Choudhury, Zishan Fuad
Morphological Transformation in the Mughal Arena.
A Strategic Approach to Revitalize the Essence of ‘Katra’ in the Historic Dhaka (old part)
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Chandrashekar, Srikanth
Tanks to Lakes. Disappearance, Inference and Relevance to the City of Bangalore
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Schmidt, Daniela
Shopping and the City.Analysis, Urban Impact and Implementation of Innovative Retail Concepts
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Christ)
Arq. Eipper, Susan
Neighborhood Regeneration and Boundaries of Influence. The case of the program Social City in Germany
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Nolde, Hendrik
Imagebildung in Gebieten des Programms “Soziale Stadt” am Beispiel Jena-Winzerla
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Ghanavizchian, Sharareh
Social Exclusion and in Clusion in Public Sphere in Iran
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Schneider, Michael
What does Segregation mean? A qualitative Case Study of Rüsselsheim
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Eckardt)
Loupis, Angelos
Berlin, Urban Planning in the Modern Context of the Economy Market
(Erstgutachter: Prof. Welch Guerra)
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