The virtual tour of the wind tunnel facility at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Institute of Wind Engineering and Fluid Mechanics (WiSt), has in total 14 scenes, i.e. Panoramas, which visualize the whole facility, from outside the building until inside the wind tunnel chamber. There are two different laboratory experiments introduced in this virtual tour, the boundary layer test of the grouped cylinders and the free-vibration and forced-vibration tests of the horizontal cylinder.
The tour includes hotspots that provide information to students such as:
Apart from the information hotspots, two scenes have been equipped with quiz hotspots to assess the interim knowledge of users about the presented VT content. Users can try quizzes as many time as needed, since quizzes are not defined as embedded assignment and will not be evaluated. The timer and score display are defined only for users to track their performance. Since users cannot move in real environment around, arrows on the ground and doors on the walls are defined as hotspots, which can take the user from one scene to another. The VT has been published in desktop and VR versions and have been provided to students. click here to view the tour ...
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