Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Building Stock Survey

The lecture gives an overview about instruments, equipment and technologies for geographic information systems (GIS) and building stock survey. It covers advanced topics like reference coordinate systems, global map quality and availability of input data (geodetic, photogrammetric and remote sensing data).

The course is managed via the learning platform Moodle. All documents and further information can be found in the Moodle course Geographical information systems (GIS) and building stock survey.

Please notice: The materials for our lectures and exercises are only available through the network of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

  1. Organization, motivation, geodesy, history, shape of the earth, reference systems, geodetic networks (slides, print)
  2. Coordinate systems, water gauges, levelling network, map projections, GK/UTM, height reduction
  3. North definition, measures and units, ...
Earthwork computation
  1. Topographic survey, area levelling, tacheometric survey, DTM, contour lines, ... 
Tree-dimensional positioning
  1. Tacheometer, total station, laser scanner
  2. 3D positioning, GNSS, GPS signals, SAPOS, precise DGPS
  1. Stereoscopic measurement, interior and exterior orientation, calibration, relative and absolute orientation, bundle adjustment, elevation models, planar and differential rectification, orthophoto mosaics
GIS and cartography
  1. Official map series, basis map, topographic map, ATKIS, generalization, geodata and infrastructures, WMS/WFS, OpenStreetMap, OpenLayers, city models, virtual and augmented reality, location-based services
Change detection
  1. Image analysis, pixel- vs. object-based change detection, QGIS, mean shift segmentation, support vector machine classification