We are happy to welcome Yvonne Volkart during our annual exhibition for a lecture about »Technologies of the Ecological after the Anthropocene«. All interested people are welcome to join!
»Technologies of the Ecological after the Anthropocene«
Assuming that there is no escape of technology in our technosphere, the believe in technologies as tools for information and help is widespread in both technophile and critical discourses of the Anthropocene. Many artists use technologies like sensors and methods like Big Data to get in touch with what has been unknown for a long time. They try to »translate« earthbound signals into human perception, in order to deliver information and establish new relations between non-humans and humans. But what exactly do ecomedia and ecodata deliver/narrate? How do they affect us? Drawing on theories of media-ecology as well as on first results of the own research project Ecodata-Ecomedia-Ecoaesthetics this lecture discusses how ecomedia might enable (or not) participation and transversal thinking in the time after the Anthropocene.
About: Dr. Yvonne Volkart
teaches art theory at the Academy of Art and Design FHNW Basel. Since 2017 she has led the Swiss National Science Foundation research project »Ecodata – Ecomedia –Ecoesthetics« for which she is preparing the exhibition Eco_Visionaries in collaboration with Karin Ohlenschläger (LABoral, Gijon) and Sabine Himmelsbach (HeK, Basel). As of the end of 2017 she has been a contributor to the research project »The Internet of Other People’s Things« at Woosong University, Korea. Completed research projects include: »Times of Waste« (2015–2018) and »RhyCycling. Esthetics of Sustainability in the Basel Border Area« (2010–2012). From 2009 to 2012 Volkart was curator, together with Anke Hoffmann, at the Shedhalle Zürich. Recent publication: »From Trash to Waste. On Art’s Media Geology«, in: Texte zur Kunst, Dec. 2017.
» www.fhnw.ch/de/personen/yvonne-volkart
» times-of-waste.ch
Friday, 13 July 2018, 10 a.m.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Hauptgebäude, Oberlichtsaal
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8
99423 Weimar
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