Seymur Mammadrza
Post-Socialist Transformation:
Effects of oil-led growth on urban planning of Post-Socialist Baku
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Sebastian Schipper)
Raphael Aeberhard
Die Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur im gesellschaftlichen
und politischen Diskurs des 21. Jahrhunderts
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. SUpervisor: Jun.-Prof. Sigrun Langner)
Mazen Alazazmeh
Social Effects of Megaprojects in Amman
the case of Al-Abdali Urban Regeneration Project
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Sebastian Schipper)
Iana Samakaeva
Reimagining the In-Between Land
An Exercise in Strategic Planning for the Kazan Agglomeration Area
( 1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Ir. Kees Christiaanse)
Joshua Raff
Urbanization by University?
A Case Study of Shanghai´s New Towns
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Eng. Assoc. Prof. ZHANG Li)
Joulannar Wannous
Culture of Informality
Case Study of Informal Settlements in Damascus City during the
Syrian Current Conflict
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Conrad Philipp)
Ashwin Anikesh
Rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits - Finding Durable Solution
(identity Crisis, return, local reintegration and settlement)
for the Internal Displaced Persons of Kashmir
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Shaoffong)
Tofeek Sulieman
The importance of Voluntary initiative and Clubs
in the Integration Process of Refugees in German Cities
Casy Study: Dortmund
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Franziska Werner)
Carla Rafaela Ebel
Urban Planning and Socio-Natural Hazards:
Improving Urban Measures to Prevent and Deal with Disasters
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Nathalie Jean-Baptiste)
Abdelrahman Hegazy
The Impact of Airport Business Developments on the City (-Region)
Case Study: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Schlaack)
Bibhup Prasad Telenga
Regenerating the Core of the Indian City - Case Study in Guwahati
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Iana Korolova
How is the City subdivided?
Kyiv as a case study
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig; 2. Supervisor: Arvid Krüger)
Aleksandra Blazhevska
The Effect of the Regional Railway System:
The Transformation of the Urban Space in the City of Lund
(1. Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Steffen de Rudder; 2. Supervisor: Arvid Krüger)
Ion Alexandru Retegan
The North European Tourist Resort in the 21st Century
( 1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig; 2. Supervisor: Dr. Daniela Spiegel)
Priyambada Das
Rethinking Informal Urbanism in Kolkata
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig; 2. Supervisor: M. Arch. Holger Gladys)
Iman Hegazy
Beyond the Religious Denotation
A study on the development of Al-Qaed Ibrahim's socio-urban denotative meaning
In the Post-Revolution Context
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt; 2. Supervisor: Philippe Schmidt)
Ksenia Nikolaeva
The Role of View Corridors in the Waterfront Design
( Erstgutachter: Jun.-Prof. Sigrun Langner)
(Zweitgutachter: Prof. Wang Lan)
Gogu, Gerti
Perception of Changes in Steubenstraße Weimar, 2014-2015
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Kolyada (Kreusch), Serafima
The Hidden Path - Passable Yards of Saint Petersburg as Multifacet Urban Phenomenon
(Erstgutacher: Vertr.-Prof. de Rudder)
Anavatti Satyamurthy, Vaishali
Identity of the Pedestrians in Bengalaru, India Street Design Analysis Case of Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bengalaru, India
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Torres Morales, Gabriela
Informal Settlements in a Changing Climate - Identification of Context Centered Adaption and Mitigation Actions in Mexico City
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Stolle, Jan Dierk
Berücksichtigung stadtentwicklungspolitischer Ziele bei der Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen - Ankommen und Wohnperpektiven von Flüchtlingen aus Sicht der Stadtentwicklung. Entwicklung quartiersspezifischer Handlungsansätze am Beispiel Bremens
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Jimenez Gutierrez, Ana Sofia
Towards a strategic Plan for transit-oriented Development for the City of Merida
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Pllank-Wiedenbeck)
Krönert, Lukas
Defensive Urbanism in Mexico-City how closed Neighbourhoods and Architectures of Fear are Influencing the Urban Realm - A Spatial Analysis in the District Coyoacan
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
Markova, Monika
Handmade Leipzig, the potential of alternative consumption to redefine authenticity in Leipzig West
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
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