summaery2023: Projekte

Recesos Inevitables, Tránsitos Atemporales.


eingereicht von

John Patterson, Lucía González Gaitán, Camilo Londoño Hernández, Hala Masri, Natalia Castillo Rincón

Vert.-Prof. Ina Weise, Arijit Bhattacharyya, Lea Maria Wittich, Jirka Reichmann (Coordination)

Kunst und Gestaltung

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und neue künstlerische Strategien (englischsprachig) (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.))

Art der Präsentation

Sommersemester 2023

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort
  • Sophienstiftsplatz - kiosk.6

interessant für Kinder


RITA* hosts an interspace at Kiosk.6 in Weimar. A stop for resting walkers, lemonade drinkers and hospitable inquiry.

To stop is to cease, a command, a place; punctuation, a unit of aperture. Astrologically speaking, even our own perceptions of stillness are upended by the orbital trajectories which reveal time not through its own existence but as symptoms of its condition. Days and years are physiological gestures of rotation. Tendingly, rest stays at rest, motion stays in motion. Everything is going.

This project is not about departing or arriving, but about the creation of a middle space which constitutes a collective in transit, amidst the hustle-bustle, history-mystery, tourist-purists. The construction of the space comes together somewhere between walking and poetry. Is the sunset arriving or departing? Afternoon light moves under the crossroad’s tree and makes room for rest. Take time for recess. Words make us dance, translating nostalgia into happiness. Move the letters and stamp the stops to write a collective poem.

Between an invitation and an advertisement, the kiosk is a (stop) sign. Six square meters of summer. Come over. Come drink with us. Come dance with me.

Read more about the project at

* RITA is an acronym of artists which brings together cultural, familial, and individual histories to inform a shared grammar.

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort


VERNISSAGE: Recesos Inevitables, Tránsitos Atemporales. Recesos Inevitables, Tránsitos Atemporales.

The official opening of the exhibition. Lemonade will be served.

  • Beginn: 16.00 Uhr
  • Ende: 20.00 Uhr
  • Ort: Kiosk.6 Sophienstiftplatz Coudraystraße 3, 99423 Weimar