The VT from the fire resistance test facility at the University of Aveiro, Department of Civil Engineering, depicts a fire resistance test, which was conducted on a gypsum plate wall. The objective of this test was to evaluate the integrity to flames, hot gases, and thermal insulation with respect to criteria of standard fire resistance classification. It is worth noting that the ambient conditions and test setup at this facility are not suitable for huge attendance, therefore, fire resistance tests are conducted under safety restrictions and only technical staff are allowed to audit experiments in person.
The VT of the fire resistance test has in total 13 scenes, including three 360-degree videos. The scenes are organized in a way that by moving around the virtual room, users can view time steps of the experiment as it has been conducted in real life (as a sequential view). Therefore, the VT begins at minute 0 (first scene) and ends after 77th minute (the last scene). A 360-degree video at the end of the test reviews the whole experiment that was conducted in 77 minutes in 7 minutes. The information hotspots embedded have above all the following functions:
The VT has been published in desktop and VR versions and have been provided to students. click here to view the tour ...
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