(Cautionary) Tales of Disappearing Offices — Seminar

Begleitseminar zum Projekt Master A+U/MediaArch 1. FS 4 SWS | 6 ECTS

Lehrender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jasper Cepl

The compulsory seminar offered for students participating in the project of the same name will be set up as a reading group. The seminar will provide background information on the ideas and methods we will employ.

The readings, discussions, and activities during these sessions will function as a supportive framework to induce the necessary methods and theoretical discussions to develop the studio research project. We will mainly be dealing with approaches towards what Horst Rittel called “wicked problems”.


Beginn:  04. November 2020
Zeit:      mittwochs, 09:15 - 12:30 Uhr
Ort:       Moodle