We are happy to welcome Oliver Sann (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) and Beate Geissler (University of Illinois Chicago) for their Performance-Lecture »Methadone« at the Facutly of Art and Design. All interested people are welcome to join!
Oliver Sann (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) und Beate Geissler (University of Illinois Chicago)
With their artistic research project, Beate Geissler and Oliver Sann narrate the larger context for the current opioid crisis, now bearing down on the Midwestern US. They trace its origins not simply in addiction and dereliction but draw out how this cycle of dependency and depression arises out of a nexus of factors playing out over public health systems, rural and urban divides, the pharmaceutical industry, racial tensions, and de-industrialization.
The project also challenges us to conceive substance dependencies beyond the definition of traditional opioids and so-called drug abuse as the possible core of our disastrous relationship to the planet. Is addiction a substantial mode of our existence? Today we encounter the global sense of a political, social and cultural relapse, a return to orthodox methods, residues from a time located at the beginning of the great acceleration. In toxicology, risk of an accidental overdose is at its highest during a relapse.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018, 7 p.m.
Faculty of Art and Design
Van-de-Velde-Bau, room HP05
99423 Weimar
The Performance-Lecture is part of the lecture series of the Fine Art department.
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