
Demo Video CommonGround Synchronisation

Consensive has been working on the CommonGround Networking system, which reduces latencies. This is their first demo video (link). 

Workshop-Paper presented at MUM'23 in Vienna

We contributed a short paper to the workshop "Making A Real Connection: Pro-Social Collaborative Play in Extended Realities – Trends, Challenges and Potentials” at the Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (MUC) Conference in December 2023 in Vienna. Laura, Lina and Eva reported on initial findings from interviews with potential future users: "Staying in Touch with Friends, Family and Partners at a Distance through Social Activities in VR – but which Activities are Desired?". 

Laura presented the paper at the Workshop, which also was a nice chance to meet colleagues from the same BMBF program, and to discuss best practices and design principles for collaborative play in XR. 

Requirements analysis for VR applications with senior users

A senior VR user with a head-mounted display, sitting on a chair is instructed.
Requirements analysis at Mehrgenerationenhaus Weimar
... and Familienzentrum Erfurt.

In order to find out what requirements, wishes or concerns older users have for VR applications, we conducted interviews with groups of senior citizens. In order to get an impression of what is possible during VR interactions, they were invited to test some existing applications during the interviews. 

After initial reservations, almost everyone was enthusiastic about this new technology once they had tried it out and reported that they could imagine using it to keep in touch with grandchildren living far away from them. In this context, especially cultural activities like visiting a musem seem to be favored.