Liz Bachhuber, Weimar
When artists integrate garbage into their work they construct an alternative economy that reveals culture’s mechanisms of devaluation and exclusion. Liz Bachhuber will show images of her sculpture and installation work with found objects and refuse as well as student work done in collaboration with the environmental engineers at the Bauhaus-University.
The "Bauhaus-Project" legacy promotes crossing disciplinary boundaries to investigate issues from a technical as well as an artistic point of view. Being good neighbors in a climate of mutual respect expands horizons and enhances tolerance of „the other“ for all participants. The disciplinary solutions are related but parallel responses to the same stimulus, based on a particular skill set.
However, our collaboration has evolved over time: in the current „Müll-Project IV“ art students are taught basic engineering principles and engineering students learn to see like artists through drawing and perceptual exercises. Only through an interdisciplinary approach will we be able to meet the ecological challenges of today’s globalized world.
Montag, 11. Dezember 2017, 19 – 22 Uhr, ACC Galerie
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