EIBURS Programme

The EIBURS Programme

The European Investment Bank provides research grants to EU University Research Centres working on research topics and themes of major interest to the Bank by the EIB University Research Sponsorship (EIBURS) Programme.

The EIB sponsorships are awarded through a competitive process to interested University Departments or Research Centres associated with Universities in the EU, Acceding or Accession Countries, with recognised expertise in areas of direct interest to the Bank. The sponsorship aims to expand their activities in these areas.

An EIBURS sponsorship will entitle the beneficiary to obtain up to € 100,000 per year, for a period of three years, in exchange for the commitment to develop additional activities to those normally carried out by the respective centre. These activities are jointly agreed and entail the delivery of a variety of outputs (research, education, networking, dissemination of results, etc.) that are the subject of a contractual agreement with the Bank.

The initiative on academic and research activities is expected to come from the University. The Bank could, however, propose some specific activities, in particular regarding research and continuous education involving EIB staff.


For more information on the EIBURS Programme, see link below
