Dr.-Ing. Long Nguyen Tuan
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Marienstr. 15, Raum 012
Tel: +49 (0) 3643 / 58 45 12
E-Mail: long.nguyen.tuan[at]uni-weimar.de
Academic CV
2020 - present | Postdoctoral research, Institute of Structural Mechanics and F.A. Institute of Material Sciences, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany |
2017 - 2020 | Postdoctoral research, F.A. Institute of Material Sciences, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany |
2015 - 2017 | Postdoctoral research, Institute of Structural Mechanics, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany |
2014 | Postdoctoral research, Chair of Foundation Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany |
2009 - 2014 | Doctoral study, Chair of Foundation Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany |
2006 - 2008 | Master study (M.Sc.), Department of Civil Engineering, Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar, Germany |
1997 - 2002 | Bachelor study, Department of Civil Engineering Hanoi Architectural University, Vietnam |
Research interests
- Static and dynamic numerical simulation of coupled problems in FEM, XFEM
- Simulation of the development of micro structure in cement hydration
- Optimization analysis: Particle Swarm Optimization, Adjoint, Level set
- Sensitivity analysis: local and global analysis
- Experiment in unsaturated soils
- Soil water characteristic curve: experiment and model development
- Landslide analysis
- Time Domain Reflectometry method
Research projects
- Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Entwicklung eines leistungsfähigen »Beton 2.0«
- DFG (LU1652-30-1 und LU1652-30-2): Wachstum und Porosität von C-S-H Phasen – Weiterentwicklung des ‚Sheet Growth‘ Modells und Kopplung mit experimentellen Ergebnissen (1H NMR, REM)
- DFG (LA 2869/4-1) Entwicklung und Analyse von Methoden zur Identifikation von korrelierten Parametern in Mehrfeldproblemen
- DFG (SCHA 675/17-1) Thermo-Säule-Projekt: Die Forschung analysiert ungesättigten Böden angewendet Puffermaterial im Rahme des gekoppelten thermo-hydro-mechanischen Verhaltens (2009 -2014 in Uni-Bochum)
- BMBF (Research Grant No. 02C1104) Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Langzeitverhalten von Abschlussbauwerken: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanisch-Chemisch gekoppelte Systeme
- Nguyen-Tuan, L.; Müller, M.; Ludwig, H.-M. & Lahmer, T. Dimitrovová, Z.; Biswas, P.; Gonçalves, R. & Silva, T. (Eds.) Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Imperfect Concrete Structures: XFEM Simulation and Experiments. Recent Trends in Wave Mechanics and Vibrations, Springer International Publishing, 2023, 178-188
- Nguyen-Tuan, L.; Etzold, M. A.; Roessler, C. & Ludwig, H.-M. Growth and porosity of C-S-H phases using the sheet growth model. Cement and Concrete Research, 2020, 129, 105960
- Naber, C.; Kleiner, F.; Becker, F.; Nguyen-Tuan, L.; Roessler, C.; Etzold, M. A. & Neubauer, J. C-S-H Pore Size Characterization Via a Combined Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)-Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Surface Relaxivity Calibration, Materials, MDPI AG, 2020, 13, 1779
- Nguyen-Tuan, L.; Nanthakumar, S. S. & Lahmer, T. Identification of multiple flaws in dams using inverse analysis based on hydro-mechanical XFEM and level sets. Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 110, 211 – 221
- Nguyen-Tuan, L., Koenke, C., Bettzieche, V. & Lahmer, T., 2018. Uncertainty assessment in the results of inverse problems: applied to damage detection in masonry dams. Int. J. Reliability and Safety, Band 12, pp. 2-23.
- Nguyen-Tuan, L., Könke, C. & Lahmer, T., 2018. Damage identification using inverse analysis for 3D coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical problems. Computers & Structures, Band 196, pp. 146-156.
- Schmidt, A., Nguyen-Tuan, L., Könke, C. & Lahmer, T., 2017. Polymorphic Uncertainty Modeling of Heterogeneous Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Systems under Vague Assumptions on Parameter Correlations. PAMM, Band 17, pp. 69-70.
- Alalade, M., Nguyen-Tuan, L., Wuttke, F. & Lahmer, T., 2017. Damage identification in gravity dams using dynamic coupled hydro-mechanical XFEM. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, pp. 157-175.
- Nguyen-Tuan, L., Koenke, C., Bettzieche, V. & Lahmer, T., 2017. Numerical modeling and validation for 3D coupled-nonlinear thermo-hydro-mechanical problems in masonry dams. Computers and Structures, Band 178, pp. 143-154.
- Nguyen-Tuan, L., Lahmer, T., Datcheva, M. & Schanz, T., 2016. Global and local sensitivity analyses for coupled thermo–hydro–mechanical problems. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Band 41, pp. 707-720.
- Thermo-hydro-mechanische 3-D-Simulation von Staumauern – Modellierung und Validierung, Wasserwirtschaft, 2016, 106, 27-30
- Nguyen-Tuan, L. et al., 2016. A novel parameter identification approach for buffer elements involving complex coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analyses. Computers and Geotechnics , Band 76, pp. 23-32.
- Schanz, T., Nguyen-Tuan, L. & Datcheva, M., 2013. A Column Experiment to Study the Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Expansive Soils. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Band 46, pp. 1287-1301.
- Schanz, T., Nguyen-Tuan, L. & Datcheva, M., 2012. Thermo-Hydro Mechanical Column Experiment to Study Expansive Soil Behaviour. s.l., Springer, pp. 125-130.
- Schanz, T., Baille, W. & Nguyen-Tuan, L., 2011. Effects of Temperature on Measurements of Soil Water Content with Time Domain Reflectometry. ASTM - Geotechnical Testing Journal, Band 34, pp. 1-8.