Mariana Yukari Rodrigues Kuwabara
Of Earth and Sun
Integrating energy planning into urban design from the beginning
Case Study: Im Merketale II, Weimar, Germany
(First Supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider; Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mark Jentsch)
Sarah Li Xenia Büsing
Public Spache in the 21st Century
An examination of public space design and plannin in aspern Die Seestadt Wiens
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt; Second Supervisor: Karl Eckert M.Sc.)
Fernando Emilio Orellana Wong
Fear, Violence, and Gates: The Gated Community Phenomenon in Guatemala City
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig; Second Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Marieliz Morales Vega
Everyday-infrastructures and services: strategies towards dynamic and adaptive transition areas - a case study of Stavanger, Norway
(First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Plank-Wiedenbeck; Second Supervisor: Luise Kraaz M.Sc.)
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