Seminar im Master/Diplom Level, MediaArchitecutre, 4 SWS
In his legendary polemic Neoliberty. The Italian Retreat from Modern Architecture the critic Reyner Banham denied that Italy ever had an avantgarde comparable to movements in Germany, the Netherlands or France. Starting from this dubious assumption the seminar seeks to explore the history and theory of modern architecture in Italy. Discussing the so called futurist movement, which already before World War One gained enormous significance as an early contribution to european modernism, it continues with competing positions, styles and aesthetics like Novecento and Razionalismo and finally runs into the postwar situation within the wider scope of international debates, comprising postmodern controversies. This course will be opened with an introductory lecture followed by seminar discussions dedicated to specific subjects and a study trip to Northern Italy at the end of the semester, which will be co-organized by the Polytechnic University of Turin. Attending students are expected to contribute a paper on one of the subjects listed below.
1. Introduction
2. Rissa in Città. Antonio SantElias manifest of futurist architecture
Text: Antonio SantElia, Manifest of Futurist Architecture,
3. Architettura Metafisica. Giovanni Muzios architecture in Milan
Projects: Cà Brütta; Palazzo dellArte; Mailänder Domplatz;
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
4. The manifests of the Gruppo Sette
Texts: Gruppo 7, Architecture, in: Oppositions 6, 1976, pp. 89-92; Gruppo 7,
The Rationalist Manifesto, in: Architectural Design, 1981, p. 43
5. Terragnis architecture in Como and Milan
Projects: Casa Novocomum; Casa del Fascio; Casa Rustici;
Kindergarten SantElia; Casa Giuliano Frigerio
6. Marcello Piacentinos classicism
Projects: Palazzo di Giustizia; Piazza Vittoria
7. Against Rationalism: Bruno Zevis Verso un architettura organica
Text: Bruno Zevi, Towards an Organic Architecture, London 1950
8. Ernesto Nathan Rogers and the end of CIAM
Texts: Oskar Newman, CIAM59 in Otterlo, in: Dokumente der Modernen
Architektur, hrg. v. Jürgen Joedicke, Stuttgart 1961, S. 97
9. The impact of architectural history: Manfredo Tafuri
Text: Manfredo Tafuri, LArchitecture dans le Boudoir: The language of criticism
and the criticism of language, in: Oppositions, Nr. 3, 1975, S. 37-62
10. Aldo Rossis razionalismo esaltato
Texts: Aldo Rossi, The Architecture of the City, 1966;
A Scientific Autobiography, 1982
11. Rossis works in Milan
Projects: Gallaratese; Segrate
12. Superstudio
Project: Continuous Monument
13. Between Milan and New York: Peter Eisenmans interpretation of architettura
Texts: Peter Eisenman, Dall'oggetto alla relazionalità: la casa del Fascio di
Terragni, in: Casabella, Nr. 344, 1970, S. 38-41; Peter Eisenman, From Object
to Relationship II: Giuseppe Terragni, Casa Giuliani Frigerio and Casa del
Fascio, 1971; Zit. n.: [Re] Reading Perspecta, The First Fifty Years of the Yale
Architectural Journal, Cambridge, Mass./London 2004, S. 298-310
14. Final discussion: The italian contribution to postmodern debates and its
contemporary significance
15. Study trip to Northern Italy (Como, Milan, Brescia)
- Schedule of Topics and Reading Assignments.pdfSchedule of Topics and Reading Assignments
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jasper Cepl
Leitung der Professur
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6, Raum 101
99423 Weimar
E-Mail: jasper.cepl[at]
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43/58 31 41
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