Entwurfsbearbeitung: Eline Baert, Uliana Zhomnir
Wintersemester 2021/22, Master Architektur
The reference point for the project was the existing industrial heritage, not only the buildings but also the special qualities of the space inbetween. In contrast to the traditional urban grid, post-industrial spaces have a non-linear flowing structure of space, a mix of typologies and functions and the potential for informal appropriation. In our opinion, these qualities are the basis of the so-called Ehrenfelder mischung and the key to maintaining the identity and sustainable development of the area. Based on the existing directions, we recreated this structure of voids and the flows pattern in our project by linking it to the existing structure and routes by a chain of squares of different functions and atmospheres. We also propose a Weissplan strategy which allows the existing voids to be greened and transformed into a superpark. This structure can be the basis for the further development and densification of the industrial areas adjacent to Helios gelande. By bringing Ehrenfeld inside we preserve the coexistence of housing and production and try to solve the problems relevant to post-industrial spaces with a sustainability concept that combines radical landscaping, a new transport scheme and community support.