Workshop am Graduiertenkolleg »Mediale Historiographien« am 5. und 6. Mai 2011
Ein Workshop am Graduiertenkolleg »Mediale Historiographien« zu den bewegten Bildern der Wissenschaften und den Schnittmengen von Filmwissenschaft und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2011
14 Uhr
Karl Sierek (Jena): Opening Remarks
14.30 Uhr
Vinzenz Hediger (Frankfurt/Main): Completely Useless Now: Film, Behavior, and Observation in the Post-Cinematic Age
15.30 Uhr
Janina Wellmann (Tel Aviv): Film in Early Embryology, 1900-1950
17 Uhr
David A. Kirby (Manchester): Fantastically Natural: Scientific Films as Special Effects in Contemporary Cinema
Evening Lecture
19 Uhr
Scott Curtis (Evanston): On Magnification
Freitag, 6. Mai 2011
10 Uhr
Jocelyn Szczepaniak-Gillece (Evanston): Spaces of Seeing: Scientific Visions in the »Neutralized« Movie Theater
10.45 Uhr
Alexander M. Thimons (Evanston): »A Panel of Experts«: Immediacy and Objectivity in 1950s Science Television
12 Uhr
Susanne Wagner (Weimar): Interface: Editing as Scientific Practice in Harun Farocki's Works
14 Uhr
Roundtable Discussion
Die Vorträge und Diskussionen finden in englischer Sprache statt.
Science studies and film studies have something in common: a growing interest in films made for scientific research, training, or education. Problems of scientific representation have preoccupied historians and philosophers of science for some time, but lately some have been intrigued by the role of moving images in articulating these issues. Meanwhile, historians and theorists of film have recently recognized the importance of science for a complete understanding of cinema, from its scientific origins to the popularity of scientific images in art and education. Yet so far, work on “science and film” has emphasized one side or the other of that equation, depending on the discipline: science studies generally focuse on the scientific context of production and consumption, while film studies emphasize the cinematic framework. Alone, neither approach is sufficient to study this complex and hybrid form. So this conference will bring to the Graduiertenkolleg a selection of leading scholars from these two disciplines in order to explicitly discuss questions of method and discipline in the study of moving scientific images and their role in the visual cultures of science, art, education, and entertainment.
Konzept: Scott Curtis (Department of Radio/Television/Film, Northwestern
University, Evanston; Gastwissenschaftler am GK Mediale Historiographien)
Informationen & Kontakt:
Daniel Eschkötter
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