Visiting from San Francisco / New York City, Curator Lance Fung of Fung Collaboratives will be in town for a week to offer a presentation about his curatorial practice as well as the industry of Public Art. On Thursday, 23 November, 7 p.m., he will talk about »Creating Legacy Through Ephemerality«. The lecture is free and we hope to see you there!
Come listen to and meet curator Lance Fung of Fung Collaboratives. Fung is known for his groundbreaking exhibitions such as The Snow Show which explored the parallels and differences between the Art and Architectural Worlds and Lucky Number Seven the 7th SITE Santa Fe biennial. During the hour-long presentation, Fung will share some of his previous curatorial endeavors as well as upcoming projects (including NEXT100 in Weimar in 2019) through his casual and entertaining speaking style. Having worked in the Art World for almost thirty years, Fung will discuss the transformation of the art scene and entertain a robust question and answer period following his presentation.
Fung Collaboratives in the media:
Thursday, 23 November 2017, 7 pm.m
Faculty of Art and Design
Van-de-Velde-Werkstatt, room HP05
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7, 99423 Weimar
This lecture is presented by NEXT100, Fung Collaboratives and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
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