Konferenz- und Tagungsbeiträge

S. Bock: Rational monogenic functions in IH, J. Vigo-Aguiar (Ed.): Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering CMMSE, Rota/Cadiz (2018).

S. Bock: On generalized Kolosov-Muskhelishvili formulae for the finite cylinder, AIP Conference Proceedings 1978, 280002 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5043902.

S. Bock: On monogenic functions with line singularities, J. Vigo-Aguiar (Ed.): Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering CMMSE, Rota/Cadiz (2017).

T. Gebhardt, J. Hildebrand, W. Schwarz, S. Bock, S. Herzog, A. Almamou: Qualitätssicherung von Brückenbauwerken während der Fertigung und Montage sowie im Betrieb mit terrestrischem Laserscanning, Tagungsband zum 2. Brückenkolloquium: Beurteilung, Ertüchtigung und Instandsetzung von Brücken, Ostfildern/Stuttgart (21.-22. Juni 2016), S. 311-320.

S. Bock, K. Gürlebeck, D. Legatiuk: Convergence of the finite element method with holomorphic functions, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras (eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1558, 513 (2013).

S. Bock, K. Gürlebeck, D. Legatiuk: On the coupling between analytical and finite element solutions, (in) Interactions between real and complex analysis, (eds.) Le Hung Son and Wolfgang Tutschke, Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi 2012, pp. 3-19.

S. Bock, K. Gürlebeck, D. Legatiuk: On a special finite element based on holomorphic functions, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras (eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1479, 2012, pp. 765-768.

S. Bock, K. Gürlebeck: On an Orthonormal Basis of Solid Spherical Monogenics Recursively Generated by Anti-Holomorphic z-Powers, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras (eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1168, 2009, pp. 308-312.

S. Bock, K. Gürlebeck: On recurrence formulae of solid spherical monogenics, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras (eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1048, 2008, pp. 638-648.

S. Bock, K. Gürlebeck: On hypercomplex differential and primitivation operators with applications to representation formulae of linear elastostatics, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras (eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings 936:717-720, 2007.

S. Bock, K. Gürlebeck: A Coupled Ritz-Galerkin Approach using Holomorphic and Anti-Holomorphic Functions, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), Weimar, 12.-14. Juli 2006.

I. Cação, K. Gürlebeck, S. Bock: Complete Orthonormal Systems of Spherical Monogenics-A Constructive Approach, (eds.) Le Hung Son, W. Tutschke, S. Jain, (in) Methods of Complex and Clifford Analysis (Proceedings of ICAM Hanoi 2004), SAS International Publications.

S. Bock: Ein Algorithmus zur Schnittpunktbestimmung von kubischen Beziér-Kurven, Forum Bauinformatik 2004, Technische Universität Braunschweig.

S. Bock, M. I. Falcão, K. Gürlebeck: Applications of Bergman Kernel Functions, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), Weimar, 10.-12. Juni 2003.