IIAS - The International Integrated Architectural Studies Program of the Department of Architecture - is continuously held each summer term since 2001, in close co-operation of various teaching units.
IIAS 2005
March July 2005
The Bauhaus-University Weimar will hold it´s sixth design course in English entitled »International Integrated Architectural Studies« in the summer semester of 2005.
The IIAS 2005 program is organised by the chair of Design and Theory of Architecture, Professor Gerd Zimmermann, in close cooperation with the chair of Design and Theory of Building Types, Professor Karl-Heinz Schmitz, both of the faculty of Architecture. In the past internationally well-known architects have supported the design course with lectures, critiques and discussions on their own work:
- Luigi Snozzi Switzerland 1999
- Roger Diener Switzerland 1999
- Karljosef Schattner Germany 1999/2000
- Alberto Campo Baeza Spain 2002
- César Portela Spain 2003
- Oscar Tenreiro Venezuela 2003
- Günter Zamp Kelp Germany 2004
In 2005 Louisa Hutton and Prof. Matthias Sauerbruch will be supporting the design course as a guest critic. The program includes an excursion to places of specific relevance to the course. Students will be asked to contribute to the costs of the excursion to Berlin and Rome (student fee 500 Euros).
The design course will be supported by a lecture course on Theory and History of Architecture as well as additional seminar courses. The entire study program may earn up to 30 ECTS credit points in total.