Media Systems for Children with Intellectual Disabilities

Project Supervisors Project Participants
  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich

  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf
  • Timo Göttel

  • Jonas Schild

Short Description

We developed an educational system for children with intellectual disabilities. By virtually imitating real-life situations we try to help those people not only in everyday life but also include some common scholastic problems. One of the most important everyday necessities is to go shopping in a supermarket.

Our concept includes the development of a virtual shopping scenario, which is controlled by a custom input device.

Papers and Documents

  • Groenewegen, S., Heinz, S., Huckauf, A., Froehlich, B.
    ProbonoWorld: Educating the Mentally Handicapped in a Virtual Environment using Props on a Board
    Eurographics Education Papers 2007, pp. 23–32, 2007.
    [abstract][preprint][talk][video1, video2, video3 (.divx)]
  • Schild, J., Göttel, T., Huckauf, A., and Fröhlich, B.
    ProBoNO - An Interaction Concept for Teaching Navigation and Orientation using Props on a Board. (2nd best paper award)
    Workshop Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR.
    [project page] [paper] [Talk] [video]