Join us for the next Alumni Meeting evening!
Thursday, June 2nd at 20:00
Coudraystrasse 11C, room 001
Prof. Dr. Tom Lahmer (ISM, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) will be talking about “Methods to Establish Flexible Designs in Engineering”.
At the end of the evening, we can profit from his experiences in his professional career, following the question: What comes after the PHD?
So that we can plan accordingly, please register and let us know that you are coming - please send an email with your name and faculty to:
hermann.koehler[at] until 26.05.2016.
For further activities of the International PhD-Network, please
We are looking forward to seeing you!
The International PhD Network of Bauhaus-University Weimar
(Bauhaus Reseach School and The International Office)
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