The model project

The Model Project

The model project consists of an internship and the model project forum. In the internship the students work at innovative and ambitious businesses to gain experience and work on projects, that will help society move forward in a significant manner. The model project forum happens after the internships and all the partners of the participating businesses will attend and listen to the student-presentations as well as discuss current topics and give lectures.

International Model Project partners of the Masters course »Reflective Urban Practice« - in the Study Programme »Integrated Urban Development and Design« (M.Sc.)


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc. (Coordinator)

Tel. +49-(0)3643-58 27 72  Philippe.Schmidt [ at]



(Offices in which several students were placed are only listed once)

AS+P Albert Speer + Partner, Frankfurt am Main

Basurama Design and Architecture, Madrid

gmp · Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Berlin

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid, City of Amsterdam

LAND Italia, Milano

LAND Germany, Düsseldorf

stadtland, Wien



AEP Architekten Eggert Generalplaner, Stuttgart

AS+P Albert Speer + Partner, Frankfurt am Main

Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna

Capattistaubach Urbane Landschaften, Berlin

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid, Municipality of Amsterdam

De Urbanisten, Rotterdam

GIZ TUMI, Frankfurt am Main

gmp Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Berlin

Henning Larsen Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl, Überlingen

Henning Larsen, Copenhagen

INUMO, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

MUST, Cologne

Pratt Center, Brooklyn, New York

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid, Municipality of Amsterdam

Samolet-Project LTD, Moscow, Russia

Tesla Manufacturing Brandenburg SE, Grünheide (Mark)



AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH Frankfurt

Bruno Fioretti Marquez, Berlin

BUUR Part of Sweco, Brussels, Belgium

De Zwarte Hond Architectuur & Stedenbouw, Köln

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bonn

gmp Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Architekten GmbH, Berlin

Kéré Architecture, Berlin

Lichtenstein Landschaftsarchitekten, Hamburg

MonViso Institute, Ostana

Orange Edge Stadtplanung und Mobilitätsforschung, Hamburg

Ramboll / Henning Larsen, Hamburg

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid (R&D), City of Amsterdam

Topotek 1, Berlin



Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Wien

Büro für Urbane Projekte, Leipzig

BUUR Part of Sweco

claussen-seggelke – stadtplaner, bauleitplanung und stadtentwicklung, Hamburg

Defacto Architecture & Urbanism, Rotterdam

De Zwarte Hond Architectuur & Stedenbouw, Köln

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bonn

gmp Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Architekten GmbH, Berlin

IPU Ingenieurbüro für Planung und Umwelt, Erfurt

KCAP Architects & Planners, Rotterdam

metris Architekten, Heidelberg

MVRDV, Rotterdam

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid (R&D), City of Amsterdam

stadtland, Wien

Vereniging Deltametropool, Rotterdam



AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH, Shanghai, China

Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Wien, Österreich

BÜRO BLAU - räume. bildung. dialoge. gemeinnützige GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland

De Zwarte Hond Architectuur & Stedenbouw, Köln, Deutschland

gmp Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Architekten GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland

MLA+ Berlin, Deutschland

MVRDV Rotterdam, Niederlande

Orange Edge Stadtplanung und Mobilitätsforschung, Hamburg, Deutschland

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid (R&D), City of Amsterdam, Niederlande

Stadtverwaltung Fellbach, Deutschland

Topotek 1, Berlin, Deutschland

Dr. Wackerl Büro für Stadtplanung und strategische Projektentwicklung, Köln, Deutschland



Agence Ter, Karlsruhe, Deutschland

AMS Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Wien, Österreich

de Architekten Cie., Amsterdam, Niederlande

Defacto Architecture & Urbanism, Rotterdam, Niederlande

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bonn, Deutschland

gmp Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Architekten GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland

MLA+ Berlin, Deutschland

MLA+ Rotterdam, Niederlande

MVRDV Rotterdam, Niederlande

Project for Public Spaces (PPS), New York, USA

RSAA sustainable architecture and urban design GmbH Köln, Deutschland

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid (R&D), City of Amsterdam, Niederlande

Space Syntax London, London, Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien

Stadtverwaltung Fellbach, Deutschland

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ Leipzig, Deutschland

1010 architecture urbanism, Brüssel, Belgien



Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Wien, Österreich

Büro für Urbane Projekte, Leipzig, Deutschland

Fabrications, Amsterdam, Niedelande

Feld72, Wien, Österreich

GIZ, Bonn, Deutschland

gmp Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Architekten GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland

IPU Ingenieurbüro für Planung und Umwelt, Erfurt, Deutschland

metris Architekten, Heidelberg, Deutschland

Mori Memorial Foundation, Tokyo, Japan

Orange Edge Stadtplanung und Mobilitätsforschung, Hamburg, Deutschland

Project for Public Spaces (PPS), New York, USA

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid (R&D), Amsterdam, Niederlande

Sinus Institut, Berlin, Deutschland 

Space Syntax London, London, Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien

Terreform, New York City, USA

Ulrike Brandi Lichtplanung und Leuchtenentwicklung, Hamburg, Deutschland



Al Borde Arquitectos, Quito, Ecuador

ARUP, Berlin, Deutschland

buur - Bureau voor Urbanisme, Leuven, Belgien

De Zwarte Hond Architectuur & Stedenbouw, Köln, Deutschland

Hauschild+Siegel, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

metris architekten und stadtplaner, Heidelberg, Deutschland

Nplus Gesellschaft für Baumanagement mbH, Weimar, Deutschland

Orange Edge, Hamburg, Deutschland

Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, New York, USA

VDE e.V., (Quartiersmanagement Wassertorplatz) Berlin, Deutschland

S.T.E.R.N. Gesellschaft der behutsamen Stadterneuerung mbH (Quartiersmanagement Brunnenviertel-Ackerstraße), Berlin, Deutschland

raumlabor berlin, Deutschland

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid, Gemeente Amsterdam, Niederlande

SBA Architektur und Städtebau GmbH, Stuttgart, Deutschland



Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR)

Büro für Urbane Projekte, Leipzig, Deutschland

Cobe, Berlin, Deutschland

Dupla, Providencia, Santiago de Chile, Chile

ECE Hamburg, Deutschland

GMP, Berlin, Deutschland

metris architekten und stadtplaner, Heidelberg, Deutschland

Nonconform, Wien, Österreich

Orange Edge, Hamburg, Deutschland

Pratt Center, Brooklyn, USA

R&D Amsterdam, Niederlande

Space Syntax, London, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien

Todo por la Praxis, Madrid, Spanien

Urbanista Hamburg, Deutschland


Büro für Urbane Projekte, Leipzig, Deutschland

BUUR - Bureau voor Urbanisme, Leuven, Belgien

Feld 72, Wien, Österreich

gmp Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Architekten GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland

MitOst, Berlin, Deutschland

MLA + Architecture, Urbanism & Related Thinking, Rotterdam, Niederlande

Orange Edge , Hamburg, Deutschland

PPS, New York City, USA

Pratt Center for Community Planning, Brooklyn, USA 

Ruimte en Duurzaamheid, R&D, (Physical Planning and Sustainability), Amsterdam, Niederlande

Space Syntax, London, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien

Topotek 1, Berlin, Deutschland



AS&P, Albert Speer und Partner, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

Büro für Urbane Projekte, Leipzig, Deutschland

BUUR bureau voor urbanisme, Leuven, Belgien

Deltametropool, Rotterdam, Niederlande

De Urbanisten, Rotterdam, Niederlande

Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening – Gemeente DRO Amsterdam, Niederlande

Focus Consultores, Valparaiso, Chile

Frank Feistel, Freier Landschaftsarchitekt, Erfurt, Deutschland

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Baku, Azerbaijan

KCAP Architects and Planners, Rotterdam, Niederlande

Orange Edge, Hamburg, Deutschland

Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Space Syntax, London, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien

SPAP Architektur Stadt Landschaft, Dortmund, Deutschland

gmp von Gerkan Marg und Partner, Berlin, Deutschland

gmp von Gerkan Marg und Partner, Hamburg, Deutschland

Topotek1, Berlin, Deutschland

UFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung, Leipzig, Deutschland

Volume Magazine, Rotterdam, Niederlande



Albert Speer & Partner, Frankfurt, Deutschland

AMO – OMA, Rotterdam, Niederlande

Büro für Urbane Projekte, Leipzig, Deutschland

BUUR, Leuven, Belgien

Delta Metropool, Rotterdam, Niederlande

Departamento de Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening - Gemeente Amsterdam, Niederlande

East, London, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien

FCA Dr. Fischer Community of Architects GmbH, Weimar, Deutschland

Gehl Architects Urban Quality Consultants, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

gmp von Gerkan, Marg & Partner, Berlin, Deutschland

Jena-Geos®, Jena, Deutschland

Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, USA

Project for Public Spaces PPS, New York City, USA

Space Syntax, London, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien

Stadt Nürnberg, Amt für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung, Deutschland

TD Theo Deutinger, Flachau, Österreich

Urban Synergies, Toronto, Kanada



Ağırbaş / Wienstroer Architektur & Stadtplanung, Neuss, Deutschland

Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt, Basel, Schweiz

BUUR Bureau voor urbanisme, Leuven, Belgien

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Bredford, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien

COBE, Kopenhagen, Dänemark

Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (DifU), Berlin, Deutschland

Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, Amsterdam, Niederlande

General Organisation for the Preservation of the Historic Cities of Yemen (GOPHCY), Center for architectural training and studies, Sana'a, Yemen

International New Town Institute (INTI), Almere, Niederlande

JENA-GEOS®-Ingenieurbüro GmbH, Jena, Deutschland

Platoon, Berlin, Deutschland

Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, USA

VIC Vietnam Investment Consulting GMBH , Berlin, Deutschland



Agence Ter, Karlsruhe, Deutschland

Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Hamburg, Deutschland

Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt, Basel, Schweiz

BUUR Bureau voor urbanisme, Leuven, Belgien

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eschborn, Deutschland

Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Gehl Architects, Urban Quality Consultants, Kopenhagen, Dändemark

Helmholtzzentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ), Leipzig, Deutschland

Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig, Deutschland

Machleidt und Partner, Berlin, Deutschland

PAD Planning Architecture Design, Weimar, Deutschland

Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, USA

Raumlabor, Berlin, Deutschland

Stadtverwaltung Biedenkopf

Stadtverwaltung Naumburg


Büro für Urbane Projekte, Leipzig, Deutschland

BUUR Bureau voor urbanisme, Leuven, Belgien

Complizen Planungsbüro, Berlin, Deutschland

D&K Drost Consult, Hamburg, Deutschland

feld72, Wien, Österreich

Inbo, Eindhoven, Niederlande

P&T Group, Hong Kong, China

Pratt Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA

PTW Architects, Sydney, Australien

Space Syntax, London, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien

Stadtverwaltung Jena, Fachbereich Stadtplanung und Stadtentwicklung, Jena, Deutschland


City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, Los Angeles, USA

Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening DRO, Amsterdam, Niederlande

DifU – Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, Berlin, Deutschland

Elemental Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile

FOCO Consultores, Valparaíso, Chile

gmp von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Hamburg, Deutschland

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Deutschland

IHK Industrie- und Handelskammer Südthüringen, Suhl, Deutschland

Inbo, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Inter3 Institute for Resource Management, Berlin, Deutschland

Machleidt und Partner, Berlin, Deutschland

Municipality of Lovech, Lovech, Bulgarien

Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Schettler & Wittenberg Architekten, Weimar, Deutschland

Stadt Arnstadt, Stadtverwaltung Bauamt, Arnstadt, Deutschland

Stadt Jena, Dezernat Stadtentwicklung, Jena, Deutschland

Wallraf und Partner Stadt- und Regionalforschung, Stadtplanung und wohnungswirtschaftliche Beratung, Dessau, Deutschland


Adelphi Research, Berlin, D

Calthorpe & Associates, Berkeley, CA, USA

DC&E Planning, Berkeley, CA, USA

Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, Amsterdam, NL

Dublin City Council, Dublin, IRL

Gerkan Marg und Partner, Berlin, D

Inbo, Amsterdam, NL

Machleidt und Partner, Berlin, D

PICCED Brooklyn, USA

Platoon, Cultural development, Berlin, D

Pro Quartier, Hamburg, D

Regional Development Agency Yorkshire, Forward, Leeds, UK

Rhode, Kellermann Wawrowskiy, Düsseldorf, D

Space Syntax, London, UK

Stadt Mannheim, D

Studio One Eleven, Long Beach, Kalifornien, USA

Studio Sputnik, Rotterdam, NL

ZUS Zones Urbaines Sensibles, Rotterdam, NL


BOVERKET, Landskrona, S

Calthorpe Associates, Urban Designers Planners Architects, Berkeley, USA

COBE Kopenhagen, DK

Design, Community & Environment, Berkeley, USA

DifU Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, Berlin, D

HENN Architekten, München, D

L+K Liang Kai Associates Architects + Planners, Beijing, RC

Nickl & Partner Architekten, München, D

PAD Planning Architecture Design, Weimar, D

PAS Projektgruppe Architektur und Städtebau, Frankfurt, D

Pratt-Institute PICCED, Brooklyn, USA

PTW Sydney, AUS

simpson  wilson architects, Sydney, AUS

SPUTNIK, Rotterdam, NL

Stadtentwicklungsamt Erfurt, D

UMA Group / AECOM, Calgary, CDN

United Nations University, Bonn, D

ZEF Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, Bonn, D


GMP, Gerkan Marg & Partner, Berlin, D

Landschaftsarchitektur und Ökologie, Darmstadt, D

planquadrat, Darmstadt, D

Stadtplanungsamt Bonn, D

Stadtreinigung Hamburg, D

bucholz l mcevoy architects ltd., Dublin, EIR

Neveux - Rouyer Paysagistes, Paris, F

SAVE Britain´s Heritage, London, GB

Stadtplanugsamt Trondheim, N
PROURB / FAU / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, BR

DRO Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, Amsterdam, NL

de Architekten Cie.Research & Development, Amsterdam, NL

urban studio, Los Angeles, USA

HPD New York City Department of Housing, Preservation and Development, New York, USA

Dublin City Council, Dublin, EIR

Calthorpe Associates, Urban Designers Planners Architects, Berkeley, USA

Pratt-Institute PICCED, Brooklyn, USA

SDCC South Dublin County Council, Dublin, EIR

Döll - Atelier voor Bouwkunst, Rotterdam, NL

Machleidt + Partner, Berlin, D

PVFRM Planungsverband Ballungsraum, Frankfurt / Rhein-Main, D

Stadtplanungsamt Wiesbaden, D

RDA Regional Development Agency Yorkshire Forward, Leeds, GB

GMP Gerkan Marg & Partner, Hamburg, D

Wittig & Rietig Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner Ingenieure GMBH, Weimar, D


AS & P, Albert Speer & Partner, Frankfurt/M., D

BSU, Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Hamburg, D

De Architekten Cie., Amsterdam, NL

DIfU, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, Berlin, D

DRO, Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, Amsterdam, NL

GRAS * Gruppe Architektur und Stadtplanung, Dresden, D

Labor für Regionalplanung, Graefenhainichen, D

Lohan Anderson, Chicago, USA

Machleidt & Partner, Büro für Städtebau, Berlin, D

Öko Institut e. V., Freiburg, Deutschland

Planungsverband Ballungsraum Frankfurt/Rhein-Main, D

RDA, Regional Development Agency, Yorkshire-Forward, Leeds, UK

RKW, Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky, Düsseldorf, D

SEEDA, South East England Development Agency, Guildford, UK

SEREMI, Secretaria Regional del Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo, Valparaiso, Chile

South Dublin County Council, IR

stadtgestalten - Urbanistische Dienstleistungen, Berlin, D

Stadtplanungsamt Wiesbaden, D

urban studio, John Kaliski, Los Angeles, USA


AS & P, Albert Speer & Partner, Frankfurt/M, D

Behörde für Bau und Verkehr Hamburg, Hamburg, D

Calthorpe Associates, Urban Designers Planners Architects, Berkeley, USA

CAUP / Tongji Universität, Schanghai, PR China

de Architekten Cie. R & D, Amsterdam, NL

DIfU, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, Berlin, D

Döll - Atelier voor Bouwkunst, Rotterdam, NL

DRO, Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordenin, Amsterdam, NL

European Urban Congress, Ferropolis, Graefenhainichen, D

GAO, NSW Government Architect´s Office, NSW Dept. of Commerce, Sydney, AUS

HENN Architekten, München, D

Hessen Agentur GmbH, (FEH Servicestelle HEGISS), Frankfurt/M., D

HPD New York City Dep. of Housing, Preservation and Development, New York, USA

IKS, Industriekultur Saar GmbH, Göttelborn, D

memo-consulting, Quartiersmanagement Gallusviertel, FFM für FEH - SOZIALE STADT, Frankfurt/M., D

Planwerk Cluj Napoca, Klausenburg, RU

Pratt-Institute, PICCED, Brooklyn, USA

Royal Haskoning, Utrecht, NL

SEEDA, Guildford, UK

SEREMI, Valparais, Chile

South Dublin County Council, Dublin, IR

Frankfurt Stadtplanungsamt, Frankfurt/M., D

Erfurt Stadtentwicklungsamt, Erfurt, D

Leipzig, Stadtplanungsamt, (Planwerk Olympia), Leipzig, D

Bochum Planungsamt, Bochum, D

Tübingen Stadtsanierungsamt, Tübingen, D

Überseestadt GmbH, Bremen, D



Artform, Urban Planning & Architecture, Wu Dong, Shanghai, CHN

de Architekten Cie., Prof. ir. P. B. de Bruijn, Amsterdam, NL

Calthorpe Associates, Peter Calthorpe, Berkeley, USA

DIfU Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, Dr. Albrecht Göschel, Berlin, D

PICCED Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development, Ron Shiffman, Brooklyn, USA

IPPUC Transport and Urban Planning, Marià Rosario Curitiba, BR

Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Geschäftsbereich Stadtentwicklung, Herbert Feßenmayr, Dresden, D

Dublin City Council, Kieran Rose, Dublin, IRE

Hoogstad Architekten, Joost Hector, Rotterdam, NL

IKS Industriekultur Saar GmbH, Karl Kleineberg, Göttelborn, D

Initiativkreis Ruhrgebiet GmbH, Prof. R. Kunzmann, Dortmund, D

SEEDA South East England, Development Agency, Detlef Golletz, Guildford, UK

Modell Hanau, Zukunft mit Bürgern, Martin Bieberle, Hanau, D

Moule & Polyzoides, Elizabeth Moule, Stephanos Polyzoides, Pasadena, USA

NSW Department of Commerce, Margaret Petrykowski, Sydney, AUS

RKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky, Friedel Kellermann, Düsseldorf, D

Stadtsanierungsamt Tübingen, Cord Soehlke, Tübingen, D

Urban Studio, John Kaliski, Los Angeles, USA


AUER + WEBER Architekten, Prof. Fritz Auer, Stuttgart/München, D

BKK3, Franz Summnitsch, Wien, AUT

B.U.S. Büro für Umweltplanung und Stadtentwicklung, Frank Samol, Dresden, D

IFB Braschel, Prof. Reinhold Braschel, Stuttgart, D

de Architekten Cie., Prof. ir. P. B. de Bruijn, Amsterdam, NL

D R O Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, Allard Jolles, Amsterdam, NL

DIfU Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, Dr. Albrecht Göschel, Berlin, D

Dublin Corporation, Jim Barett, Dublin, IRE

Earth Center, Liz Oads, Doncaster, UK

ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co KG, J.-U. Meier, Hamburg, D

FEH Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Hessen mbH, Dr. Andrea Blöhm, Wiesbaden, D

Massimiliano Fuksas, Architetto Massimiliano Fuksas, Rom, IT

Henn Architekten, Prof. Henn, München / Berlin, D

Metropolitan Forum Project, David Abel, Los Angeles, USA

New York City, Department of Housing, Preservation and Development, Jerilyn Perine, New York, USA

RKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky, Friedel Kellermann, Düsseldorf, D

Stadtwerk Frankfurt, Ardi Goldmann, Frankfurt/Main, D

Urban Splash, Barra Mac Ruairi, Manchester, UK

Urban Studio, L.A. John Kaliski, Los Angeles, USA


Stadtverwaltung Berlin, Evelyn Sommerfeld, Berlin, D

B.U.S. Büro für Umweltplanung und Stadtentwicklung, Frank Samol, Dresden, D

de Architekten Cie., Prof. ir. P. B. de Bruijn, Amsterdam, NL

D R O Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, Allard Jolles, Amsterdam, NL

DIfU Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, Dr. Albrecht Göschel, Berlin

Dublin Corporation, Jim Barett Dublin, IRE

Stadtverwaltung Gera, Europaangelegenheiten, Thomas Seidel, Gera, D

Kuiper Compagnons BV, Ashok Bhalotra, Rotterdam, NL

MDC Multi Development Corporation, Thomas Doerr, Düsseldorf, D

New York City, Department of Housing, Preservation and Development, Jerilyn Perine, New York, USA

RKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowsky, Friedel Kellermann, Düsseldorf, D

Urban Splash, Barra Mac Ruairi, Manchester, UK

Urban Studio, L.A. John Kaliski, Los Angeles, USA


ASTOC, Architects & Planers, Prof. Kees Christiaanse, Rotterdam, NL

Fondazione, Benetton Studi Dr. Arch. Domenico Lucani, Treviso, IT

CERUM, Center of Regional Science, University of Umea, Lars Westin, Umea, S

FEH, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Hessen mbH, Dr. Kerstin Jaensch, Wiesbaden, D

GIU, Gesellschaft für Innovation und Unternehmensförderung mbH, Dieter Blase, Saarbrücken, D

IBA-Fürst-Pückler-Land Internationale Bauausstellung, Prof. Dr. Rolf Kuhn, Großräschen, D

IBA-Emscher Park, Internationale Bauausstellung

Entwicklungsgesellschaft, Mont-Cenis EMC, Herr Terhoeven, Herne, D

Lyon Confluence, Communauté urbaine de Lyon, M. Muradian, Lyon, F

Neuwerk Consult GmbH, Nachhaltigkeitszentrum, Uwe G. Hauer, Hamburg, D

Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Prof. Luiz Carlos Costa, Sao Paulo, BR

Stadtsanierungsamt Tübingen, Cord Soehlke, Tübingen, D

The Urban Institute, Mr. Everett Madden, Washington, USA

Urban Splash, Barra Mac Ruairi, Manchester, UK

We would like to invite your company, your institution, your agency to join an extraordinary initiative:
The Model Projects of the Master's Course »Integrated Urban Development and Design«. 1

Our Vision

As we strive to initiate the transfer of knowledge between theory and practice by way of a mutually profitable exchange, we are looking for partners in the profession as well as in research institutions. We ask you to incorporate our early professionals into an advanced project which allows them to collaborate in all relevant phases. The model projects take place each year between the months of September and March for a duration of three to six months. All Model Projects are presented each year in the spring during the International Model Project Forum to an audience of students and professionals. The public forums at the Bauhaus-Universität are accompanied by the release of a publication documenting all Model Projects from to time.

A monthly remuneration of approximately 750.00 Euro per month is considered appropriate to the level of qualification the postgraduate students provide. A comparable compensation, i.e. providing accomodation, may account towards the remuneration deemed adequate.

What We Offer

The Model Projects of the Masters programme »Integrated Urban Development and Design« transcend a conventional internship by far to successful matches between master students and praxis partners. Aside from the qualification which our postgraduate students already possess and contribute to your institution, the following features may proof interesting to your organisation:

  1. Your organisation will become an official Project Partner of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with our master study programme and as such part of a growing network of experts in practice-oriented research and the professional field.
  2. You will be invited to participate in the Model Project Forum, during which the Model Projects are publicly presented in a joint format of students and expert partners. (Travel costs can mostly be covered, we kindly ask to choose the most cost efficient means of transportation)
  3. The conference lasts for two days and offers you to enter an interdisciplinary dialogue with internationally reknwon experts, participating in the forum as moderators or as speaker.
  4. A portrait of your organisation is presented at the Model Project Forum.
  5. Past Model Project Forums were unanimously considered a great experience and success by guests and participants likewise and are a valuable contribution to bring together praxis and academia.

1) the Model Projects previously were part of the former Master programme 'European Urban Studies' from 10/1999-9/2018 and since its reaccreditation as master programme IUSS is continued from 10/2018 on is part of the bauhaus.ifex.

We would be happy to welcome you as a Model Project Partner and supporter of our master programme and the Bauhaus-University Weimar!

Interested to become a Model Project Partner?
Contact us:

Integrated Urban Development and Design (IUDD)
dipl.-ing. (FH) philippe schmidt M.Sc.
green:house, bauhausstrasse 9 c, room 203

telefon: + 49 (0) 3643/58 27 72

1. Content of the IUDD Model Project
The agreements with Model Project Partners are in regard to particular projects. Their extensive integration within the project of the Project Partner which has been agreed upon is binding for both parties. Integration within other projects may only occur if these are relevant within the thematic context of Integrated Urban Development and Design. 

The internship agreement includes a specific assignment, ideally research-based design. Its integration into the particular work process needs to guarantee the ability to extensively acquire knowledge of the structure of the project and the Project Partner. Expressedly intended is the ability to contact relevant personnel, transfer between departments and intensive integration into meetings and exterior contacts of the Project Partner. Possibilities of intensive inquiry and research work should be made available.

2. Financing
Usually, a working contract is signed with the Project Partner, guaranteeing a limited special status within the Model Project. The payment needs to be considered for each particular case. We consider a monthly payment of 750.00 Euro per month as an appropriate compensation for our postgraduate students, or a comparable compensation, also in regard of the local rental market for housing, i.e. like providing accommodation or other compensation. The compensation surely also depends from the different professional experience and academic degrees of our postgraduate students.

3. Project Report and Evaluation
Parallel to project oriented tasks, the presentation of an extensive project report is a central objective of the working contract. The project report consists of at least 25 pages (choose landscape or portrait format according to what is more useful for the project you relate to) and is the basis for the intended publication on the Model Projects "Reflective Urban Practice". We are Europe-based but not Europe-centered and our vision of urban studies lays beyond borders - knowing that the influences among different cultural spheres today is a part of how cities are developed. Knowledge exchange that nevertheless identifies how different approaches to solve urban problems and to identify solutions and strategies have a special value.

Part of the work on the report will be introduced within the Model Project Forum "Reflective Urban Practice" in a lecture of 15 minutes + a debate. The report is reflecting practice (in design or research or strategic development etc.) but should use the proper way of scientife writing by using adquate sources (original sources like plans etc, texts, images) and quoting properly.

It is reommended to include the following aspects:

a) Description of the project structure of the Project Partner

  • legal construct
  • history and context related to the current urban discourse
  • tasks / projects of the student
  • clients and partners
  • working structure, management concept and hierarchic patterns
  • leadership and communication structures

Model Projects to which you have collaborated

  • project description
  • legal construct, financing
  • client and partners
  • team profile and disciplinary structure/tasks of disciplines involved
  • project history
  • classification and context of the project related to a broader urban discourse

Your tasks within the Model Project

  • range and field of activity
  • competence and tasks within the project
  • team work
  • acceptancy and experience

b) Evaluation

Beyond this, we expect a critical analysis and reflection of the Model Project within the field of topics of the Integrated Urban Development and Design (IUDD) study course.

  • Classification of the project within the contemporary discourse of urbanism
  • evaluation of the innovative character of the Model Project
  • evaluation of the success of the Model Project

During your Model Project time we recommend to write a "Project-Diary". Also, from the beginning on, material should be collected and a well executed documentation of the Model Project (photos etc.) should be conducted.

A successful Model Project internship, the preparatory seminar as well as the Forum seminar and finally the Model Project Forum and is of importance for the success of the study programme "Reflective Urban Practice" in the master study course "Integrated Urban Development and Design". Only by intensive collaboration with interesting Model Project Partners from the various disciplines participating in the field of urban design/urban research/administration/project development may fulfill the expectancy of contributing to the development of a new planning culture.

The team of the study programme "Integrated Urban Development and Design" wish you a successful Model Project experience!