Forecast Engineering - From past design to future decisions
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar presents special topics of Structural Engineering to highlight the broad spectrum of Civil and Structural Engineering in the field of modelling and simulation. Through a demanding series of lectures, seminars and project work these courses seek to impart knowledge and combine modern research with a practical context. Discussions and exchange of ideas with professors and other participants will enhance your personal experience. Additionally the courses offers excursions to building sites and leading companies as well as a diverse cultural programme in Weimar and Thuringia.
Course Topics
The special character of these courses are in the combination of basic disciplines of civil and structural engineering with applied research projects in the areas of steel and reinforced concrete structures, earthquake engineering, geotechnics as well as informatics and linking them to mathematical methods and modern tools of visualization. The broad spectrum of civil engineering in the field of modeling and simulation is highlighted here. Elaboration of interdisciplinary cooperation needs to solve complex engineering technically challenging questions.
Course 2017: August 21st to September 1st, 2017
Course 2018: August 20st to 31st, 2018
Course 2019: August 5th to 16th, 2019
The involvement of special keynote lectures provide the basis for the generation of partnerships as well as the development and common projects between all contributing project partners and experts. The exchange of experience and best practice is supported through the establishment of networks. Research projects could be discussed, experiences shared and existing networks tightened and extended. The results from several national and international projects will be included and the derived experiences and methodologies to solve the specific problems that are dealt with discussed. In addition, the participating students will be enabled to share their experiences, to discuss current research topics and to establish new, own networks. The courses provide very good opportunities to tighten existing and to discuss future cooperation. As part of the international summer school, participating students will have the opportunity to present their work in a special session and to defend their results in front of a broad scientific audience. Therefore, the participants are requested to submit an extended abstract and paper.
All participants have to prepare a final report concerning the project work and results. All presentations, as well as submitted papers by the participants will be/were disseminated to the participants of the summer school via USB-stick, which can be also freely ordered at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Submitted papers will be/are already published on the project website. The results are further disseminated to a wider audience apart from the partner institutions, since the summer school is an open course and several students participated from non-partner universities. Further, interested students and teachers from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar were invited and could participate in all lecturers of the summer school. Especially the participants can apply their learning outcomes in the frame of their master and PhD thesis. Additionally the results of the closely research related project topics will be used for the continuation of the running research project and publications.
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