Prof. Dr. Ing. Eva Hornecker
Bauhausstr. 11/ R123 / DBL (B9a), R005
(Post: Bauhausstr. 11, 99423 Weimar)
Tel.: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 38 87
E-Mail: eva.hornecker[at]uni-weimar.de
Homepage: www.ehornecker.de
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter / Academic Staff

Margarita Osipova, M.Sc.
Bauhausstr. 11 / R121
99423 Weimar
email: margarita.osipova[at]uni-weimar.de
Tel. (office): +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 38 86
(stud. lab): .... 58 37 77

Jordi Tost, M.A.
External student BUW PhD program Fac. Art&Design, (ex) RA Univ. of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Interaction Design Lab. 2024: BUW Forschungswerkstatt Fellowship 'Futuring Machines'. From Oct '24: Guest Professor for Creative AI, Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd
E-Mail: jordi.tost(dot)val(at)uni-weimar.de
Büro: DBL, R005

Hannes Waldschütz, Dipl. Medienkünstler
Hausknechtstr. 7 / Bauhausstr. 11 R121
99423 Weimar
Projekt FluidData + Research/Teaching Assistant
Tel. (Büro): +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 3931
(DBL Interface Lab): ... / 58 35 53
E-Mail: hannes.waldschuetz[at]uni-weimar.de

Laura Simon, M.Sc.
Bauhausstr. 11 / R117
99423 Weimar
Project GROOVE
email: laura.simon[at]uni-weimar.de
Tel. (office): +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 38 ??

Rosa van Koningsbruggen (M.Sc.)
Hausknechtstr. 7
99423 Weimar
Projekt FluidData + Research/Teaching Assistant
Tel. (Büro): +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 3931
E-Mail: rosa.donna.van.koningsbruggen[at]uni-weimar.de
Assoziierte und Externe Mitglieder / Associated + External Members
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte / Tutors + Student Research Assistants
HCI Introduction Tutoren SS 2024
Sophie Zaton, Alisa Popp, Maike Adolph
Modellierung Tutoren WS 2024/25
Anton Maximilian Roediger
student researchers:
Alisa Popp + Tobias Friedel (GROOVE)
Ngoc Thai (FluidData and other research)
Adithi Mahesh, Supriya Dhakal (Future Cities)
Nicola Lea Libera, Gabriela Parra
(Futuring Machines)
Ehemalige (Mitarbeiter + Assoziierte) / Former Members

Julian Fietkau, M.Sc.
wiss. Mitarbeiter 2015-16
PostDoc an Universität der Bundeswehr München.
Web: http://www.julian-fietkau.de/

Anke von der Heide
Externer Kooperationspartner WS 2013-2018

Katta Spiel, M.Sc., Dr.
Assistant Prof. TU Wien. PhD in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Hornecker.
FWF Hertha-Firnberg scholar
E-Mail: katta(dot)spiel(at)tuwien.ac.at
Web: https://katta.mere.st

Loraine Clarke, M.Sc., PhD
PhD at University of Strathclyde, supervised by Prof. Hornecker. Lecturer in HCI at St. Andrews, Scotland, UK
E-Mail: lec24(at)st-andrews.ac.uk

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Patrick Tobias Fischer, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Research/Teaching Assistant, 2013-2018
Jun.Prof. for UX & Design, Uni Bamberg
Web: fischerkinder.de

Trevor Hogan, M.Sc., Dr. rer. nat.
Externe Promotion an der BUW 2016/17, Dozent am Cork Institute of Technology in Irland.
E-Mail: trevor(dot)hogan(at)cit.ie
Web: Tactile Data

Prof. Dr. Martin Kaltenbrunner
Promotion an BUW 2017 (Erstbetreuung Prof. Florian Echtler), Gast im SS 2017, Professor am Interface Culture Lab an University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria.
E-Mail: martin(dot)kaltenbrunner(at)ufg.at
Web: http://modin.yuri.at/

Research Intern from IIT Roorkee, India in SS 2017, Topic: Soft Robotics
(PhD 2023 at ATLAS Institute, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, now PostDoc at EPFL)
Web: http://purnendu.me/

Michaela Honauer (PhD)
PhD student and research/teaching assistant (2013-2022). PhD at SDU 2022. Professor of Design Research at ohm Technische Hochschule Nürnberg (2025). Web: mihoo.de
Ehemalige stud. wissensch. Hilfskräfte / Former student tutors + research assistants
Sara Elhassan, Mufleha Ovais, Konstantina Marra (research hiwis, FluidData 2023-24)
Sophie Zaton, Alisa Popp, Maike Adolph (tutors HCI SS 2024)
Sophie Zaton, Project GROOVE (2023-2024)
Fionn Erickson, Raphael Schwegler
(Tutor Modellierung WS 2020/21 + 21/22 + 22/23 + 23/24)
Nasim Aghamohammadian, Project FluidData (2023-2024)
Leslie Hugh Nielsen, Project FluidData (2021-2022)
Paul Ballack, Project RethiCare (2021-2022)
Arika Dodani, Project ReThiCare (2021-22)
Mira Thieme + Tobias Friedel, Project RethiCare (2020-2022)
Yazan Banna, Project ReThiCare (2020)
Sophie Grimme + Annika Richter, Projekt RethiCare (2019-2020)
Sophie Zaton, Tobias Friedel (Tutor HCI SS 2023)
Tobias Friedel, Laura Simon, Nico Brockmann (Tutor HCI SS 2022)
Klara Wichmann (Tutor HCI WS 2020/21)
Julien Breunig (Tutor HCI WS 2020/21)
Johanna Sacher (Tutor Modellierung 2017/18 + 18/19 + 19/20)
Christian Paffrath (Tutor Modellierung WS 2015/16, 16/17, 17/18, 18/19 + 19/20 + 20/21)
Phillip Mudavanhu (Tutor HCI WS 2019/20)
Lisa Guth (Tutor HCI WS 2018/19 + 19/20)
Sophie Grimme (Tutor HCI WS 2018/19)
Aziz Niyazov, Interface Development Lab (2018-19)
Hauke Sandhaus, Projekt ELIXIER (2016-2018)
Georg Erfurt, Projekt ELIXIER (2017)
Constantin Noack, Projekt ELIXIER (2017-2018), HCI-tutor 2018/19
Phil Hagen Jungschläger, Projekt ELIXIER (2017)
Anton Kliuyeu, Interface Development Lab (2017)
Elias Fahle, Interface Development Lab (2017)
Christopher Kopic, Interface Development Lab (2015-12016)
Marco Schmandt, Interface Development Lab (2015-Feb 2018)
Lucas Hübner + Marie Bornemann (Tutor HCI WS 2017/18)
Georg Erfurt + Mark Eisenberg (Tutor HCI WS 2016/17)
Anne Peter (Tutor Modelling Information Systems, WS 2016/17)
Jakob Herpel (Tutor Modelling Information Systems, WS 2015/16)
Gabriela C. Molina León + Lynn Hoff (Tutoren HCI, WS 2015/16)
Malik Al-Hallak (Tutor HCI, WS 2014/15)
Christoph Halang (Tutor HCI, WS 2013/14)
Preetha Moorthy (Tutor HCI Research 2015)
Felix Schmidt (Tutor Modelling Information Systems, WS 2014/15)
Tim Weißker (Tutor Modelling Information Systems, WS 2013/14, WS 2014/15)
Clement Welsch (Tutor Modelling Information Systems, WS 2013/14)