Peter Zumthor or The Magical in Architecture

Peter Zumthor
Bruder Klaus Kapelle
William von Baskerville

Seminar (Bilingual - en/de), 2 SWS | 3 ETCS


Die Magie des Realen, das ist für mich diese «Alchemie» der Verwandlung von realen Substanzen in menschliche Empfindungen, dieser besondere Moment der emotionalen Aneignung oder Anverwandlung von Materie, von Stoff und Form im architektonischen Raum.

“The Magic of the Real for me is the 'alchemy' of transforming real substances into human emotions. …"

Peter Zumthor, Die Magie des Realen, in: Architekur Denken (Thinking Architecture), Basel 2006

In this bi-lingual [German | English] master level theory class we will attempt to interpret and criticize texts and works of Swiss Architect Peter Zumthor, on the background of various texts about the notorious topics of atmosphere, immersion, regionalism, ritual, authorship, self-image of architects, craftsmanship, branding, and other focal points.

Students should be willing and able to do weekly readings, discussions, and take on presentations in English or German language.

If students are interested, we may also go on a short field trip to visit some magical architecture.


Dipl.-Ing. Olaf Pfeifer M.A.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter 2005-2012
