summaery2024: Projekte

What do cities have to do with human rights?


eingereicht von
Elizaveta Tuneva

Günsel Sentürk, Ishrat Shaheen, Martina Giannini, Nele Drews, Sofia Mauri, Sukriye Gizem Kozanoglu, Tin Chi Tsang

M.Sc. Anton Brokow-Loga

Architektur und Urbanistik,

Architektur (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Urbanistik (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
European Urban Studies (englischsprachig) (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Medienmanagement (Master of Arts (M.A.))

Art der Präsentation

Sommersemester 2024

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort
  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building
    (The 2nd floor, between the rooms 204 and 205)

Während der Öffnungszeiten der summaery verfügbar

Teilnahme an den Bauhaus.Modulen

Projekt im Netzwerk »Demokratie stärken«


"What do cities have to do with human rights?" is the Bauhaus.Module devoted to the topic of human rights at the local level. The aim of the seminar was to challenge the idea that human rights are just a matter for the United Nations or other high-level organizations that seem quite far from our daily life. During the seminar, we have been learning that cities and local civil society can also do a lot to ensure that human rights and sustainability goals are promoted and implemented on the municipal agenda.

In the final projects, students explored topics and issues related to human rights in Weimar, and what can be done to improve it. The exhibition shows the main findings, as well as invites visitors to share their ideas on the topic.

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort


Tour on the exhibition "What do cities have to do with human rights?" What do cities have to do with human rights?

Students will present their final projects on the topic of human rights in Weimar, focusing on accessibility, LQBTQIA+ rights, and challenges faced by non-EU students. Visitors are encouraged to ask questions and join the discussion.

  • Beginn: 13.00 Uhr
  • Ende: 14.30 Uhr
  • Ort: Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 - Hauptgebäude / Main Building, 2nd floor between the rooms 204 and 205.