Research Line 4

Research Line 4

Review and Transfer Stage

Coordination: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Research Line 4 of the proposed Research plan is titled „Draw recommendations for contemporary policy debates”. This seeks to answer the central research question:

What can we learn from past infrastructure experiences for current activities?

Our current economic and social order is tested by actual challenges, which came up in a variety of (former) public good sectors. Major economic sectors, like communication networks, public and individual transport systems, energy and water are in urgent need of either upgrades or put in question, if they can be provided in the used way in the future. This does not only concern physical infrastructure only, it also includes the financial system, health insurance or the social order itself.

The former conducted research activities, consisting of quantitative exploitation from statistical data, as well as qualitative assessment of individual case studies of (European) infrastructure provisioning and financing projects provide us with cross-sectional insights and knowledge. These results will put the consortium into the position of deriving recommendations for current infrastructure provisioning projects. In detail, the following industry sectors specific problems are addressed:


a. Nationwide provision and financing of high speed broadband infrastructure (according to the Digital Agenda)

b. Technology neutral or sustainable investments in communication infrastructure


a. Provision and financing of pan-European power grids

b. Resource efficient and sustainable power generation

Public transport:

a. Nationwide access and maintenance of public transport

b. Economic impacts of aviation innovation: hub-and-spoke vs. point-to-point

Health and Education Systems:

a. Public health and health insurance instances

b. Public vs. private education systems