Medium Bauhaus

Seminar Master Architecture, MediaArchitecture, Visuelle Kommunikation, Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung, 2 SWS | 3 ECTS

Lehrende: Dr.phil.des. Dipl.-Ing. Ulrike Kuch

Most people think of Bauhaus as a creator of heroic design and architecture products. The way towards the well-known icons of modernity – e.g. the Freischwinger, the so called Wagenfeld-Leuchte or the Meisterhäuser – lead through experiments with materials, crafting, art – and media. Besides photography also experiments with film, light, and communication devices such as the telephone allowed protagonists of the Bauhaus to become avantgarde artists and researchers in the field of media. The transdisciplinary seminar examines the role of media at the historical Bauhaus to discuss and artistically find out what could be a contemporary view on this subject. We want to encourage students to combine research on historical and theoretical topics with a contemporary approach on media theory and the development of devices.

The course aims three things: First is to gather knowledge of the role of media at the historical Bauhaus with a focus on László Moholy-Nagy, Oskar Schlemmer, Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky. Second is to reflect this knowledge from a contemporary view: We will use different tools to analyze our knowledge on the Bauhaus protagonists, e.g. drawings, photograms and installations. Third aim is to make the knowledge and the contemporary view on it accessible by drafting an interface design that links past and present.

In cooperation with the c
hair of Interface Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Prof. Dr. Jens Geelhaar.





Start:      October 10th, 2017
Date:      Tuesday, 11:00 - 12:30 o´clock
Location: Marienstr. 7 B, R. 102qisserver/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfoRaum&publishSubDir=raum&keep=y&raum.rgid=2839

partly on weekends (please enroll on Moodle for further details)