Am Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2014, wird Trond Lundemo, zur Zeit Senior Fellow am IKKM, im Rahmen des Moduls »Godards Geschichte(n)« in einem Gastvortrag über »Godard as Historiographer« sprechen.
Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt, Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen.
For Godard, cinema is montage, and montage is a technique for articulating the past. The past is produced through juxtapositions and connections of many different kinds, and involves various media and art forms. Godard comments on his eight-piece video project Histoire(s) du cinéma (1988-1998) with the claim that only montage can produce historical connections, because history is always a matter of juxtaposing one thing with another. Godard treats history in the affirmative, while its image always comes too late, after the fact. Of course, the articulation of history is always after the fact. However, in Godard’s project the production of the past aims at a virtual past, one that was never realized: “To make a precise description of that which has not taken place is the work of the historian”. Which modes of historical articulations can result from which techniques of montage? Can this epistemological notion of montage offer alternative modes of production of the past compared to established historiography in written form?
Zeit: Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2014, 16 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum des IKKM, Cranachstr. 47, Weimar
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