Framed by the Exhibition »12th Homage to Morteza Momayez«, a curated selection of 42 Posters, 6 visual Experiments and 30 works by students of the graphic design class at the Faculty of Art and Design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and by Prof. Markus Weisbeck, Visual Communication, will be exhibited in Iranian Artists Forum from 24 November till 1 December 2017.
The SPACE FOR VISUAL RESEARCH was established at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in 2013 as a workshop and laboratory for experimental research into new graphic, abstract and visual worlds. The Space’s mission is to support the exploratory urge for new aesthetics, in particular by empowering design students to create their own individual imagery. The Space provides a set of specific experiments as starting points, ready to be questioned, interpreted and adapted in a progressive context that culminates in students’ devising and undertaking their own experiments.
The works will be exhibited at Exhibition Hall 2.
The work of Markus Weisbeck is concerned with the development and exploration of visual forms, taking the visual principles of academic-artistic teachings on modernism in the relevant schools, institutes and colleges of the 20th century as a base. Addressing the themes of composition aesthetics or composition gravitations, the methods of these teachings investigate experiments that can lead to the recovery of two- and three-dimensional topologies. Specifically these methods of modernity, as taught at Black Mountain College in Chicago and later the Ulm School of Design, subsequently gave rise to experiments towards form and composition libraries. Until now they form the base for design today and are deeply rooted in our collective visual consciousness. The studies are less a reference to modernity, but their methodologies should rather be understood as a departure from pure image as an artistic expression, regardless of an academic art or applied art education.
Prof. Weisbecks works will also be exhibited at Exhibition Hall 2.
Besides working for notable brands, Markus Weisbeck is increasingly busy in the fields of contemporary and performing arts, architecture, music and exhibition Weisbeck’s conceptual approach of design and strategy derives solely from the content of the enquirer and develops accordingly. Numerous projects were developed for non-specific areas and published as author-design.
42 Posters will be displayed at Exhibition Hall 1.
Presentation of works and lecture of Prof. Markus Weisbeck & the Space for Visual Research
24 November – 1 December 2017
Iranian Artists Forum, North Mousavi St, Taleqani St, Tehran
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