City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Brussels | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering | 2 | English/Dutch | Prof. Dr. Eva Hornecker |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Toronto | York University | School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design | 1 | English | Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Brno | Brno University of Technology | Faculty of Information Technology | 2 | English/Czech | Prof. Dr. Stefan Lucks |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Paris | Université Gustave Eiffel | Institut d’électronique et d’informatique Gaspard-Monge | 1 | French | Prof. Dr. Eva Hornecker |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Aveiro | Universidade de Aveiro | Department of Mathematics | 1 | Portuguese | Prof. Dr. Björn Rüffer |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Karlskrona | Blekinge Tekniska Högskola | Blekinge Institute of Technology | 1 | Swedish/English | Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich |
City | University | Faculty | Places | Language | Support |
Girona | Universitat de Girona | Escola Politècnica Superior | 2 | Spanish/Catalan | Prof. Dr. Charles Wüthrich |
Malaga | Universidad de Malaga | Departamento de Tecnologia Electronica | 2 | Spanish/English | Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich |
For further information on the application procedure and the organisation of your stay abroad please check the links below:
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