summaery2024: Projekte

Auf Schriften Schreiben


eingereicht von
Marcel Saidov

Gastprofessorin Charlotte Rohde, M.A.

Kunst und Gestaltung

Visuelle Kommunikation (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)),
Visuelle Kommunikation (Master of Arts (M.A.))

Art der Präsentation

Sommersemester 2024

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort
  • Marienstraße 14
    (1 OG)

Während der Öffnungszeiten der summaery verfügbar


In this project, we will implement narrative into the tool of noting narratives: We will work with ornaments in typefaces. The ornament is an iconic tool of history writing, or less explicit, of contextual indication. Think of antique vases or mediaeval cathedrals:they were full of decoration and ornaments repeating stories of cultural significance, anchoring them in their time and documenting history. The object gets a function beyond its function. We will also create vessels that will be useful and meaningful: Focusing on Art Deco as well as Postmodernism & the Contemporary, we will investigate the Ornament/Iconography/Symbolism in type, art, architecture. We will also investigate the ornament as well as its (erased) position in the Bauhaus under a critical and intersectional feminist lense. 
The Goal of the class is to draw a display typeface that is ornamentalized in order to tell a story beyond the words it will spell. Either a formal, artistic or historic research documentation is expected as well as a physical object to correspond with your typeface.

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort