»Design without border« with Constantin Boym
Head of Industrial Design
Pratt Institute Brooklyn, New York
Thursday, 4 April, 2019
2 p.m.
Faculty of Art and Design
Van-de-Velde-Werkstatt, room 116
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7
99423 Weimar
»We live in the era of great connectedness. The world of young people, in particular, is a unified one, where music, fashion, games and social media have become a global infrastructure that stretches far beyond national borders. I do not know if New York as a physical place will continue to be a creative capital. But I think that the idea of New York will live on well into the future. The idea of a huge, messy, multinational space, where anything is possible.«
– Constantin Boym, Jun 24, 2017 in an interview of TL mag
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