Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tom Lahmer
Professur Optimierung und Stochastik
Marienstraße 15, Raum 102
Tel: +49 (0) 3643 / 58 45 06
E-Mail: tom.lahmer[at]
unterstützt / supports:
weltoffenes Thüringen
Academic CV
Academic CV
since 2021 since 2019 | Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineerring Professor ''Stochastics and Optimization'' |
since 2018 | Head of Department ,,Digitale Modelle und Simulation'', further Head of Research Group ''Characterization and Functionalization of Working Materials'' at MFPA, |
| Director of the Institute of Structural Mechanics |
2018 - 2013 | Juniorprofessor "Stochastics and Optimization" at the Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus-University Weimar |
2012 - 2008 | PostDoc researcher and CEO in the DFG research training group ,,Qualitative Assessment of Coupled Numerical and Experimental Models in Civil Engineering |
2008 | Doctoral thesis "Forward and Inverse problems in piezoelectricity", supervised by. Prof. B. Kaltenbacher |
2008 - 2004 | Scientific coworker at chair of sensor technology, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg |
2004 - 1998 | Applied Mathematics studies at TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
Research Interests
Research Interests
Uncertainty Quantification / Sensitivity Analysis
Design of Experiments for Ill-Posed Problems
Theory and Numerical Solution of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems
(Robust) Shape and Topology Optimization
Qualitative Assessment of Coupled Partial Models in Civil Engineering
Applications: Multifield and Multiscale Problems in Engineering
Research Projects
Research Projects
Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung: Förderlinie ,,Durchbrüche'', Projekt: Funktionalisierung smarter Werkstoffe unter Mehrfeldanforderungen für die Verkehrsinfrastruktur'', 2 Projekte im Arbeitsfeld 1: Datenaufnahme und Analyse
Landesprogramm ProDigital: Projekt HeriTech - Digitale Technologien für Handwerk und Kulturgut ‒ Bauhaus HeriTech, TP: numerische Simulationsverfahren moderner Baustoffe und Kompositwerkstoffe sowie von deren Verbindungen,
DFG Sachbeihilfe (3x12 Monate) ,,Bestimmung der Veränderung des Tragwerkzustandes von Staumauern über erweiterte wellenbasierte Inversionen und multi-phasen-XFEM Formulierungen'' (2017-2020), gemeinsam mit Prof. F. Wuttke (CAU Kiel)
Erasmus + : Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice. Project: Partnership for virtual laboratories in Civil Engineering (PARFORCE)
Erasmus + Project: Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decisions, Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education, anteilmäßig
DFG - Sachbeihilfe (3x12 Monate) ,,Enwicklung und Analyse von Methoden zur Identifikation von korrelierten Parametern in Mehrfeldproblemen'' (2014-2017), gemeinsam mit Prof. C. Könke
DFG - Sachbeihilfe (3x12 Monate) ,,Eine elektro-mechanische XFEM-Formulierung für Vorwärtsprobleme und inverse Probleme (2011-2014), gemeinsam mit Prof. T. Rabczuk
2013 - Aufnahme in die Liste der Antragsteller des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 1462, ,,Qualitative Assessment of Coupled Partial Numerical and Experimental Models in Civil Engineering'' (Laufzeit 2008-2017)
Signal Processing and Interpretation
Introduction to Optimization (Linear / Nonlinear Problems, Optimization on Graphs)
Mathematics for Risk Management
Stochastics and Risk Assessment
Optimization in Applications (Calibration, Inverse Problems, Shape and Topologyoptimization)
Stochastic Simulation Techniques and Structural Reliability
Design and Interpretation of Experiments
Supervision of PhD Candidates and PostDocs
Supervision of PhD Candidates and PostDocs
Methods for the Identification of Correlated Parameters in Multi-Field Systems (Dr. Nguyen-Tuan Long, DFG)
Polymorphic Uncertainty Analysis of Coupled Systems (Albrecht Schmidt, DFG)
Robust Shape Design of Arch-Type Dams (Fengjie Tan, CRC)
Comparison of Different Regularizing Iterative Schemes for the Full-Waveform-Inversion (Iuliia Urakova, DFG)
Dynamical Analysis of Structures in Engineering (Simon Marwitz)
Quality of Meta Models in Civil Engineering Applications (Maria Steiner, DFG - GRK1462)
Structural Optimization under Multiple Loads (Zouhour Jaouadi, DFG - GRK 1462)
Design of Experiments for Tower-Like Structures (Ina Reichert, DFG - GRK1462)
Structural Analysis of Dams Using Full Waveform Inversion (Muyiwa Alalade together with Prof. Wuttke, DFG)
Uncertainty Quantification Of Results Of Inverse Problems in Dynamic Systems With Applications to Railway Poles (Feras Alkam, DAAD)
Reduction of Large Monitoring Data by Dimension Reduction Methods (Ehsahn Harirchian)
Modelling of a 3D Printing Process of Concrete Under Uncertainty (Meron Wondafrash, DAAD)
Optimization of Aggregate Distributions in Metaconcrete (Yisihak Gebre, DAAD)
Entwicklung eines multidimensionalen, digitalen Cordier-Diagramms für radiale Turboverdichter unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Reynoldszahl (Yannick Lattner, Extern über Fachhochschule Dortmund, Co-Betreuung mit Prof. M. Geller)
Guest-Editors | -> T.Lahmer, E. Harichrian, V. Novelli: Special Issue: Building's Vulnerability Assessment against Natural Hazards by Using Modern Computational Techniques, in Buildings, 2023. -> T. Lahmer, Ch. Bucher, D. Frangopol, Special Section: Selected contributions of the 12th International Probabilistics Workshop (IPW) Weimar, 2014. Published in the Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechancis 2016 |
Editors |
-> T. Lahmer, M. Huber, D. Proske, Th. Most, F. Werner, Proceedings of the 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, 2014. ISBN 978-3-95773-183-8. Online Version: DOI: 10.1466/20141125.0 |
- J. Lizarazu, E. Harirchian, A. Shaik, M. Shareef, A. Antoni-Zdziobek, T. Lahmer (2023) Application of machine learning-based algorithms to predict the stress-strain curves of additively manufactured mild steel out of its microstructural characteristics, Results in Engineering, accepted
- Alemu, Y.L.; Habte, B.; Lahmer, T.; Urgessa, G. (2023): Priority Criteria (PC) Based Particle Swarm Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Frames (PCPSO). CivilEng, 4, 679-701.
- Yohannes L Alemu, Bedilu Habte, Tom Lahmer, Girum Urgessa (2023): Topologically preoptimized ground structure (TPOGS) for the optimization of 3D RC buildings, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023, 1-11
- Yisihak Gebre, Tom Lahmer, Matthias Müller, Torben Wiegand, Andrea Osburg, Abrham G. Tarekegn (2023): PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE WITH COATED AGGREGATES UNDER DIFFERENT LOADING CONDITIONS, Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 8 No 1
- Muyiwa Alalade, Ina Reichert *, Daniel Köhn, Frank Wuttke, Tom Lahmer (2022): A cyclic-multi-stage implementation of the full waveform inversion for the identification of anomalies in dams, Infrastructures, 2022, 7(12), 161
- Meron Mengesha, Albrecht Schmidt, Luise Göbel, Tom Lahmer (2022): Numerical modeling of 3D concrete printing wall structure to reliably estimate the failure mechanisms, Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures: SSCS 2022, 240-247
- Long Nguyen-Tuan, Matthias Müller, Horst-Michael, Tom Lahmer (2022): Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Imperfect Concrete Structures: XFEM Simulation and Experiments, Recent Trends in Wave Mechanics and Vibrations: Proceedings of WMVC 2022, pp. 178-188
- Tajammal Abbas, Igor Kavrakov, Guido Morgenthal, Tom Lahmer (2022): Framework for a simulation-based aerodynamic shape optimization of bridge decks for different limit state phenomena, arXiv preprint, 2022, arXiv:2203.144
- Al-Yasiri, Z.R.S., Mutashar, H.M., Gürlebeck, K., Lahmer, T. (2022): Damage Sensitive Signals for the Assessment of the Conditions of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Electromagnetic Waves, Infrastructures, 2022, 7(8), 104
- Kumari, V., Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., Rasulzade, S. (2022): Evaluation of Machine Learning and Web-Based Process for Damage Score Estimation of Existing Buildings,
Buildings, 2022, 12(5), 57
- Huang, Q., Söbke, H., Lahmer, T. (2022): Ecosystem Simulator: A Learning Game About Genetic Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2022, 13476 LNCS, pp. 182–197
- Jurgelucks, B., Schulze, V., Lahmer, T. (2022): Existence, uniqueness and regularity of piezoelectric partial differential equations, Applicable Analysis, 2022, 101(18), pp. 6668–6689
- Feras Alkam, Tom Lahmer A Robust Method of the Status Monitoring of Catenary Poles installed along high-speed electrified Train Track accepted in Results in Engineering: Sept 2021
- Martin Drieschner, Yuri Petryna, Steffen Freitag, Philipp Edler, Albrecht Schmidt, Tom Lahmer (2021): Decision making and design in structural engineering problems under polymorphic uncertainty, Engineering Structures, Vol. 231,
- E. Harirchian, K. Jadhav, V. Kumari, T. Lahmer (2021):ML-EHSAPP: a prototype for machine learning-based earthquake hazard safety assessment of structures by using a smartphone app, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 1-21
- Ehsan Harirchian, Seyed Ehsan Aghakouchaki Hosseini, Kirti Jadhav, Vandana Kumari, Shahla Rasulzade, Ercan Işık, Muhamad Wasif, Tom Lahmer (2021): A review on application of soft computing techniques for the rapid visual safety evaluation and damage classification of existing buildings, Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, Vol. 43, pp. 102536
- Feras Alkam, Tom lahmer (2021): Eigenfrequency-based Bayesian approach for damage identification in catenary poles, Infrastructures, 2021, 6(4), 57
- Albrecht Schmidt, Tom Lahmer (2021): Numerical simulation of a 3D concrete printing process under polymorphic uncertainty,, 2021
- Albrecht Schmidt, Tom Lahmer (2021): Numerical simulation of a 3D concrete printing process under polymorphic uncertainty,, 2021
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T. (2020): Developing a hierarchical type-2 fuzzy logic model to improve rapid evaluation of earthquake hazard safety of existing Buildings, Structures 28, 1384-1399
Reichert, I., Olney, P., Lahmer, T. (2020): Combined approach for optimal sensor placement and experimental verification in the context of tower-like structures, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 1-12
J. Lizarazu, L. Göbel, S. Linne, S. Kleemann, T. Lahmer, Ch. Rößler, J. Hildebrand (2020): Experimental characterization and numerical analysis of additively manufactured mild steel under monotonic loading conditions, Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 5, pages295–304
Mengesha, M., Schmidt, A., Göbel, L., Lahmer, T. (2020): Numerical Modeling of an Extrusion-Based 3D Concrete Printing Process Considering a Spatially Varying Pseudo-Density Approach, RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, 323-332
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T. (2020): Improved Rapid Assessment of Earthquake Hazard Safety of Structures via Artificial Neural Networks,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 897 (1), 012014
Alkam, F., Pereira, I., Lahmer, T. (2020): Qualitatively-improved Identified Parameters of Prestressed Concrete Catenary Poles using Sensitivity-based Bayesian Approach, Results in Engineering, Volume 6, June 2020
Abbas, T., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G., Lahmer, T. (2020): Prediction of aeroelastic response of bridge decks using artificial neural networks, Computers & Structures 231, 106198
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., Buddhiraju, S., Mohammad, K., & Mosavi, A. (2020): Earthquake Safety Assessment of Buildings through Rapid Visual Screening. Buildings, 10(3), 51.
Jaouadi, Z., Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G., Lahmer, T. (2020): Single and multi-objective shape optimization of streamlined bridgedecks, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1-2
Harirchian, E., Kumari, V., Jadhav, K., Das, R Raj, Rasulzade, S., Lahmer, T. (2020): A Machine Learning Framework for Assessing Seismic Hazard Safety of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Applied Sciences 10 (20), 7153
Harirchian, E., Jadhav, K., Mohammad, K., Hosseini, SE Aghakouchaki, Lahmer, T. (2020): A Comparative Study of MCDM Methods Integrated with Rapid Visual Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing RC Structures, Applied Sciences 10 (18), 6411
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., Kumari, V. & Jadhav, K. (2020). Application of Support Vector Machine for the Rapid Seismic Hazard Safety Evaluation of Existing Buildings. Energies, 13(13), 3340.
Harirchian, E., Lahmer, T., & Rasulzade, S. (2020): Earthquake Hazard Safety Assessment of Existing Buildings Using Optimized Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network. Energies, 13(8), 2060.
- Harirchian, E., & Lahmer, T. (2020): Improved Rapid Visual Earthquake Hazard Safety Evaluation of Existing Buildings Using a Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Model. Applied Sciences, 10(7), 2375.
T. Lahmer (2019): Integration von künstlerischer Gestaltung in digitale Produktentwicklungsprozesse, in Idee, Inhalt, Form - Beiträge zur Gestaltung der Gegenwart. Herausgeber W. Speitkamp & C. Weinreich. ISBN: 978-3-00-064300-2.
- T. Abbas, I. Kavrakov, T. Lahmer, and G. Morgenthal (2019): Prediction of aeroelastic response of bridge decks using artificial neural networks, Computers and Structures, Volume 231, 15 April 202
- Tom Lahmer, Martin Schickert, Ina Reichert (2019): Possibilities to Enhance Tomography Imaging of Concrete Structures by the Full Waveform Inversion, Proceedings of then SMAR, 2019
- Tom Lahmer, Long Nguyen-Tuan, Volker Bettzieche (2019): Coupled experimental and numerical analysis of dams based on 3-dimensional multiphase and multifield models, Wasserwirtschaft, 2019, 109(5), pp. 74-77
- F. Alkam, T. Lahmer (2019): Quantifying the Uncertainty of Identified Parameters of Prestressed Concrete Poles Using the Experimental Measurements and Different Optimization Methods,
I. Reichert, P. Olney, T. Lahmer (2019): Influence of the error description on model-based design of experiments, Engineering Structures, Volume 193, Pages 100-109.
Schitzold F., Schmidt A., Dannert M., Fau A., Fleury R., Graf W., Kaliske M., Könke C., Lahmer T. and Nackenhorst U. (2019): Development of fuzzy probability based random fields for the numerical structural design, Surveys for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM-Mitteilungen), Vol. 42, Issue 1.
Schmidt A., Henning C., Herbrandt S., Könke C., Ickstadt K., Ricken T. and Lahmer T. (2019): Numerical studies of earth structure assessment via the Theory of Porous Media using fuzzy probability based random field material descriptions, Surveys for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM-Mitteilungen), Vol. 42, Issue 1.
Harirchian, E., & Lahmer, T. (2019, October): Earthquake Hazard Safety Assessment of Buildings via Smartphone App: A Comparative Study. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 652, No. 1, p. 012069). IOP Publishing.
N. Vu, R. Sauer, T. Rabczuk, H. Park, T. Lahmer, D. X. Thang (2019): A NURBS-based inverse analysis of thermal expansion induced morphing of thin shells, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 350, Pages 480 - 510.
L. Nguyen-Tuan, S. S. Nanthakumar, T. Lahmer (2019): Identification of multiple flaws in dams using inverse analysis based on hydro-mechanical XFEM and level sets, Computers and Geotechnics, Volume 110, Pages 211 - 221.
M. Steiner, J.-M. Bourinet, T. Lahmer (2019): An adaptive sampling method for global sensitivity analysis based on least-squares support vector regression, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Volume 183, Pages 323 - 340.
H. V. Do, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, N. Alajlan, H. Nguyen-Xuan, T. Rabczuk (2019): An isogeometric analysis to identify the full flexoelectric complex material properties based on electrical impedance curve, Computers and Structures, Volume 214, Pages 1 - 14.
- F. Tan, T. Lahmer (2019):Shape design of Arch Dams under Load Uncertainty with a Robust Optimization Method, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Volume 13 (Issue 4), Pages 852 - 862.
N. Vu-Bac, T. X. Duong, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, R. Sauer, H. Park, T. Rabczuk (2018): A NURBS-based Inverse Analysis for Reconstruction of Nonlinear Deformations of Thin Shell Structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME-D), Volume 331, Pages 427- 455.
L. Nguyen-Tuan, C. Könke, V. Bettzieche, T. Lahmer (2018): Damage identification using inverse analysis in coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical problems applied to masonry dams, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Volume 42 (Issue2), Pages 256 - 273-
L. Nguyen-Tuan, C. Könke, V. Bettzieche, T. Lahmer (2018): Uncertainty Assessment in the Results of Inverse Problems - Applied to Damage Detection in Masonry Dams, International Journal of Reliability and Safety, Volume 12 (Issue 1-2), Pages 2 - 23.
- F. Tan, T. Lahmer (2018): Shape Optimization Based Design of Arch Type Dams under Uncertainties, Engineering Optimization, Volume 59 (Issue 9), Pages 1470 - 1482.
T. Lahmer, S. Bock, J. Hildebrand, K. Gürlebeck (2017): Non-destructive Identification of Residual Stresses in Steel under Thermal Loadings, Journal of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Volume 25 (Issue 10), Pages 1519-1535.
I. Faridmehr, M. Md. Tahir, T. Lahmer and M. H. Osman (2017): Seismic Performance of Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections, Journal of Engineering, Volume 2017 (Article ID 5284247), Pages 1-10.
M. F. Badawy, M. A. Msekh, K. M. Hamdia, M. Steiner, T. Rabczuk (2017): Hybrid nonlinear surrogate models for fracture behavior of polymeric nanocomposites using phase field model, Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics (PREM), Volume 59, Pages 64 - 75.
M. Alalade, B. Kafle, F. Wuttke, T. Lahmer (2018): Calibration of cyclic constitutive models by oscillating functions, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Volume 3 (Issue 2), Pages 146 - 157.
L. Göbel, T. Lahmer, A. Osburg (2017): Uncertainty analysis in multiscale modeling of concrete based on continuum micromechanics, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Volume 65, Pages 14 - 29.
T. Lahmer, E. Rafajlowicz (2017): On the Optimality of Harmonic Excitation As Input Signals for the Characterization of Parameters in Coupled Piezoelectric and Poroelastic Problems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 90, Pages 399 - 418.
L. Nguyen-Tuan, T. Lahmer, M. Datcheva, T. Schanz (2017): Global and local sensitivity analyses for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical problems, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Volume 41 (Issue 5), Pages 707 - 720.
M. Alalade, L. Nguyen-Tuan, T. Lahmer, F. Wuttke (2017): Damage identification in gravity dams using dynamic coupled hydro-mechanical XFEM, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Volume 14 (Issue 1), Pages 157 - 175.
M. Achenbach, G. Morgenthal, T. Lahmer (2017): Identification of the thermal properties of concrete for the temperature calculation of concrete slabs and columns subjected to fire, Journal of Fire Safety, Volume 87, Pages 80 - 86.
- Marcus Achenbach, Tom Lahmer, Guido Morgenthal (2017): Global sensitivity analysis of reinforced concrete walls subjected to standard fire—A comparison of methods, 14th International Probabilistic Workshop, pp. 97-106.
- L. Nguyen-Tuan, C. Könke, V. Bettzieche, T. Lahmer (2017): Numerical modeling and validation for 3D coupled-nonlinear thermo-hydro-mechanical problems in masonry dams, Computers and Structures, Volume 178, Pages 143 - 154.
- S Sh Ghorashi, Tom Lahmer, Amir Saboor Bagherzadeh, Goangseup Zi, Timon Rabczuk (2017): A stochastic computational method based on goal-oriented error estimation for heterogeneous geological materials, Engineering Geology, Vol. 225, pp. 103-113.
N. Vu-Bac, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, T. Nguyen-Thoi, T. Rabczuk (2016): A software framework for probabilistic sensitivity analysis for computationally expensive models, Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 100, Pages 19 - 31.
T. Lahmer, L. Nguyen Tuan, C. Könke und V. Bettzieche (2016): Thermo-hydro-mechanische 3-D-Simulation von Staumauern - Modellierung und Validierung, Wasserwirtschaft, Issue 9/2016.
S. S. Nanthakumar, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, T. Rabczuk (2016): Topology Optimization of Piezoelectric Nanostructures, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Volume 94, Pages 316 - 335.
S. Marzban, T. Lahmer (2016): Conceptual Implementation of the Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis for the Calculation of the First Order Effects, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, Volume 10 (Issue 4), Pages 589 - 611.
I. Faridmehr, M. Md. Tahir, T.Lahmer (2016): Classification System For Semi-Rigid Beam-To-Column Connections, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 13 (Number 11).
L. Nguyen-Tuan, T. Lahmer, M. Datcheva, E. Stoimenova, T. Schanz (2016): A novel parameter identification approach for buffer elements involving complex coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analyses, Computers and Geotechnics, Volume 76, Pages 23 - 32.
C. Zhang, C. Wang, T. Lahmer, P. He, T. Rabczuk (2016): A dynamic XFEM formulation for crack identification, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Volume 12(Issue 4), Pages 427 - 448.
- S.S. Nanthakumar, T. Lahmer, T. Rabczuk (2016): Detection of material interfaces using a regularised level set method in piezoelectric structures, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Volume 24 (Issue 1), Pages 153 - 176.
- Muyiwa E Alalade, Binod Kafle, Frank Wuttke, Tom Lahmer (2016): Inverse analysis of cyclic constitutive models for unsaturated soil under consideration of oscillating functions, EDP Sciences, 2016, Vol. 9, pp. 08012
- Muyiwa Alalade, Long Nguyen-Tuan, Frank Wuttke, Tom Lahmer (2016): Inverse Analysis of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Problem in Dynamically Excited Dams, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing: Computing with Polymorphic Uncertainty Data, 2016.
T. Lahmer, J. Ilg, R. Lerch (2015): Variance-based Sensitivity Analyses of Piezoelectric Models, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science (CMES), Volume 106 (Number 2), Pages 105 - 126.
K. M. Hamdia, T. Lahmer, T. Nguyen-Thoi, T. Rabczuk (2015): Predicting the fracture toughness of PNCs: A stochastic approach based on ANN and ANFIS, Computational Material Science, Volume 102, Pages 304 - 313.
N.V.-Bac, R. Rafiee, X. Zhuang, T. Lahmer, T. Rabczuk (2015): Uncertainty quantification for multiscale modeling of polymer nanocomposites with correlated parameters, Composites Part B Engineering, Volume 68, Pages 446 - 464.
A.B. I. Akmar, T. Lahmer, S.P.A. Bordas, L.A.A. Beex, T. Rabczuk (2014, September-October): Uncertainty quantification of dry woven fabrics: A sensitivity analysis on material properties, Composite Structures, Volume 116, Pages 1 - 17.
- N. Vu-Bac, M. Silani, T. Lahmer, X. Zhuang, T. Rabczuk (2015): A unified framework for stochastic predictions of Young’s modulus of clay/epoxy nanocomposites (PCNs), Computational Materials Science, Volume 96, Part B,Pages 520 - 535.
- Ina Reichert, Peter Olney, Tom Lahmer, Volkmar Zabel (2015): Comparison of different approaches for the model-based design of experiments, Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2015, Vol. 3, pp. 135-141
- Tan Fengjie, Tom Lahmer, Manju Gyaraganahalli Siddappa (2015): Section optimization and reliability analysis of arch-type dams including coupled mechanical-thermal and hydraulic fields, Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2015, pp. 186
- Zouhour Jaouadi, Tom Lahmer (2015): Topology optimization of structures subjected to multiple load cases by introducing the Epsilon constraint method,, 2015
- Long Nguyen-Tuan, Tom Lahmer, Maria Datcheva, Eugenia Stoimenova, Tom Schanz (2015): Parameter identification applying in complex thermo-hydro-mechanical problems like the design of buffer elements,, 2015
- Luise Göbel, Andrea Osburg, Tom Lahmer (2015): Study of analytical models of the mechanical behavior of polymer-modified concrete,, 2015.
A. B. I. Akmar, T. Lahmer, S.P.A. Bordas, L.A.A. Beex, T. Rabczuk (2014): Uncertainty quantification of dry woven fabrics: A sensitivity analysis on material properties, Composite Structures, Volume 116, Pages 1 - 17.
S. S. Nanthakumar, T. Lahmer, T. Rabczuk (2014): Detection of multiple flaws in Piezoelectric Structures using XFEM and Level sets, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics, Volume 275, Pages 98 - 112.
N. Vu-Bac, T. Lahmer, Y. Zhang, X. Zhuang, T. Rabczuk (2014): Stochastic predictions of interfacial characteristic of polymeric nanocomposites (PNCs), Composites Part B Engineering, Volume 59, Pages 80 - 95.
- N. Vu-Bac, T. Lahmer, H. Keitel, J. Zhao, X. Zhuang, T. Rabczuk (2014): Stochastic predictions of bulk properties of amorphous polyethylene based on molecular dynamics simulations, Mechanics of Materials, Volume 68 (Issue 6), Pages 70 - 84.
- Peter Olney, Guido Morgenthal, Tom Lahmer (2014): Model based design of experiments and monitoring systems for parameter identification of structures, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) Symposium Report, 2014, Vol. 102, No. 7, pp. 2939-2946.
- S.S. Nanthakumar, T. Lahmer, T. Rabczuk (2013): Detection of flaws in piezoelectric structures using extended FEM, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 96 (Issue 6), Pages 373 - 389.
- T. Knabe, M. Datcheva, T. Lahmer, F. Cotecchia, T. Schanz (2013): Identification of constitutive parameters of soil using an optimization strategy and statistical analysis, Computers and Geotechniques, Volume 49, Pages 143 - 157.
- H. Nguyen-Vinh, I. Bakar, M.A. Msekh, J.-H. Song, J. Muthu, G. Zi, P. Le, S. Bordas, R. Simpson, S. Natararajan, T. Lahmer, T. Rabczuk (2012): Extended Finite Element Method for Dynamic Fracture of Piezo-Electric Materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 92, Pages 19 - 31.
T. Lahmer (2011): Optimal experimental design for nonlinear ill-posed problems applied to gravity dams, Journal of Inverse Problems, Volume 27(Number 12).
H. Keitel, G. Karaki, T. Lahmer, S. Nikulla, V. Zabel (2011): Evaluation of coupled partial models in structural engineering using graph theory and sensitivity analyses, Engineering Structures, Volume 33 (Issue 12), Pages 3726 - 3736.
- T. Lahmer, (2011): Konzepte der optimalen Versuchsplanung für das Monitoring von Bauwerken, Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, Wichmann-Verlag, Nr. 3.
- T. Lahmer, C. Könke, V. Bettzieche (2010): Optimale Positionierung von Messeinrichtungen an Staumauern zur Bauwerksüberwachung, Wasserwirtschaft, Issue 10/2010.
- T. Lahmer (2010): Crack identification in hydro-mechanical systems with applications to gravity water dams. Journal of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Volume 18 (Issue 8), Pages 1083 - 1101.
T. Lahmer (2009):Modified Landweber iterations in a multilevel algorithm applied to inverse problems in piezoelectricity. Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, Volume 17 (Issue 1), Pages 51 - 59.
- A. Hauck, T. Lahmer, M. Kaltenbacher (2009): Enhanced homogenization technique for magnetomechanical systems using the generalized finite element method. COMPEL: Computational and analytical methods in electrical and electronic engineering, Volume 28 (Issue 4), Pages 935 - 947.
- T. Lahmer, M. Kaltenbacher, B. Kaltenbacher, and R. Lerch (2008): FEM-Based Determination of Real and Complex Elastic, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Moduli in Piezoceramic Materials. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Volume 55(Issue 2), Pages 465-475.
- T. Lahmer, B. Kaltenbacher and V. Schulz (2008): Optimal measurement selection for piezoelectric material tensor identification. Journal of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Volume 16 (Issue 3), Pages 369-387.
- B. Kaltenbacher, T. Lahmer, M. Mohr, and M. Kaltenbacher (2006): PDE based determination of piezoelectric material tensors. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 17 (Issue 4), Pages 383-416.
Ongoing and Finalized Supervised Student's Works
Ongoing and Finalized Supervised Student's Works
- Mesh-Independency filters for topology optimized lightweight structures, Anwar, Abu Bakar, 2024
- Self supervized pre -trainig for efficient hierarchican image classification: a study on unlabled data utilization (DEM), Shah, Kushal, 2024
- Design of light-weight structures using Grasshopper, Shittu, Ahmed Olanrewaju, 2024
- Optimization of Periodic Structures in Engineering, Prasannakumar, Sreelakshmi,2024
- Risk Assessment of Structure Attributes in Flood Zones by MCDM Techniques, Singh, Shashi Rani, 2024
- Topologieoptimierung von elastischen Stahlträgern, Masri, Mohamad, 2024
- Optimization based Trajectory Planning and Tracker, Dabbakuti, Sandeep, 2024
- Data driven Damage Detection of Z24 Bridge with Machine Learning Model, Simeu Nguiagueu, Desire, 2024
- Topology Optimization of Composite Structures,Attar, Mohamad Amer Tfankji, 2024
- Machine learning classification of minimumn set of data (MSD) to prove the emergency call system in vehicles, Mohagheghian Goortani, Kamal, 2024
- Spatial Feature Extraction for Data-driven Predictions of Traffic Related Air Pollutants, Chakrabarty, Rochi, 2024
- Semantic Segmentation For Post-Disaster Damage Assessment, Chukwuebuka Arukwe, Joel, 2024
- Comparative Study on the Volume Estimation Based on Multiple 2D Shadow Images Using AI Methods, Narayana, Savitha Deva,2024
- Novel View Synthesis for High-Resolution 4K Video Streams from Sparse Viewpoints, Hussain, Maaz, 2024
- Leveraging Geospatial Data for Optimization of Wind Farm Micrositing, Appireddy, Azatha Reddy,2024
- Crack identification using strain prediction method, Waseem, Arshad, 2024
- Efficvient gerneration of synthetic data for packaging inspecton using Generative AI, Kalaskar, Nikhil Narhari, 2024
- Shape optimization of streamlined Bridge deck using Machine Learning, Budhaditya, Dutta, 2024
- FEM-based design of experiments for monitoring of bridge decks subjected to moving load utilising fibre optics, Nalumansi, Racheal, 2024
- Static and Dynamic Topology Optimization, Shibu, Naiyma, 2024
- Quality Assesment of Meassured Data : Vibration based (Bridge) Data, Ahmad, Hammaz, 2024
- Bhandwalker, Aditya, An unsupervised search of extraordinary pieces and ordinary pieces for vibration data snippets generated by the System, 2023
- Ahmad, Waqas, Integrating BIM and LCA and Their Application for Building Certification Systems, Vishnu Uppala, 2023
- Topology optimized 3D-printed Lego concrete blocks, Kouyesh Pour, Sahar, 2023
- Theoretical and experimental studies for a referendce Standard, Chukka Kumar, Kiran Yerni, 2023
- Machine learning-baes porosity detection using thermogram features in laser power bed Fusion, Vishnu Uppala, 2022
- Mortazavi, Mohammad Sajjad, Modelling and Optimization of Floor Heating Systems, 2022
- Ezeah, Chidubem Jude, Application and Numerical Analysis of 2D Material-Enhanced Concrete - A review, 2022
- Predicting the slurry properties in anode electrode manufacturing process, Karki Allahham, Mouaz, 2022
- Comparison of different feature extraction and feature selection methods for hyperspectral images of different types of demolition wase for an efficient automated sorting, Varun Thazhatharackal, 2022
- Literature Review on 2D material modified concerete, Ezeah Chibudem Jude, 2022
- Evaluation of the "Distributed Optic Fiber Sensing" (DFOS) method for structural health monitoring in an integral, multi-span railway steel composite bridge, Omar Ettaouaje (together with MKP), 2022
- Optimization of determination of influence lines from measurement data (together with MKP), Damilola Ojoseyitan, 2022
- Multi-Objective Optimization, Seyed Kasra Valadi Somehsaraei, 2022
- Robust Topoloty Optimization, Rafael Amaro de Azevedo Soares, 2022
- Literature Review on Master thesis, Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Serious Game Designed for Machine Learning Algorithm Study, Qianqi Huang, 2021
Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der additiven Fertigung in der Baubranche – eine ökologische Bewertung, Christoph Siebler, 2021
Application of Machine Learning Techniques on Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings, Kirti Jadhav, 2021
Developing a Machine Learning-Based Earthquake Hazard Safety Assessment Method, Vandana Kumari, 2021
Erstellung eines Digitalen Zwilling eines 3D-gedruckten carbonfaserverstärkten Hakens aus Kunststoff, Syju Soundar Rajan, 2021
Neue Fertigungsrestriktionen für additive Fertigungsverfahren in einem Topologieoptimierungs-Code für MATLAB, Michael Glas, 2021
Rissidentifikation in Mikrostrukturen basierend auf Bildanalyse, Duy Khan Tong, 2021
Reliability Analysis of Topology Optimized Structures, Mina Nageeb, 2021
Comparison of different classification methods for the differentiation of brick types for efficient automated sorting, Nadeem Ahmad, 2021
Investigation on Expensive Optimization Problem (EOP) using Expected Improvement (EI) Algorithms: Potentials and Challenges, Shayan Salarian, 2021
Ermittlung von Temperatureinwirkungen auf Brücken und ausgewählte resultierende Beanspruchungen, Mahmoud Almohammad Ali, 2020
Untersuchung zu optischen Merkmalen von verschiedenen Ziegelsorten und deren Klassifikation mittels Hauptkomponentenanalyse, Benjamin Siemsglüß, 2020
Influence of inappropriate first principle laws in system identification of mechanical structures, Hanan Hadidi, 2020
Shape optimization of cable supported bridges considering aerodynamic forces, Menro Anisha, 2020
Multimaterial Topology Optimization, Agam Kalra, 2020
Combination of linear and model-based tomography, Oliver Strzeletz, 2020
Statistische Auswertung der Nanoindentation für die mikromechanische Beurteilung der Kontaktzonen in Spezialbetonen, Jaqueline Burmester, 2020
Moment Free Sensitivity Analysis of Engineering Models, Syed Safdar Abbas Zaidi, 2019
Risk Assessment in Technical and Financial Systems, Ni Michelle Ying, 2019
Statische Untersuchungen zur Erhöhung bestehender Talsperren in der Schweiz, Hendrik Holst, 2019
Autonomes Bauen durch Baurobotik - Potenziale und Umsetzungsgrad in der Ingenieurspraxis und Vergleich mit konventionellen Fertigungstechniken, Ibrahim Karayagmurlu, 2019
Numerical investigation for improvement of a vibrational damping behaviour of concrete, Tamrat Tesfaye Demissie, 2019
Sensitivity Analysis of a Model Describing Polycrystalline Plasticity of an Additively Manufactured Steel Plate, Shaik Umar Arif, 2019
Quasi 3D reconstruction methods for detection of anomalies in dams by the Full-Waveform Inversion, Jeevana Jayasinghe, 2019
Signal Processing for SHM activities supported by ANNs, Saboor Karimi, 2019
Investigation and Optimization of Risk Allocation in Construction Projects, Mohammad Anwar, 2019
The Hilbert-Transform in the Context of Structural Health Monitoring, Quasim, Muhammad Ehtisham, 2019
Probabilistic Reliability Analysis of Wind Turbine, Zafar Usman, 2019
Sensitivity Analysis of polycrystal multiscale models used in the prediction of fatigue of additively manufactured steels, Umar Arif Shaik, 2019
Numerical investigations for the improvement of the vibration damping behavior of concrete, Demissie, Tamrat Tesfaye, 2019
Dynamic Analysis of Poles In a Continuous Catenary System, Chrisitan Chokolat Muhigwa, 2019
Optimierung einer Stahlfachwerkbrücke, Lisa Maria Wöbbeking, 2018
Entwurfsmethode für die Additive Fertigung, Andreas Lenz, 2018
Model Selection and Sensitivity Analysis for Masonry Infilled RC Frames under Lateral Cyclic Displacements, Amol Rupakheti, 2018
Kennfeldorientierte Optimierung mit Anwendungen in der Elektromobilität, Natalie von Butler, 2018
Characterization of the fatigue behavior of additively manufactured materials, Zain Droobi, 2018
Ökonomische Betrachtungen zu additiven Fertigungsweisen im Bau, Sarah Lapp, 2018
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials, Olalekan Ogunniyi, 2018
Parallel domain decomposition for random field generation based on Karhunen-Loeve expansion, Qiwey Zhang, 2018
3D Thermo-Hydro-Mechanische Simulation und Parameterkalibrierung der Fürwiggetalsperre, Hong-Thai Duong, 2018
A NURBS-based Inverse Analysis for Reconstruction of Deformations of Thin shell Structures, Priyanka Sripathi, 2018 (zusammen mit Dr. Brands, Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Literature Review on Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs), Ogunniyi, Olalekan Dada, 2018
Review of random field generation approaches, spectral expansion and domain decomposition, Qiwei Zhang, 2017
Signal Analysis in the Context of Structural Health Monitoring of Dams, Hamidullah Attaulah, 2017
Auswirkungen der Wahl vershiedener Messarten und Fehlerverteilungen auf die Ergebnisse von Schadenidentifikationen für Mauerwerke von Staumauern, Dong Hong Thai, 2017
Untersuchung memetischer Optimierungsalgorithmen zur Lösung von kombinatorischen Ingenieuraufgabenstellungen, Paul Brust, 2017, gemeinsam mit Dr. Thomas Most (Dynardo GmbH)
Estimation of small failure probabilities in high dimensions by asymptotic sampling applied to a hydro-mechanical coupled system, Kieu Hai Dang, 2017
Vergleich von Ersatzmodellen zur Beschreibung von Antwortgrößen einfacher Staudamm-Modelle zur Verwendung in Zuverlässigkeitsanalaysen, Trung Hieu Hoang, 2017
Assessment of decision making techniques for the Rapid visual hazard evaluation of existing buildings, Mohammad Kifaytullah, 2017
Optimization and Validation of the Experimental Setup for a Wave-form-based Characterization of Dams, Amro, Nasr, 2017
Topology Optimization of Periodic Concrete Structures, Sebastian Charles Dietrich, 2017
Flow Simulation in the Pore Space of Sphere Packings Representing Widely Graded Granular Media, Christian David Rodriguez Lugo, 2017
Parametrische Modellierung und FEM-basierte Strukturoptimierung, Maximilian Köhler, 2017
Akzeptanz digitaler Technologien der Immobilienwirtschaft in deutschen Haushalten, Carl-Friedrich Schleip, 2017
Global Sensitivity Analysis for Masonry Dams using Random Balance Designs, Ragavan Thirupathi, 2017
Simulation of Random Fields by the Turning Band Method, Everistus Oguadimma, 2017
Optimierung des Bauprozesses bei Gewerbeimmobilien durch Konfliktpräventation, Franziska Krüger, 2017
Multikriterielle Prozessoptimierung für unternehmerische Wertschöpfungsketten am Beispiel der BMTI, Chritian Schörnich, 2017
Recherche: Stand Industrie 4.0 und Digitalisierung im Bauwesen, Sarah Lapp, 2017
Signal Transforms for dynamic data from dams, Hamidullah Attaullah, 2017
Sensitivity analysis applied to time dependent signals and their transforms, Rajitha Nirudula, 2017
Comparison of Sensitivity Analysis in time and frequency domain, Mohammmad Kifaytulla, 2016/2017
Optimierung eines Planungsprozesses am Beispiel von Generalplanungsprojekten, Lioba Gunkel, 2016
Methoden zur Reduktion der Diskrepanz zwischen wahren und wahrgenommenen Risiken, Klara Schreiter, 2016
Calibration and validation of structural models based on response measurements: Damage prognosis and detection, Mahsa Mirboland, 2016/2017
Signal Analysis in the Context of Structural Health Monitoring, Chetan Kahai, 206/2017
Fully nonlinear analysis for dam-foundation systems, Christian David Rodriguez Lugo, 2016
Identification of spatial variable hydraulic conductivities in dams by means of stochastic inverse problems, Manjunadh Goud, 2016
Sensitivitätsanalysen von 3-Feld 2-Phasen Modellen für Staumauern mittels Screening Methoden, Felix Hofmann, 2016
Moderne Unternehmensführung - ganzheitliche und interdisziplinäre Determinanten einer nachhaltigen Führungskultur als mehrkriterielles Optimierungsproblem, Christian Schörnich, 2016
The effects of the choice of different measurement types and error distributions on damage identification results applied to masonry dams, Duong Hong Thai, 2016
Comparison of Fourier and Wavelet transform in the context of Structural Health Monitoring, Chetan Kahai, 2016 (together with Prof. Gürlebeck)
Analyse der Verkaufs-/ Vertriebswege des momentanen Immobilienmarktes - Chancen und Risiken, Lioba Gunkel, 2016
Efficient Implementation of 2 and 3 Dimensional Random Fields by Means of Turning Bands, Oguadimma Everistus, 2016
Wind Pressure Analysis around High Speed Trains, Nwadike Amarachukwu 2016 (together with Prof. Kraus)
Calibration and Validation of Structural Models Based on Response Measurements: Damage Prognosis and Detection, Mahsa Mirboland, 2016
Estimation of Financial Risks With Extreme Value Theory, Verena Schneider und Clemens Eckart, 2015/2016
Shape Optimization in the Context of Load-Structure Interaction Under Uncertain Loads, Felicitas Heumüller, 2015/16 (together with Prof. Morgenthal)
Increase of Model Qualities by Optimal Averaging of Meta-Models, Mohamed Fathy Badawy, 2015/16
Reliability Analysis of Dams by Random Field Modeling, Hossein Golestan Habibi, 2015/16
Implementing Flexibility in Engineering Designs for Foldable Hinged-Rod Roof Systems, Sohaib Anwar, 2015/16
Review of probability distributions used in Civil Engineering, Veera Ganesh Reddy Bareddy, 2015/16
Ermittlung der stochastischen Verteilungen der Ergebnisse inverser Rechnungen, Christian Schubert, 2015
Principle Component Analysis for the Assessment of Experimental Data, Ehsan Harirchian, 2015
Methoden der Versuchsplanung für Oberleitungsmaste. Christop Tank, gemeinsam mit Prof. Hildebrand, 2015
Portfolio Optimization of Energy Systems, Hossein Golestan Habibi, 2015
XFEM Formulation of H-M Systems, Satheesa Narayana Reddy, 2015
Randomness in the solution of the inverse problem of void identification in piezoelectrics, Dixon Paulraj, 2015
Extension, Calibration and Validation of a Constitutive Model for Cyclic loaded footings resting on unsaturated soils, Muyiwa Alalade, 2014/15
Comparison of different optimization strategies for the structural optimization of beams, Felicitas Heumüller, 2014/15
Robuste Topologieoptimierung von Tragwerken, Andreas Arnold, 2014/15
Reliability Analysis by methods of importance sampling of dams, Manju Sidappa, 2014
Sensitivitätsanalyse für ein Ökobilanzmodell eines EFH, Philipp Mengs (zusammen mit Prof. Ruth), 2014
Mehrkriterielle Optimierung der Topologie von Strukturkomponenten im Brückenbau, Martin Allert, 2014
Analyse der Inspektionsintervalle von Stahlbrücken am Beispiel der Hamburger Hochbahn AG, Neele-Marie Schrader, 2013
Strategien zur Optimierung des Bauwerksmonitorings unter ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten, Diana Baltag, Anne Hölle, Theresa Kimpel, Elisabeth Müller, Neele-Marie Schrader: Projekt Technisch-wirtschaftliche Studien 2013
Recent Proceedings / Talks
Recent Proceedings / Talks
Lahmer, Tom; Schmidt, Albrecht; Könke, Carsten: Reliability analysis for a polymorphic uncertainty model of heterogeneous materials using a domain decomposition approach, GAMM, annual meeting 2019, Vienna
Reichert, Ina; Alalade, Muyiwa; Lahmer, Tom : Sensor positioning in the context of wave-based damage identification in dams, GAMM, annual meeting 2019, Vienna
Jaouadi, Zouhour; Abbas, Tajammal; Morgenthal, Guido; Lahmer, Tom: Shape optimization of bridge decks considering the Vortex-induced vibration phenomena, GAMM, annual meeting 2019, Vienna
T. Lahmer, L. Nguyen-Tuan, S. S. Nanthakumar, M. Alalade: Anomaly Detection in Piezoelectric and Poroelastic Structures, INdAM workshop "Recostruction Methods for Inverse Problems", Rome, 2018
A. Schmidt, L. Nguyen-Tuan, C. Könke, T. Lahmer: Application of Polymorphic Cross-Correlated Random Fields to Material Parameters of Heterogeneous Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Systems, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik GAMM 2018
L. Nguyen-Tuan, C. Könke , T. Lahmer: Uncertainty assessment in the results of inverse damage identification methods in multifield application, 15th International Probabilistic Workshop, TU Dresden, 2017
A. Schmidt, L. Nguyen-Tuan, C. Könke, T. Lahmer: Application of Polymorphic Cross-Correlated Random Fields to Material Parameters of Heterogeneous Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Systems, 15th International Probabilistic Workshop, TU Dresden, 2017
F. Alkam, T. Lahmer: Solving Non-Uniqueness Issues in Parameter Identification problems for Pre-stressed Concrete Poles by Multiple Bayesian updating, 15th International Probabilistic Workshop, TU Dresden, 2017
T. Lahmer: Solving Inverse Problems under Uncertainty, \textit{Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering},
TU München 2017T. Lahmer: Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems in Coupled Systems, Siegmundsburg Workshop ,,Mathematische Systemtheorie'', TU Ilmenau , 2017
Tom Lahmer: Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems in Coupled Systems, Abschlussworkshop, GRK 1462, 2017
Tom Lahmer: Optimization in Engineering Problems / Optimal Design of Experiments in Applied and Computational Mathematics in Engineering Application, SpringSchool Aveiro (Erasmus + )
Tom Lahmer, Carsten Könke, Long Nguyen-Tuan, Albrecht Schmidt: Polymorphic Uncertainty Modeling of Heterogeneous Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Systems under Vague Assumptions on Parameter Correlations, GAMM 2017, Weimar
Muyiwa Alalade, Long Nguyen-Tuan, Frank Wuttke, Tom Lahmer: Anomaly identification in dams using full waveform inversion, GAMM 2017, Weimar
Maria Steiner, Tom Lahmer, Jean-Marc Bourinet: Investigation of a Global Adaptive Sampling Method Based on Least-Square Support Vector Regression, GAMM 2017, Weimar
Long Nguyen-Tuan, Carsten Koenke, Tom Lahmer: Identification of damages using inverse analysis in 3D coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical problems, GAMM 2017, Weimar
Bac Nam Vu, Xuan Thang Duong, Tom Lahmer, Harold Park, Timon Rabczuk: An Isogeometric Inverse Method for Finding Unknown Surface Tractions on Shells, GAMM 2017, Weimar
Veronika Hartmann, Tom Lahmer, Kay Smarsly: Project scheduling under uncertainty and resource constraints, GAMM 2017, Weimar
Fengjie Tan, T. Lahmer: Optimization of Arch Dams with Robust Analysis, GAMM 2017, Weimar
T. Lahmer, L. Nguyen-Tuan, A. Schmidt, C. Könke, Polymorphic Uncertainty Modeling of Heterogeneous Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Systems under Vague Assumptions on Parameter Correlations, IPW Ghent, 2016
T. Lahmer, Assessment of Uncertainties in the Results of Inverse Source Problems with Application in Steel, ECMI Santiago de Compostela 2016
T. Lahmer, On the Optimality of Harmonic Input Signals for the Characterization of Parameters in Coupled Systems, GAMM 2016, Braunschweig
L. Nguyen-Tuan, T. Lahmer, Damage Identification and Uncertainties in Coupled Non-Linear Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Problems Applied to Masonry Dams, REC 2016, Bochum
M. Alalade, T. Lahmer, Inverse analysis of coupled hydro-mechanical problem in dynamically excited dams, REC 2016, Bochum
M. Steiner, T. Lahmer, Assessment of the Quality of Sensitivity Indices Based on Metamodels, ECOMAS 2016
L. Nguyen-Tuan, T. Lahmer; M. Datcheva; E. Stoimenova; T. Schanz: Parameter Identification Applying in Complex Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Problems Like the Design of Buffer Elements, 20th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering - IKM 2015
F. Tan; T. Lahmer; M. S. Gyaraganahalli: Section Optimization and Reliability Analysis of Arch-Type Dams Including Coupled Mechanical-Thermal and Hydraulic Fields, IKM 2015
M. Alalade; B. Kafle; F. Wuttke; T. Lahmer: Calibration of Cyclic Constitutive Models for Soils by Oscillating Functions, IKM 2015
I. Reichert; P. Olney; T. Lahmer: Comparison and Combination of Different Approaches for the Model-Based Design of Experiments Under Moderate Errors, IKM 2015
Z. Jaouadi; T. Lahmer: Topology Optimization of Structures Subjected to Multiple Load Cases by Introducing the Epsilon Constraint Method, IKM 2015
M. Steiner, T. Lahmer: Best Practice in Metamodeling for Data Derived from Civil Engineering Application, IKM 2015
V. Hartman, K. Smarsly, T. Lahmer: Robust Scheduling In Construction Engineering, IKM 2015
L. Göbel, D. Osburg, T. Lahmer: Study Of Analytical Models Of The Mechanical Behaviour Of Polymer-Modified Concrete, IKM 2015
H.B. Motra, J. Hildebrand, A.D. Osburg, T. Lahmer, Reliability of Measurement Results for Materials Testing
V. Hartman, T. Lahmer, K. Smarsly. Assessment and optimization of the robustness of construction schedules, in Proceedings of EG-ICE, 2015
T. Lahmer, Examples of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering and a (brief) review of regularizing methods - Invited Talk @ 17th Annual Workshop on Applications and Generalizations of Complex Analysis, Aveiro, Portugal
M.. Steiner, T. Lahmer, Best practice in metamodeling for data derived from civil engineering applications, GAMM Jahrestagung 2015
I. Reichert, P. Olney, T. Lahmer, V. Zabel. Comparison of Different Approaches for the Model-Based Design of Experiments, IMAC, Orlando, 2015. Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3 Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series 2015, pp 135-141
T. Lahmer, E. Rafajlowicz. On the Optimality of Harmonic Excitation as Input Signals for the Characterization of Smart Materials, invited talk in Methods and Applications of Designed Experiments for the 12-th German-Polish Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications, Wroclaw, Poland, February 16-20, 2015
I. Reichert, P. Olney, T. Lahmer. Comparison of Different Design of Experiment Techniques for Systems under Moderate Systematic Errors, Proceedings of the 12th International Probabilistic Workshop 2014, Weimar, DOI: 10.1466/20141125.01
S.S. Nanthakumar und T. Lahmer. Detection of interfaces in piezoelectric structures using a regularised level set method, Chemnitz Symposium on Inverse Problems, 2014
T. Lahmer, S. Bock, J. Hildebrand, K. Gürlebeck, Identification of Residual Stresses in Steel under Uncertain Model Components, Proceedings of the 12th International Probabilistic Workshop 2014, Weimar
H.B. Motra, J. Hildebrand, A.D. Osburg, T. Lahmer, Reliability of Measurement Results for Materials Testing, Proceedings of the 12th International Probabilistic Workshop 2014, Weimar, DOI: 10.1466/20141125.01
T. Lahmer, Qualitätsbewertung von Modellen zur Einschätzung von Risiken, 14. Betriebswirtschaftliches Symposium-Bau, 2014 Weimar
T. Lahmer, Uncertainty Analysis of Piezoelectric Models, Bayesian Updating, 9th International Workshop on Piezoelectricity, 2013.
S. S. Nathakumar, T. Lahmer und T. Rabczuk: Crack and Damage Identification in Piezoelectric Structures, 9th International Workshop on Piezoelectricity, 2013.