Aveiro can be easily reached from either Porto or Lisbon airports. While Lisbon has a wider range of international flights Oporto is a major hub for Ryanair. Aveiro is connected to both Oporto and Lisbon by high-speed trains (about 2 hours from Lisbon, about 30 minutes from Porto).
Both train stations are connected by subway to their respective airports. In case of Porto a suburban train is only marginally slower and quite cheap. Faro airport at the Algarve is further away, but well served with low-cost carriers (mainly from U.K.).
The Portuguese climate can be described as maritime temperature. It is cool and often rainy in the north, warmer and drier in the south. Average temperatures range between 8 and 14 degrees centigrade in January, while August temperatures vary between 17 and 30 degrees centigrade.
Aveiro enjoys the luxury of a cool sea breeze, even at the hottest times of the year.
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