan, China
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
WiSe 2010/2011
Choudhury, Zishan Fuad
Morphological Transformation in the Mughal Arena.
A Strategic Approach to Revitalize the Essence of ‘Katra’ in the Historic Dhaka (old part)
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Chandrashekar, Srikanth
Tanks to Lakes. Disappearance, Inference and Relevance to the City of Bangalore
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Schmidt, Daniela
Shopping and the City.Analysis, Urban Impact and Implementation of Innovative Retail Concepts
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Arq. Eipper, Susan
Neighborhood Regeneration and Boundaries of Influence. The case of the program Social City in Germany
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Nolde, Hendrik
Imagebildung in Gebieten des Programms “Soziale Stadt” am Beispiel Jena-Winzerla
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Ghanavizchian, Sharareh
Social Exclusion and in Clusion in Public Sphere in Iran
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Schneider, Michael
What does Segregation mean? A qualitative Case Study of Rüsselsheim
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Loupis, Angelos
Berlin, Urban Planning in the Modern Context of the Economy Market
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
SuSe 2010
Arq. Salviani de Boseck, Analia Sofia
Kinderfreundliche Städte für Deutschland. Fallstudie Weimar
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Dietl, Theresa B.A.
Das suburbanisierte Dorf
Studie zur Transformation eines Dorfes durch die Wohnsuburbanisierung,
das Beispiel Erfurt-Marbach
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Dipl.-Ing. Asaaied, Seba
Planning and Managing Urban Landscapes and Green Spaces in Shrinking Cities
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Meier)
Ammalia, Rizky Suci B.A.
Slum Reneval; Settlement in Musi Riverside, at Kampong 9/10 Ulu, Palembang, Indonesia
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
WiSe 2009/10
Hesse, Hannah
Gentrification Chance & Risk for the Diversity of a New York Neighborhood
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Gonzalez, Gabriel Andrés
Street Culture
Contrasts and diversity in China´s Urban Streets
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Uhlig, Britta
Reflecting Urban Regeneration. Sustainability of Integrated Solid Waste Management in Malindi / Kenya
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Kuc, Miodrag
Berlin. Capital of Subculture. Indeterminate Spaces as a Playgrounds for Informal Social Actors
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Spirkoska, Biljana
Transportation Systems in Skopje. Present Situation, Tendencies and Possibilities for future development
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Sözer, Omür
Addressing Residential Fragmentation and Social Cohesion in the Bosphorus Area: The socio-spatial case study in the neighborhood of Kurucesme
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Lazarevski, Stefan
Cities In-between. Prospects for knowledge-based economy region in Macedonia
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Gomez Herrera, Carmen Helena
Urban Agriculture and Growth Management for Shanghai
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Lopez, Diana Marcela
The Role of Community Planning in Reducing Environmental Deterioration under (Post) Conflict Conditions
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Kellner, Bernd
Cross-border Migration in the Öresund-Region. Barriers, Dynamics and Perspectives
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Davidel, Raluca Iulia
Spatial Patterns of Discontinuous Evolution. A syntactic approach based on the city of Suceava, Romania
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Dohe, Stephan
Urban Nature and Biodiversity. Using the example of the City of Heidelberg
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Witt, Bettina
Solaranlagen in der historischen Stadt
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Meier)
Juhre, Claudia
Vulnerability - Reconstruction - Memory
Blodau-Konick, Esther
Young and Mobile: Emerging Patterns of Contemporary Mobility
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Barrios Salcedo, Rodrigo Andres
The relevance of Social Media when developing an urban design strategy in the context of the information age
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
SuSe 2009
Jäger, Andreas
Towards Sustainable Real Estate Investment Products. A Responsible Property Investment Metric for Europe
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Jakutyte-Walangitang, Daiva
Suburbanization in Dublin. A Constructive Perspective on the Process and the Spatial Challenge (Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Yunda Lozano, Juan Guillermo
XIAMIX A Knowledge and Social-Cohesive city for the developing world
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
WiSe 2008/09
Navitas, Prananda
Design Analysis of the New Pet Fish Retail Market on Gunungsari Road Surabaya
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Zingenberg, Lene
Sustainability as environmental and social engine in urban design - a proposal for Nordhavnen Copenhagen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Pedersen, Samo
London 2008 - Adaptable Architecture Gallery on the Thames River
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Tobor, Mirek
Phänomen Obdachlosigkeit
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Hirota, Chiharu
Triggers of Urban Revitalization Power of Art & Culture
The Case Study of Gazi in Athens (Greece)
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Zhang, Jinfan
Marketing and Imaging the City The Case of Qingdao
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Cheng, Liang
Urban Planning and Design Issues in High-Rise Development of Frankfurt
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Wen, Kanghui
Village in Nanning Study on reconstruction of urban village
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Cormier, Brendan
Fresh and Cheap. Analysing the Niche of Open-Air Markets in Rotterdam's Foodscape
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Taghvashoar, Azin
Shopping Centres in Iran. Teheran as a case study.
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
SuSe 2008
Sangwan, Sarvdeep
Vision for Evolving Pattern of Chandigarth Suburbs.
Shown as an example in Village Hallomajra
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Nickel, Eva
Die Bedeutung der Leipzig Charta für integrierte Stadtentwicklung in Europa - Blitzlicht zum einjährigen Geburtstag
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Ariyanti, Vicky
Living with Flood; Disaster Mitigation Assessment at Kampung Ratmakan,
Code Riverside Settlement, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
WiSe 2007/08
Echelmeyer, Karen
Waterfront Development in the North Sea Region
Accessibility through Sustainable Transport Modes and Open Spaces:
shown on the example of Oslo
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Wolf, Isabel
Demografischer Wandel und kommunale Daseinsvorsorge in Leipzig - Wohnen im Alter
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Amtmann, Katrin
EUROPAN 9 - Babenhausen - Nachhaltige Stadt und neue öffentliche Räume
Teil II: Reflexion des Wettbewerbsverfahrens EUROPAN 9 - Babenhausen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Heil, Carla
EUROPAN 9 - Babenhausen - Nachhaltige Stadt und neue öffentliche Räume
Teil II: Reflexion des Wettbewerbsverfahrens EUROPAN 9 - Babenhausen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Domschky, Anke
Homo Ludens - Situativer Urbanismus - eine Untersuchung in Leipzig
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
v. Hantelmann, Justus
Homo Ludens - Situativer Urbanismus - eine Untersuchung in Leipzig
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Ruff, Stefanie
Between Walls Reprogramming Residual Urban Space in Beijing
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Hellmann, Tordis
Green Spaces in Ireland. Its significance in the past and present -with examples from Ballymun and Dublin Town
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Andreas, Livia Maria
Das Konzept für die Stadt. Konzeptuelles Arbeiten als Managementtool
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Kammerbauer, Mark
The Making of Catastrophe
Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, the Lower Ninth Ward
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Barona Ramirez, Javier
Steilshoop bewegt sich - Stadtentwickelnde Maßnahmen für die Mittelachse der Großwohnsiedlung Steilshoop/Hamburg
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Jiménez, Camilo
Centres Development as Instrument of Sustainable Planning. The Case of Berlin
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Taddei, Diogo
From Regional Planning Policies to Local Urban Actions.
Structure and mechanisms of cooperative regional planning in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Case study of the Bonn Region
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Geyer, Johannes
Stadtentwicklung von Unten das Revaler Viereck eine Befragung.
Ökonomische Potentiale von Aneignungsprozessen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Gorecki, Martin
Zivilgesellschaftliche Verantwortungsübernahme Das Berliner Baerwaldbad
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Tienwang, Boonchai Peng
The Urban Impacts of the new Infrastructure. The Case Study of Bangkok and its Newly Built Mass Transit
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Sheng, Xia
CBD in Beijing
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Löper, Kai Arne
Awaiting Global Change. Urbane Strategien zur Eingrenzung der dem anthropogenen Klimawandel begleitenden Risiken
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Huang, Weiyi
Comparison of waterfront development in Hamburg and Shanghai
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Wagner, Wojciech
Visual Chaos as a Distingushing Mark of a Polish City. Symptoms, Reasons, Effects, Solutions.
The study cases of Piotrków Trybunalski (Poland) and Gotha (Germany)
Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Jean Baptiste, Nathalie
People, Nature and Waste. The Ecological Value of Waste in Urban Areas - Case of
Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Gjorgon, Nina
Integrative Potential of the Fringe Belt as Heterotopic Enclave in the Fragmented City
- Debar Maalo, Skpje, Case Study -
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Gocieva, Gordana
Integrative Potential of the Fringe Belt as Heterotopic Enclave in the Fragmented City
- Debar Maalo, Skopje, Case Study -
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
SuSe 2007
Makprasert, Dutrudee
The plaza in present European architecture and urban design
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
WiSe 2006/07
Uzar, Figen
Production of Multicultural Space by Turkish Immigrants in Berlin: Case Study of Wedding, Berlin
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Schley, Kristiane
Ferropolis-Parkals postindustrielle Kulturlandschaft zwischen den historischen Kulturlandschaften des Wörlitzer Gartenreiches und der Dübener Heide
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Büchting, Jens
Einfamilienhausgebiete vor dem Rückbau? Handlungsempfehlungen zur zukünftigen Handhabung peripherer Einfamilienhausgebiete verdeutlicht am Beispiel der 1950er-Jahre Siedlung Iserlohn-Stübbeken
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Mačković, Branislava
Environmental Sustainability and Quality of LifeAnalysis of Sustainable Urban District Vauban, Freiburg
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Phillips, Eynon Dilwyn Llywelyn
Shered Space, Sreet Reclaiming & Community Participation.Psychological Approaches in Planning (Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Le, Quynh Trang
Community and Urban renewal: Rebuilding old neighbourhoods in Hanoi.Case study of Trung Tu
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Brand, Sebastian
Genealogie der räumlichen Planung in ChinaStrategien für die Entwicklung einer Gesellschaft in ihren räumlichen Dimensionen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Schöbel, Simone
Die Inszenierung der Stadt am Wasser.Planungs- und Gestaltungsleitfaden für Waterfront-Projekte. Ein Toolkit für Planer
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Alkan Sevil
Globalization, Locality and Struggle over a Living SpaceThe Case of Karanfilköy
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Hehenkamp, Michael
Stadt + SpielSpiel und spielerische Verfahren in der aktuellen Planungskultur
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Fröbe, Turit
Stadt + SpielSpiel und spielerische Verfahren in der aktuellen Planungskultur
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Schaber, Carsten
Space Syntax als Werkzeug zur Analyse des Stadtraums und menschlicher Fortbewegung im öffentlichen Raum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung schienengebundener Verkehrssysteme. Das Beispiel des Leipziger City-Tunnels
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Prehl, Susanne
Akteurskonstellation & Lebensstildistinktion im Öffentlichen Raum Istanbuls. Das Beispiel Französische Straße
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Czaja, Tanja Valeska
Stadt, gebraucht. Temporäre Projekte im Kontext lokaler Ökonomie und kooperativer Stadtentwicklung
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Al-Fageeh, Abdolmonam F. Ali
Toward Sustainable Built Environment in Contemporary Tripoli Neighbourhood
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Chen, Na
Umbau und Revitalisierung der Innenstadt Changsha
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Xiang, Hui
Umbau und Revitalisierung der Innenstadt Changsha
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
SuSe 2006
Gönenc, Murat Efe
Public Spaces: Discussions, Analyses and a Proposal for the Case of Tophane Salipazari Area, Istanbul
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Poppitz, Nicola
Das Phänomen der Ränder. Auswirkungen von urbanen Nutzungsprofilen auf öffentliche Stadträume
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Fendt, Martina
Die Stadt und ihre literarische Abbildung Zur Wahrnehmung und Darstellung öffentlicher Freiräume in der Großstadt zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik am Beispiel Berlins
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
WiSe 2005/06
Angele, Marcel Karl
Die Region als postfordistischer Gestaltungsraum. Eine Analyse raumbezogener Strategien saarländischer Regionskonzepte
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Badi, Maysoon Mustafa
Mathematical Chaos & Urban Complexity. Parallel concepts from the Science of Chaos and the Theory of Planning
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Beger, Claudia
> europa (n) ity. Europäische Stadtplanungskultur und EUROPAN mit Fokus auf grenzüberschreitende Planungsprozesse im Kleinen Dreieck
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Berreth, Tatiana
Stadtgestaltung, Sozialverhalten und Integration eine empirische Untersuchung in Frankfurt am Main
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Fritzsche, Oliver
Die EXPO 2010 in Shanghai: Better City, Better Life
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Fuchs, Michael
Region Bonn/Rhein-Sieg/Ahrweiler. Indikatoren für eine nachhaltige regionale Siedlungsstrukturentwicklung
(Erstgutachter: Prof. W. Guerra)
Gamez Ojeda, Lucia Paola
Social Production of the Plaza. Spatialization of culture in the Mexican plaza
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Gülcemal, Eylem
Integration Infrastructures at the Neighbourhood Level. The Case of Ottensen, Germany
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Kastner, Dorothee
Die EU Gemeinschaftsinitiative INTERREG und ihr Beitrag für ein zusammenwachsendes Europa
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Lackmann, Marc
Implementierung von Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in Deutschland - rechtlicher Rahmen und Beteiligungsprozess
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Mattiucci, Laura
A New Philosophy in Urban Planning Culture? Legacy of the CI URBAN at federal-regional and local level: Italy and Germany
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Morales González, Diana Carolina
Bahnflächenrecycling in Deutschland. Die Mobilisierung von innerstädtischen gleisnahen Bahnbrachen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Ó Ceallaigh, Dónall Niall
The New Urbanism in Europe: A Critique
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Reimann, Sara
Kultur und Stadtentwicklung: Der Stellenwert kleiner kultureller Initiativen in der Stadt
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Schwander, Christian
Network Urbanism. The Railway Network in South East England
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Setyani, Tri Kurniati Endah
Women´s Mobility in Jakarta
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Sredkova-Alasbahi, Silviya
Entwicklungsperspektiven einer post-sozialistischen Stadt in Osteuropa
(Erstgutachter: Prof. W. Guerra)
Subandh, Shubhashish Suresh
Localised Conflicts on a Globalising Stage -The Mumbai Riots and Serial Blasts in 1992-93
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Yang, Yu
Integration of the Elderly into Local Community - Case Study of Shanjian Neighborhood in Shanghai (Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
SuSe 2005
Carneiro, Maude
Bedeutung der Eisenbahnanbindungen für die Stadtentwicklung in Ostdeutschland
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
WiSe 2004/05
Augustin, Johannes
Basisfaktoren innovationsorientierter endogener Regionalentwicklung
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Dittrich, Dominik Lucas
Das Potential der Planungsregion Mittelthüringen als Wohnstandort für die jungen Alten
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
He, Xinyao
From Project Development to Inner City Renewal. Case Study of Shanghai Xintiandi Project and Frankfurt Hochvier Project
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Kamper, Beatrice
Nordrhein-Westfalen New Urbanism. Potentiale und Defizite des New Urbanism - Ein Vergleich (Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Kurz, Dana Nicola
Adern von Jena. Anstiftung zu städtischer Kreativität
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Pafka, Elek
Stadtgestaltung und Sozialverhalten. Eine empirische Untersuchung in der Jenaer Innenstadt
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Röck, Lia
Der Leipziger Hauptbahnhof. Räumlich-soziale Untersuchung eines innerstädtischen öffentlichen Raums
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Schmickler, Arno
Is it more than just design? Making a move towards developing and visualising an index of urbanism
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Urban, Sylvia
Schrumpfende Städte - Imagebildung von Plattenbausiedlungen in Ostdeutschland
(Erstgutachter: Prof. W. Guerra)
Voßhenrich, Kai
Chancen solarer Stadtkulturen im Kontext der Dominanz fossiler Gesellschaften
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Werdermann, Georg
Contemporary European spatial development and infrastructure improvement strategies in the Baltic Sea region
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Winzler, Katharina
Benchmarking Urban Amenities. A closer look at US-Downtowns
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Yang, Yan
M.ART.a: Solo or Concerto
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
SuSe 2004
Lu, Xin
Intercultural Understanding. German architects and city planners in China
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Naumann, Juliane
Aus der Depression zur Urban Renaissance. Urban Regeneration in Manchester
(Erstgutachter: Prof. W. Guerra)
Palinske, Sigrun
Bedingungen und Strategien des Wohnungsbaus in Erfurt
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Pippi, Lauri Ann
Barrierefreiheit und die städtische Umwelt. Eine Perspektive auf Weimar
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Zakrzewski, Philipp
Berlin und Brandenburg: vom Spielball der Geschichte zur selbstbestimmten Metropolregion?
(Erstgutachter: Prof. W. Guerra)
WiSe 2003/04
Baum, Martina Barbara
Urbanität zwischen Kunst und Kommerz. Untersuchung der urbanen Qualitäten des Areals Kunstpark Ost, München
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Kube, Olaf
Kulturelle Konsequenzen und Perspektiven des Stadtumbaus. Das Beispiel Guben / Gubin
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Meier, Carsten
Planerische Utopien im Kontext der Stadtschrumpfungsdiskussion
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Müller, Julia
Quartiersansichten im Prenzlauer Berg. Photographische Betrachtung eines gentrifizierten Bezirks
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Paeßens, Inge
Masterplan Overamstel - Mobiles Wohnen. Kommentierter Entwurf
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Plambeck, Tanja
Die Reise der Zeichen und Bilder - oder: Wie sehr gleichen sich unsere Städte?
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt )
Probst, Martin
Nur Verkehr? Untersuchung über den Zusammenhang von Mobilitätsinfrastruktur und Stadtregion vorgenommen an einem Ausschnitt der Region Frankfurt Rhein-Main
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Pusceddu, Rossano
Vitaminreich Wohnen. Evolution neuer Wohnformen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Reimann, Tatjana
Vitaminreich Wohnen. Evolution neuer Wohnformen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Schulze Wehninck, Birgit
Stadtlandschaften in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Eine Betrachtung der Freiraumpolitik
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Türetken, Füsun
Kulturunternehmer und ihre temporären Projekte dargestellt an der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
(Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Eckardt)
Weidner, Jürgen
Urbanität als ökonomisches Handlungsmodell. Neue Unternehmen in der bestehenden Stadt
(Erstgutachter: Prof. W. Guerra)
SuSe 2003
Fischer, Thomas Heinz
Flächenmanagement - Untersuchung zum Umgang mit Flächenpotentialen in der Stadtentwicklung
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Weisbach, Saskia
Ballymun moves house. The Transformation of a High-Rise Estate into a Low-Rise Estate in Dublin, Ireland
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
WiSe 2002/03
Belger, Yvonne
Städtenetze in europäischer Raumentwicklungs-perspektive - Eine Betrachtung von Theorie und Praxis
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Kind)
Concha Moya, Hilda del Carmen
Sicherheit in der Stadt: Folgen neuer Maßnahmen für den urbanen Raum
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Glücker, Andreas
Reading FRAPORT. Wahrnehmung und Decodierung - ein phänomeno- logischer Blick auf den Flughafen Frankfurt Main
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Halves, Dörthe
Überseehafen Bremen- Neue Perspektiven für eine innerstädtische Brachfläche
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Hölscher, Rudolf
Die Rolle des Handels für die europäische Stadt
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Kefes, Karl
Die Entstehung von Orten: der synthetische versus der organische Weg. Jerdes placemaking im Vergleich mit dem Broadway in Los Angeles
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Neumann, Tatjana
Wasser zeichnet die Stadt. Eine städtebauliche Bewertung des Stadtumbaus Osthafen Amsterdam
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Nitz, Sylvia Annelie
Ausarbeitung und Auswahl geeigneter Kriterien zur Erstellung einer Rangliste europäischer Städte über 50.000 Einwohner
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Margraf, Kai-Uwe
Leitbild und Wirklichkeit - Betrachtungen zur nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Kind)
Schmidt, Philippe Bernd
In the Public Interest: The Voices of Ground Zero. 380 Tage Stadtplanung für die `Stadt des 21. Jahrhunderts`
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Schoengart, Kerstin
Die Seele des Ortes. Ein integral-disziplinärer Beitrag zur Rehabilitierung vergessener Raum-Dimensionen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Wegmann, Thomas
Die Bedeutung zentraler öffentlicher Räume für das politische Handeln des Stadtmenschen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
SuSe 2002
Cöppicus, Arndt
Großsiedlungen zwischen Stadt und Land
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Wackerl, Wolfgang
Großsiedlungen zwischen Stadt und Land
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Wunderlich, Antje
Entwicklung regionaler Identität am Beispiel der IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
WiSe 2001/02
Ahl, Steffen
Städte lesen. Überlegungen zu einer hermeneutischen Sicht auf die Stadt als Text
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Brandis, Christof
Die Bedeutung der sozialen Dimension für eine nachhaltige regionale Entwicklung in Europa
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Kind)
Dezen-Kempter, Eloisa
Favalas in Sáo Paulo: Die informelle Raumproduktion und der Prozess ihrer Integration in die formelle Struktur der Stadt
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Hardinghaus, Matthias Bernhard
Zur Stadtentwicklung in den USA. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgenese des City-Suburb-Phänomens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung protestantischer Leitbilder
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Sauer-Scholta, Anette
Vom Verhältnis repräsentativer Architektur zum räumlichen Strukturwandel am Beispiel des nördlichen Ruhrgebietes
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Hassenpflug)
Schenk, Alexander Maria
Vom Projekt Eisen zum Projekt Stadt. Urbane Brachen und Konzeptansätze eines kommunalen Baumanagements am Beispiel der saarländischen Mittelstadt Völklingen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Steinhauer, Karén
Sein oder Schein: ein angewandtes Agenda 21-Projekt. Vergleich von Indikatoren nachhaltiger Entwicklung mit Modellpartnern aus einer Projektanalyse
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)
Tölle, Alexander
Entwicklung innerstädtischer Brachflächen
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Nentwig)