Sujatro Ghosh is a multidisciplinary, multilingual artist and activist from Kolkata, India. His art actively criticizes hegemonic power structures and institutionalized mechanisms of injustice. His investigation as an artist concentrates on queer rights, social justice issues, diasporic tensions and women’s rights. Sujatro believes in initiating a dialogue about social action through his work, which develops into a form of political protest that requires ‹othered› voices to be heard. This urgency to fight for justice, to bring a change, is what he wishes to convey through his practice. His intention is to use culture as a means to develop conversations around the overturning of mainstream ideas around gender, class and caste. Sujatro’s work has been a part of Kalmar Kunstmuseum, Atmospheres53, Head-On Festival, Auckland Festival of Photography Art and Contemporary Art, World Food Programme to name a few.
Eine Zusammenarbeit des MFA-Studiengangs «Public Art and New Artistic Strategies» der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung mit der ACC Galerie Weimar. Vortrag in englischer Sprache.
Montag, 16.Mai 2022
Wechsel zwischen Farb- und Schwarz-Weiß-Ansicht
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Wechsel der Hintergrundfarbe von Weiß zu Schwarz
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