Dr. Marlon Miguel

Marlon Miguel is Co-Principal Investigator at the project Madness, Media, Milieus. Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. He holds a double PhD in Fine Arts (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis) and Philosophy (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). His PhD research focused on the work of Fernand Deligny and he is responsible for the organization and classification of Deligny’s archives stored at the Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine (IMEC). His most recent edition in this domain is Camérer. A propos d’images by Fernand Deligny with L’Arachnéen (edited together with with Sandra Alvarez de Toledo, Anaïs Masson, and Marina Vidal-Naquet), as well as Camering: Fernand Deligny On Cinema And The Image, Leiden University Press, 2022.

His current research focuses on the intersection between contemporary philosophy, art, anthropology, and psychiatry. He also practices contemporary circus and makes practical movement research. 


His current individual project proposes to critically inquire the notion of ‘disorder’ and to de-essentialize it, looking at the use of artistic media in alternative radical psychiatric practices such as those of François Tosquelles, Frantz Fanon, Fernand Deligny and Nise da Silveira. These figures propose to look at the individual's singular and concrete experience of suffering, their current state experienced, rather than their ‘condition’. They also displace the treatment from the figure of the psychiatrist towards the action of the milieu itself. Such practices were realized through a multifaceted use of media and material practices of mediation.

In collaboration with art critic Mário Pedrosa, Nise da Silveira insisted on the autonomy of form, paying close attention to the work of art, while simultaneously criticizing the rationality justifying the exclusion of the mentally ill. The ‘mad’ are seen neither outside modern art nor as a model of transgression, but, as Pedrosa puts it, ‘they see everything simultaneously from inside and from outside’. In a certain sense, da Silveira and Pedrosa anticipate Foucault’s well-known claim from The History of Madness that ‘there is no madness where there is work [of art]’.

  • Contemporary Philosophy
  • Psychoanalysis and (Anti)psychiatry
  • Structural Anthropology
  • Aesthetics
  • The Gesture in Contemporary Dance and Circus

Academic Employment

  • Since 02/2022 – Co-Principal Investigator of the Research Project “Madness, Media, Milieus. Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe” at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
  • 01/2020-01/2022 – Postdoctoral Researcher at CFCUL funded by FCT
  • 09/2018-01/2020 – Postdoctoral Fellow, ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry
  • 03/2016-08/2018 – Associated Researcher, Arts des images et art contemporain Laboratory Université Paris 8, March 2016-August 2018
  • 09/2014-02/2016 – Temporary teaching assistant and researcher, Université Paris 8
  • 09/2012-09/2014 – Teaching assistant, Université Paris 8, 2012-2014
  • 09/2011-08/2012 – Visiting scholar, University of Leipzig, 2011-2012


  • 2011-2016 – PhD with summa cum laude in Philosophy and Fine Arts at the Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Supervised by Prof. Dr. Catherine Perret
  • 2008-2011 – Degree in Philosophy, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
  • 2008-2010 – Master of Philosophy, Université Paris Nanterre and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • 2004-2008 – Bachelor of Philosophy
  • 2007-2008 – Bachelor in General and Comparative Literature and Media and Communication at University of Sorbonne, Paris IV

Research Expeditions

  • Classification, organization and establishing of Fernand Deligny Archives. Aires Lien Association, Cevennes (September 2014-May 2015) and Institut Mémoires de l’Édition Contemporaine (IMEC), Caen (several expeditions between June 2015-June 2018), France

Editorial Responsabilities

  • Co-creator and Co-Editor of the Fernand Deligny Online Platform: http://www.jur.puc-rio.br/encontrodeligny/

  • Co-editor of the Scientific Journal “Ao Largo”:    https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/rev_aolargo.php?strSecao=INDEX , Instituto Pró-Saber, Rio de Janeiro. Since 2015
  • Invited co-editor of the Scientific Journal “Poiesis”, number 24 December 2014: “Archive, memory and mimesis: Walter Benjamin,       http://www.poiesis.uff.br/p24/sumario24.html, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro

Fellowships and Awards

  • Postdoctoral funding (“Investigador júnior”). FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.’ (Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support CEECIND/02352/2017/CP1387/CT0006). Full-time research position
  • La tentative Deligny, École Universitaire de Recherche ArTeC. Scientific Grant for group project. 2019-2022
  • Fond de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Etudiantes (FSDIE) and Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires de Paris (Crous) cultural grant for theater project, Université Paris 8 and Créteil, 2013
  • Scholarship of the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) for Master studies, France, 2008-2011
  • 3 years full-time scholarship for Master studies, ENS degree and researching
  • Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Fellowship for German classes in the Goethe Institute, Berlin, 08-09/2010
  • Scientific Initiation scholarship, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil, 2006-2008

A comprehensive list of the project's publications, accompanied by download links, can be found here.

A. Books

1. Camérer. A propos d'images (2021), Édition établie par Sandra Alvarez de Toledo, Anaïs Masson, Marlon Miguel, Marina Vidal-Naquet, Paris: L´Arachnéen 2021.

2. Camering: Fernand Deligny on Cinema and the Image (2022), Introduced and Edited by Marlon Miguel, Translated by Sarah Moses, Leiden University Press, 2022.

3. Materialism and Politics (2021), ed. by Bernardo Bianchi, Emilie Filion-Donato, Marlon Miguel, Ayse Yuva, Berlin: ICI Berlin Press.

B. Papers and book chapters with peer review process

1. MIGUEL, M. (2024). ‘Inner World and Milieu. Art, Madness, and Brazilian Psychiatry in the Work of Nise da Silveira’, in Displacing Theory Through the Global South, ed. by Iracema Dulley & Özgün Eylül İşcen, Berlin: ICI Press, pp. 125–48, doi:10.37050/ci-29_09.

2. MIGUEL, M. (2023). "La Clinique de Nise da Silveira au Croisement de la Psychanalyse, de la Psychothérapie Institutionnelle et des Révolutions Psychiatriques", in Psychanalyse du reste du monde Géo-histoire d'une subversion, ed. by Sophie Mendelsohn & Livio Boni, Paris: La Découverte, pp. 567-584.

3. MIGUEL, M. (2023, republication). ‘Representing the World, Weathering its End: Arthur Bispo do Rosário’s Ecology of the Ship’, in Afterall, 54: Voicings, www.afterall.org/articles/representing-the-world-weathering-its-end-arthur-bispo-do-rosarios-ecology-of-the-ship/.

4. MIGUEL, M. (2023). ‘The Concrete Materialism of Fernand Deligny: Towards a Thought of the Human Milieu’, in Cultural Critique, 119: Spring 2023, 1-21, doi:10.1353/cul.2023.0011.

5. MIGUEL, M. (2022). "L’apprentissage du milieu : 'enfance inadaptée' et dispositif rééducatif", in Il faut éduquer les enfants… L’idéologie de l’éducation en question, ed. by Sophie Audidière and Antoine Janvier, Lyon : ENS Éditions, pp. 219-234, https://books.openedition.org/enseditions/41266

6. MIGUEL, M. (2021). “Symbiose et bi-polarité : pour une pensée de l'impureté”, in Fernand Deligny et la philosophie. Un étrange objet, ed. by Pierre-François Moreau, Michaël Pouteyo, Lyon : ENS Éditions, https://books.openedition.org/enseditions/39447

7. MIGUEL, M. (2021). “Mettre la vie en œuvre : autour de ‘La caméra outil pédagogique’”, in Camérer. A propos d'images (2021), Édition établie par Sandra Alvarez de Toledo, Anaïs Masson, Marlon Miguel, Marina Vidal-Naquet, Paris: L´Arachnéen 2021, pp. 341-348.

8. MIGUEL, M.  (2021). “Representar o mundo, sobreviver ao apocalipse. A ecologia marítima de Arthur Bispo do Rosário”, in Convocarte - Revista de Ciências da Arte, Nº: 11, Lisboa: CIEBA-FBAUL, Lisboa, pp. 118-145.

9. MIGUEL, M. (2021). “The Product of Circumstances: Towards a Materialist and Situated Pedagogy”, in Bernardo Bianchi, Emilie Filion-Donato, Marlon Miguel, Ayse Yuva (eds.), Materialism and Politics, Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, pp. 145-162, https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-20_08%3E

10. MIGUEL, M. (2020). “Lignes, cartes et caméras : Fernand Deligny et la tentative cévenole de prise en charge d’enfants autistes”, in Ahmed Nordine Touil & Michael Pouteyo (orgs.), Fernand Deligny, lignes et ricochets, Montpellier: Le Sociographe, hors-série, n° 13, pp. 71-91.

11. MIGUEL, M. (2020). “Representing the World, Weathering its End: Arthur Bispo do Rosário’s Ecology of the Ship”, in Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Arnd Wedemeyer (eds.), Weathering: Ecologies of Exposure, Cultural Inquiry, 17, Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, pp. 247–76 https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-17_12

12. MIGUEL, M. (2020). “Psychiatric Power: Exclusion and Segregation in the Brazilian Mental Health System”, in Bernardo Bianchi, Jorge Chaloub, Patricia Rangel, Frieder Otto Wolff (orgs.). Democracy and Brazil: Collapse and Regression, London: Routledge, pp. 250-267.

13. Fernando C.; MIGUEL, M.; Julia Naidin (2020). “Ruins and Erosion: Reflections on the CasaDuna project”, in Paradoxa, n° 31: Climate Fictions, ed. by Alison Sperling, pp. 311-319

14. MIGUEL, M. (2020). “Cartes, objets, installations : le problème de l’art dans la pensée et dans la pratique de Fernand Deligny”, in La part de l´Œil, number 33/34, Brussels, pp. 149-169.

15. MATOS, Sonia & MIGUEL, Miguel (2020). ‘Conversação sobre Fernand Deligny e o Aracniano’/ ‘Conversation about Fernand Deligny and The Arachnian’, in ETD – Educação Temática Digital, vol. 22, n. 2 (Campinas), pp. 498-516, DOI: 10.20396/etd.v22i2.8654857

16.  MIGUEL, M. (2019). "Pour une pédagogie de la révolte : Fernand Deligny, de la solidarité avec les marginaux au perspectivisme", in Cahiers du GRM, n° 14. Paris, Groupe de Recherches Matérialistes – Association. https://journals.openedition.org/grm/1696

17.  MIGUEL, M. (2018). “O maio de 68 francês: sentidos e recuperações” (The French May 68: meanings and captures). In: Direito Práxis, vol.9, n. 2, pp. 928-951. http://www.scielo.br/pdf/rdp/v9n2/2179-8966-rdp-09-02-928.pdf

18. Miguel, M. (2018). "O corpo das massas na era da reprodutibilidade técnica” (The body of masses in the age of mechanical reproduction). In: Kriterion, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, number 138, pp. 195-214. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0100-512X2018000100195&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en

19. Miguel, M. (2017). "Le matérialisme concret de Fernand Deligny: vers une pensée du milieu humain” (Fernand Deligny’s concrete materialism : towards a thinking of the human environment). In: Actuel Marx. Paris: PUF, number 62, 124-139.

20. Miguel, M. (2017). “Un monde d’archives : Fernand Deligny et les pratiques du langage expositif” (A world of archives : Fernand Deligny's practices on expository languages). In: Revue Marges. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, number 25: “Archives”, 121-141. https://www.cairn.info/revue-marges-2017-2-page-120.htm

21. Miguel, M. (2017). “Contra el humanismo, por lo humano: Fernand Deligny y la crítica del universalismo antropológico” (Against humanism, for the human: Fernand Deligny’s critique on the anthropological universalism). In: Imago Crítica, number 6: “EUROPA: CRISIS, IMAGINARIO Y RUINAS”. Barcelona: Anthropos, 125-138; Republished (2019), in Lobo Suelto!, Buenos Aires: Colectivo Situaciones. http://lobosuelto.com/deligny-contra-humanismo-marlonmiguel/

22. Miguel, M.; ROCHA, M. (2017). “Fernand Deligny, Spinoza e o ‘homem-que-nós-somos’” (Fernand Deligny, Spinoza and the ‘man-that-we-are’). In: Decimosegundo Coloquio: Spinoza y los otros. Cordoba: Editorial Brujas, 136-142.

23. Miguel, M. (2015). “Guerrilha e resistência em Cévennes. A cartografia de Fernand Deligny e a busca por novas semióticas deleuzo-guattarianas” (Guerilla and resistance in Cévennes. Fernand Deligny’s cartography and the research of new semiotics in Deleuze and Guattari). In: Revista Trágica. Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 8, number 1, 47-71.

24. Miguel, M. (2015). “Towards a new thinking on humanism in Fernand Deligny’s network”. In: Structures of Feeling: Affectivity and the Study of Culture. Berlin: De Gruyter, 187-196

25. Miguel, M. (2014). “Somewhere in the Cévennes Circa 1970. Experiencing Space and spacing experience in Fernand Deligny’s Network”. In: Experiencing Space - Spacing Experience: Concepts, Practices and Materialities. Giessen: GCSC-Series (WVT Trier), 111-127.

26. Miguel, M. (2008). “Nietzsche leitor de Spinoza: potência e vontade de potência” (Nietzsche reader of Spinoza: power and will of power). In: Spinoza: Quarto coloquio. Cordoba: Editorial Brujas, 107-116.

27. Miguel, M. (2007). “O modo finito na filosofia de Spinoza” (The finite mode in Spinoza’s philosophy). In: Spinoza : Tercer coloquio. Cordoba: Editorial Brujas, 81-90.

C. Papers without peer review process

1. MIGUEL, M. (2018) « Le matérialisme délignien – Introduction à la Rencontre ». In : Cadernos Deligny, volume 1, Publication de la Rencontre Fernand Deligny, pp. 4-10 (version en portugais) et pp. 11-17 (version en français). http://cadernosdeligny.jur.puc-rio.br/index.php/CadernosDeligny

2. Coelho Resende, N.; Miguel, M. (2015). “Fernand Deligny e o gesto da escrita: escrita-traçar, território comum e iniciativa popular” (Fernand Deligny and the gesture of writing: writing-tracing, common territory and popular initiative). In: Cadernos de Subjetividade. São Paulo: PUC, number 18, 137-149.

3. Miguel, M. (2015). “Por uma teoria das linhas” (A theory of lines). In: Carvalho, M.; Haddock-Lobo, R.; Kobol Fornazari, S. (orgs.). Filosofias da Diferença. São Paulo: ANPOF, 105-116.

4. Miguel, M. (2015). “Os dois lados da Inquisição: Deligny, ensaios de uma tentativa pedagógica” (The two sides of the inquisition: Deligny’s essays of a pedagogical attempt). In: Ao Largo. Rio de Janeiro: Pró-Saber, number 1. https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/25314/25314.PDF

5. Miguel, M. (2014). “Le moindre geste ou Infância em Cevennes por volta de 1960” (Le moindre geste or Cévennes childhood around 1960). In : Poiesis. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Federal Fluminense, number 24: “Archive, memory and mimesis: Walter Benjamin”), 93-109

6. Miguel, M. (2014). “La narration impossible: Un compte-rendu de La Septième face du dé de Fernand Deligny” (The impossible narrative: A review of Fernand Deligny’s La septième face du dé). In: Revue Europe. Paris, number 1020.

D. Translations

1. Deligny, F. (1947/2018). “Les vagabonds efficaces” (The efficient vagrants). São Paulo: n-1, 2018, 160p. Translation, notes and introduction by Marlon Miguel.

2. Deligny, F. (1980/2017). “O homem sem convicções” (The man without convictions). Ao Largo. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Pró-Saber, number 5. https://www.maxwell.vrac.puc-rio.br/32086/32086.PDF

3. Vidal-Naquet, M. (2017). “Política e poética da irreverência obstinada. Em torno do Homem sem convicções de Fernand Deligny” (Politics and Poetics the obstinated irreverence. Around Fernand Deligny’s The man without convictions). Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Pró-Saber, number 5.

4. Rancière, J.; Ogilvie, B.; Christ, J. (2017). “O que me interessa é tentar pensar em formas de travessia, ao largo e em diagonal, em relação ao trajeto normal dos saberes sociais” (What interests me is trying to think transversal forms of crossing regarding the normal trajectory of the social knowledges). Ao Largo. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Pró-Saber, number 4.

5. Perret, C. (2014) “Sonho de Arquivo” (Archive dream). Poiesis. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Federal Fluminense, number 24: “Archive, memory and mimesis: Walter Benjamin”, 25-34

E. Monographies

1. Miguel, M. (2016). À la marge et hors champ: l’humain dans la pensée de Fernand Deligny (In the margins and outside the scope: the human in Fernand Deligny’s thinking). PhD Dissertation, Summa Cum Laude. Université Paris 8, France, http://www.theses.fr/2016PA080020

Teaching (Selection)

  • Spring 2022: Pathology of Freedom: Colonialism and Psychiatry after Frantz Fanon. Lecture Series at Parrhesia: School of Philosophy, Berlin (together with Dr. Elena Vogman)
  • 09/2017: Fernand Deligny: Education and non-education, clinical practice and anthropological perspectivism, UFRGS, Brazil
  • 09-10/2016: The time-image (Deleuze) and Fernand Deligny’s Cinema, PUC-Rio, Brazil
  • 05/2016: Introduction into the work of Fernand Deligny: autism, cartography and clinic experimentation, Instituto Pró-Saber, Rio de Janeiro
  • Autumn 2015: Introduction into the work of Fernand Deligny II, Université Paris 8
  • Autumn 2015: The body of masses in the age of mechanical reproduction. On Brecht and Benjamin. Université Paris 8
  • Autumn 2014: Introduction into the work of Fernand Deligny I, Université Paris 8
  • Autumn 2014: Walter Benjamin’s actuality: a critique between art and politics, Université Paris 8
  • Autumn 2013: Reading A Thousand Plateaus, Université Paris 8
  • Autumn 2012: What is a theory of lines?, Université Paris 8
  • Autumn 2012: An incorporal materialism: Foucault, the archeology, the discourse and the enunciation, Université Paris 8
  • Autumn 2011: Two tendencies in the political philosophical French contemporary philosophy: the post-Marxist thinking and the liberal thinking after 1968 (Jacques Rancière, Claude Lefort, Marcel Gauchet, Pierre Clastres, Gilles Deleuze/ Félix Guattari), University of Leipzig (together with Aurélien Allard)