The series explores the role of digital media in environmental, social and governance issues from a decolonial and intersectional perspective. The goal is to start a dialogue to ensure that digital technology becomes a driving force for a better quality of life for everyone now and into the future.
»Equity at Bauhaus II: Media Edition« is curated by Dr. Irina Kaldrack and Dr. Isabel Vila Cabanes, and it takes place on Mondays from 18 to 19:30 hours at the Oberlichtsaal. Check the full programme at:
We welcome students, academic and non-academic members of the university as well as those interested in the topics at hand. All sessions will be in English.
Exit from Silicon Valley: ‘Survival of the Richest’
Dr. Laura Hille
Race & Gender in TV & Film Productions: Clichés, Stereotypes & Microaggressions
Arpana Aischa Berndt
Anti-Racist Practices in Media Studies
Prof. Dr. Jiré Emine Gözen
IT Security & the Aids Crisis: On Insecure Channels & Queer Safety
Dr. Mary Shnayien
Video Games & Dis-/Ability: En-/Disabling Modes of Digital Gaming
Prof. Dr. Beate Ochsner
Revolutionizing Media Cultures
Nelly Yaa Pinkrah
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