Media Systems for Children with Intellectual Disabilities - Software

Within the project "Media Systems for Children with Intellectual Disabilities", the developed software offers a visual representation of a virtual supermarket environment in which the user can navigate from a 1st-person perspective. It's also possible to select certain shelves and buy the containing products. There is also a counter where the user can end the shopping task and thus the program.


The screen is devided into four main areas:

At the top there is a shopping list where all those items are listed that need to be bought during the task.

The first-person-view is displayed in the centre of the screen. Here, hint and error messages are displayed as well.In the upper right hand corner is a small information window that offers a symbol and text according to the currently selected shelf.

Any item that has been collected is listed in the shopping cart at the bottom of the screen.



There are several modes of 3D-display... there are for visual selection feedback



A typical shopping action:
  1. the toilet paper shelf is selected

  3. as the button on the input device is pressed,
    an animation shows the product being added
    to the shopping cart

  4. you can now see an additional roll of paper
    in the shopping cart at the bottom of the screen.
    The number of rolls on the shopping list
    is decremented by 1.



After all items have been collected,
the user is supposed to go to the counter.
By clicking at the counter he can end his
shopping tour and the game.

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The Input Device