Am Montag, 20. Juni 2016, 18 Uhr begrüßen wir Prof. Dr. Daniel Blanga-Gubbay (Academie Royale des Beaux Arts de Bruxelles) zu einem Vortrag unter dem Titel »A pillow that has only been slept on by the mayor of Nuremberg. Between production and deactivation through artistic practice«.
»A pillow that has only been slept on by the mayor of Nuremberg. Between production and deactivation through artistic practice«
Some years ago artist Jason Dodge took the decision to no longer date his works, preventing catalogues and exhibitions to add a date after his new works. In relation to this image, this lecture proposes a reflection on the (false) dichotomy between action and production in artistic creation. If it starts tracing back the idea of action – as might be Gustav Metzger 1977 art strike – as that which is able to escapes the logics of production by not objectify-able, it sheds a light on the limits of this operative ontology of Western-political philosophy, eventually disclosing a space towards a new use in the concept of desoeuvrement: not a production, but a deactivation.
Über Daniel Blanga-Gubbay:
Daniel Blanga-Gubbay is Professor at the Académie royale des Beaux Arts in Brussels and a researcher in political philosophy of the arts. He collaborates with the Kunstenfestivaldesarts and is the initiator of Aleppo, a Brussels-based independent research space in art and political theory creating every season a free and temporary Imaginary Schools around a specific topic. He graduated in philosophy from the Venice University of Architecture with Giorgio Agamben, and got a European Ph.D, jointly run by the University of Palermo, Valencia and Freie Unversität Berlin, working on the political use and evolution of the concept of the possible.
Montag, 20. Juni 2016, 18 Uhr
Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
Van-de-Velde-Werkstatt, Raum 116
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7
99423 Weimar
Vortrag im Rahmen des Studiengangs PhD Kunst und Design/Freie Kunst/Medienkunst
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